Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
ESR1 gene amplification and MAP3K mutations are selected during adjuvant endocrine therapies in relapsing Hormone Receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer (HR+ HER2- BC)
2023 L. Ferrando, A. Vingiani, A. Garuti, C. Vernieri, A. Belfiore, L. Agnelli, G. Dagrada, D. Ivanoiu, G. Bonizzi, E. Munzone, L. Lippolis, M. Dameri, F. Ravera, M. Colleoni, G. Viale, L. Magnani, A. Ballestrero, G. Zoppoli, G. Pruneri
Genomic and transcriptomic analyses of breast cancer primaries and matched metastases in AURORA, the Breast International Group (BIG) molecular screening initiative
2021 P. Aftimos, M. Oliveira, A. Irrthum, D. Fumagalli, C. Sotiriou, E. Nili Gal-Yam, M.E. Robson, J. Ndozeng, A. Di Leo, E.M. Ciruelos, E. de Azambuja, G. Viale, E.D. Scheepers, G. Curigliano, J.M. Bliss, J.S. Reis-Filho, M. Colleoni, M. Balic, F. Cardoso, J. Albanell, C. Duhem, S. Marreaud, D. Romagnoli, B. Rojas, A. Gombos, H. Wildiers, A. Guerrero-Zotano, P. Hall, A. Bonetti, K.F. Larsson, M. Degiorgis, S. Khodaverdi, R. Greil, A. Sverrisdottir, M. Paoli, E. Seyll, S. Loibl, B. Linderholm, G. Zoppoli, N.E. Davidson, O.T. Johannsson, P.L. Bedard, S. Loi, S. Knox, D.A. Cameron, N. Harbeck, M. Lasa Montoya, M. Brandão, A. Vingiani, C. Caballero, F.S. Hilbers, L.R. Yates, M. Benelli, D. Venet, M.J. Piccart
Preservation of quality of life in patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2–positive metastatic breast cancer treated with tucatinib or placebo when added to trastuzumab and capecitabine (HER2CLIMB trial)
2021 V. Mueller, A. Wardley, E. Paplomata, E. Hamilton, A. Zelnak, L. Fehrenbacher, E. Jakobsen, E. Curtit, F. Boyle, E. Harder Brix, A. Brenner, L. Crouzet, C. Ferrario, M. Muñoz-Mateu, H. Arkenau, N. Iqbal, S. Aithal, M. Block, S. Cold, M. Cancel, O. Hahn, T. Poosarla, E. Stringer-Reasor, M. Colleoni, D. Cameron, G. Curigliano, M. Siadak, K. Debusk, J. Ramos, W. Feng, K. Gelmon
Ultra-deep multigene profiling of matched primary and metastatic hormone receptor positive breast cancer patients relapsed after adjuvant endocrine treatment reveals novel aberrations in the estrogen receptor pathway
2020 G. Zoppoli, A. Garuti, A. Belfiore, G. Bonizzi, L. Ferrando, A. Vingiani, M. Colleoni, E. Munzone, L. Magnani, G. Viale, A. Ballestrero, G. Pruneri
Endocrine-responsive lobular carcinoma of the breast: features associated with risk of late distant recurrence
2019 F. Conforti, L. Pala, E. Pagan, G. Viale, V. Bagnardi, G. Peruzzotti, T. De Pas, N. Bianco, R. Graffeo, E.G. Rocco, A. Vingiani, R.D. Gelber, A.S. Coates, M. Colleoni, A. Goldhirsch
Preventing chemotherapy-induced alopecia : a prospective clinical trial on the efficacy and safety of a scalp-cooling system in early breast cancer patients treated with anthracyclines
2019 E. Munzone, V. Bagnardi, G. Campennì, K. Mazzocco, E. Pagan, A. Tramacere, M. Masiero, M. Iorfida, M. Mazza, E. Montagna, G. Cancello, N. Bianco, A. Palazzo, A. Cardillo, S. Dellapasqua, C. Sangalli, G. Pettini, G. Pravettoni, M. Colleoni, P. Veronesi
Pembrolizumab plus trastuzumab in trastuzumab-resistant, advanced, HER2-positive breast cancer (PANACEA): a single-arm, multicentre, phase 1b–2 trial
