Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
Clinical and histopathological profile of oral cancer: a quadrennial analysis of Regional Cancer Centre of Odisha, India
2023 S. Panda, S. Panda, N. Mohanty, M. Giacomello, L. Colletti, C. Corradini, A. Greco Lucchina, F. Goker, C. Mortellaro, M. Del Fabbro, S. Panda
Surgical management of tegmen defects of the temporal bone and meningoencephalic herniation: our experience
2023 G. De Donato, E. Fuccillo, A.M. Saibene, E. Ferrari, G.C. Pipolo, A. Pisani, L. Colletti, A. Urbanelli, L. De Donato, G. Felisati
Optical coherence tomography application for assessing variation in bone mineral content: a preclinical study
2023 S. Khijmatgar1, S. Panda, R. Biagi, M. Rovati, L. Colletti, F. Goker, A. GRECO LUCCHINA, C. Mortellaro, M. DEL FABBRO
Clinical efficacy of grape seed extract as an adjuvant to scaling and root planing in treatment of periodontal pockets
2021 M. Das, A.C. Das, S. Panda, A. Greco Lucchina, R. Mohanty, B. Manfredi, M. Rovati, M.S. Giacomello, L. Colletti, C. Mortellaro, A. Satpathy, M. Del Fabbro
Effects of rapid maxillary expansion on hearing loss and otitis media in cleft palate children
2021 C. Rosso, L. Colletti, M. Foltran, A.M. Saibene, A. Pisani, E. Stefanoni, A. Scotti, G. Felisati, C.M. Meazzini
Evaluation of Arthrocentesis with hyaluronic acid injections for management of temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review and case series
2021 F. Goker, A. Russillo, S. Taschieri, A.B. Giannì, C. Mortellaro, L. Colletti, B. Manfredi, M. Rovati, R. Biagi, M. Del Fabbro
Dental implant survival rate in irradiated and non-radiated patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
2021 S. Gupta, C. Mortellaro, S. Panda, M. Rovati, M.S. Giacomello, L. Colletti, A. Greco Lucchina, M. Del Fabbro
Novel method of fitting of children with auditory brainstem implants
2018 M. Polak, L. Colletti, V. Colletti
Resorbable Mesh Cranioplasty Repair of Bilateral Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks Following Pediatric Simultaneous Bilateral Auditory Brainstem Implant Surgery
2017 G. Colletti, M. Mandalà, V. Colletti, A. Deganello, F. Allevi, L. Colletti
Nervus intermedius guides auditory brainstem implant surgery in children with cochlear nerve deficiency
2016 G. Colletti, M. Mandalà, L. Colletti, V. Colletti
Surgical visual reference for auditory brainstem implantation in children with cochlear nerve deficiency
2015 G. Colletti, M. Mandalà, L. Colletti, V. Colletti
The development of auditory perception in children after auditory brainstem implantation
2014 L. Colletti, R.V. Shannon, V. Colletti
Improved outcomes in auditory brainstem implantation with the use of near-field electrical compound action potentials
2014 M. Mandalà, L. Colletti, G. Colletti, V. Colletti
Vestibulotomy with ossiculoplasty versus round window vibroplasty procedure in children with oval window aplasia
2014 L. Colletti, M. Mandalà, G. Colletti, V. Colletti
The therapeutic dilemma of cochlear nerve deficiency : cochlear or brainstem implantation?
2014 L. Colletti, G. Colletti, M. Mandalà, V. Colletti
Effect of bluetooth headset and mobile phone electromagnetic fields on the human auditory nerve
2014 M. Mandalà, V. Colletti, L. Sacchetto, P. Manganotti, S. Ramat, A. Marcocci, L. Colletti
Auditory brainstem implantation after unsuccessful cochlear implantation of children with clinical diagnosis of cochlear nerve deficiency
2013 L. Colletti, E.P. Wilkinson, V. Colletti
Long-term outcome of round window vibrant soundbridge implantation in extensive ossicular chain defects
2013 L. Colletti, M. Mandalà, V. Colletti
Congenital aural atresia treated with floating mass transducer on the round window : 5 years of imaging experience
2012 M. Barillari, R. Cerini, M. Carner, C. Cacciatori, F. Spagnolli, N. Cardobi, M. Mandalà, L. Colletti, V. Colletti, R. Pozzi Mucelli
Auditory brainstem implants for neurofibromatosis type 2
2012 L. Colletti, R. Shannon, V. Colletti