Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria (attivo dal 23/02/2016 al 01/01/2022)
The effects of intradermal M. bovis and M. avium PPD test on immune-related mRNA and miRNA in dermal oedema exudates of water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
2021 C. Catozzi, V. Zamarian, G. Marziano, E.D. Costa, A. Martucciello, P. Serpe, D. Vecchio, C. Lecchi, E. De Carlo, F. Ceciliani
2020 C. Catozzi
In vitro effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on inflammatory functions of bovine monocytes
2020 G. Avila, C. Catozzi, D. Pravettoni, G. Sala, P. Martino, G. Meroni, C. Lecchi, F. Ceciliani
Cerumen microbial community shifts between healthy and otitis affected dogs
2020 G. Borriello, R. Paradiso, C. Catozzi, R. Brunetti, P. Roccabianca, M.G. Riccardi, B. Cecere, C. Lecchi, G. Fusco, F. Ceciliani, G. Galiero
Characterization of skin surface and dermal microbiota in dogs with mast cell tumor
2020 V. Zamarian, C. Catozzi, A. Cuscó, D. Stefanello, R. Ferrari, F. Ceciliani, O. Francino, A. Sánchez, V. Grieco, D. Zani, A. Talenti, P. Crepaldi, C. Lecchi
In-vitro effect of heat stress on bovine monocytes lifespan and polarization
2019 C. Catozzi, G. Ávila, V. Zamarian, D. Pravettoni, G. Sala, F. Ceciliani, N. Lacetera, C. Lecchi
Characterization of circulating miRNA signature in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) during Brucella abortus infection and evaluation as potential biomarkers for non-invasive diagnosis in vaginal fluid
2019 C. Lecchi, C. Catozzi, V. Zamarian, G. Poggi, G. Borriello, A. Martucciello, D. Vecchio, E. Decarlo, G. Galiero, F. Ceciliani
Impact of intramammary inoculation of inactivated Lactobacillus rhamnosus and antibiotics on the milk microbiota of water buffalo with subclinical mastitis
2019 C. Catozzi, A. Cuscó, C. Lecchi, E. De Carlo, D. Vecchio, A. Martucciello, L. D’Angelo, O. Francino, A.S. Bonastre, F. Ceciliani
MicroRNA Expression in Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Samples of Canine Cutaneous and Oral Melanoma by RT-qPCR
2019 V. Zamarian, C. Catozzi, L. Ressel, R. Finotello, F. Ceciliani, M. Vilafranca, J. Altimira, C. Lecchi
Short communication: Intra- and inter-individual milk microbiota variability in healthy and infected water buffalo udder quarters
2019 C. Catozzi, A. Cusco, C. Lecchi, A. Talenti, A. Martucciello, G. Cappelli, A.S. Bonastre, O. Francino, F. Ceciliani
The microbiota of water buffalo milk during mastitis
2017 C. Catozzi, A. Sanchez Bonastre, O. Francino, C. Lecchi, E. De Carlo, D. Vecchio, A. Martucciello, P. Fraulo, V. Bronzo, A. Cuscó, S. D'Andreano, F. Ceciliani