2019 S. Loi, A. Giobbie-Hurder, A. Gombos, T. Bachelot, R. Hui, G. Curigliano, M. Campone, L. Biganzoli, H. Bonnefoi, G. Jerusalem, R. Bartsch, M. Rabaglio-Poretti, R. Kammler, R. Maibach, M.J. Smyth, A. Di Leo, M. Colleoni, G. Viale, M.M. Regan, F. André, D. Fumagalli, R.D. Gelber, T. Goulioti, A. Hiltbrunner, R. Hui, H. Roschitzki, B. Ruepp, F. Boyle, R. Stahel, S. Aebi, A.S. Coates, A. Goldhirsch, P. Karlsson, I. Kössler, S. Fournarakou, A. Gasca, R. Pfister, S. Ribeli-Hofmann, M. Weber, D. Celotto, C. Comune, M. Frapolli, M. Sánchez-Hohl, H. Huang, C. Mahoney, K. Price, K. Scott, H. Shaw, S. Fischer, M. Greco, C. King, S. Andrighetto, M. Piccart-Gebhart, H. Findlay, M. Jenkins, V. Karantza, J. Mejia, P. Schneier
The use of breast imaging for predicting response to neoadjuvant lapatinib, trastuzumab and their combination in HER2-positive breast cancer : results from Neo-ALTTO
2018 S. Di Cosimo, C. Campbell, H.A. Azim, G. Galli, G. Bregni, G. Curigliano, C. Criscitiello, M. Izquierdo, L. de la Pena, D. Fumagalli, L. Fein, J. Vinholes, W.M.J. Ng, M. Colleoni, A. Ferro, B.J. Naume, A. Patel, J. Huober, M.J. Piccart-Gebhart, J. Baselga, E. de Azambuja
Axillary dissection versus no axillary dissection in patients with breast cancer and sentinel-node micrometastases (IBCSG 23-01): 10-year follow-up of a randomised, controlled phase 3 trial
2018 V. Galimberti, B.F. Cole, G. Viale, P. Veronesi, E. Vicini, M. Intra, G. Mazzarol, S. Massarut, J. Zgajnar, M. Taffurelli, D. Littlejohn, M. Knauer, C. Tondini, A. Di Leo, M. Colleoni, M.M. Regan, A.S. Coates, R.D. Gelber, A. Goldhirsch, F. Boyle, G. Jerusalem, R. Stahel, S. Aebi, M. Green, P. Karlsson, I. Kössler, I. Láng, A. Hiltbrunner, J. Bernhard, S. Fournarakou, R. Kammler, R. Maibach, M. Rabaglio, K. Ribi, H. Roschitzki, S. Roux, B. Ruepp, C. Mahoney, K. Price, L. Blacher, T. Scolese, K. Scott, S. Lippert, T. Zielinski, M. Mastropasqua, S. Andrighetto, P. Dell'Orto, G. Renne, G. Pruneri, S. Dellapasqua, M. Iorfida, G. Cancello, E. Montagna, A. Cardillo, G. Peruzzotti, R. Ghisini, A. Luini, U. Veronesi, M. Intra, O. Gentilini, S. Zurrida, G. Curigliano, F. Nole, R. Orecchia, M.C. Leonardi, P. Baratella, C. Chifu, M. Sargenti, D. Crivellari, S. Morassut, M. Mileto, E. Piccoli, A. Veronesi, M.D. Magri, A. Buonadonna, E. Candiani, A. Carbone, T. Perin, R. Volpe, M. Roncadin, M. Arcicasa, F. Coran, M. Lagrassa, A. Recalcati, M.E. Limonta, P. Tricomi, P. Fenaroli, E. Candiago, L. Cattaneo, A. Gianatti, D. Santini, S. Maweja, P. Delvenne, A. Rorive, J. Collignon, J. Garbay, M. Mathieu, H. Galatius, J. Hoffmann, P. Schousen, C. Lanng, J. Hoerby, B. Bruun Rasmussen, H. Holtveg, M. Moeller Talman, J.E. Abugattas, J.M. Cotrina, R. Dyer, J. Lindtner, E. Majdic, S. Frkovic-Grazio, C. Oehlschlegel, G. Ries, M. Töpfer, U. Lorenz, O. Schiltknecht, B. Späti, A. Ehrsam, M. Bamert, M. Egli-Tupaj, C. Rageth, E. Saurenmann, C. Tausch, R. Caduff, H. Moch, Z. Varga, D. Sarlos, E. Kralidis, R. Grobholz, O. Pagani, L. Bronz, M. Ghielmini, L. Mazzucchelli, T. Rusca, T. Gyr, L. Leidi, G. Caccia, D. Wyss, M.F. Fey, M. Müller, A. Günthert, G. Berclaz, A. Fleischmann, J.F. Delaloye, A. Treboux, H. Lehr, M. Fiche, L. Perey, L. Zaman, W. Jeanneret Sozzi, J. Forbes, D.F. Lindsay, D.F. Preece, J. Hill, P. Jeal, P. Smart, J. Collins, G.B. Mann, R. Millar, C. Murphy, M. Buchanan, A. Murugasu, J. French, E. Elder, L. Mann, D. Moon, A.M. Bilous, N. Pathmanathan, V. Howard, P.G. Gill, J. Kollias, M. Bochner, L. Madigan, E. Rippy, R. Whitfield, F. Farshidi, K. Moore, M. Sywak, L. Tan, W. Ross, K. Briscoe, A. Jones, A. Shah, E. Lim, R. Macindoe, A. Spillane, K. Moore, S.F. Bonar, H. Carmalt, R. West, C. Mak, P. Mckenzie, R. Harman, S. Gerred, E. Juhasz, S. Allpress, J. Craik, I. Campbell, P. Chin, L. Hayes, F. Mayall, M. Thorburn
Tailoring therapies-improving the management of early breast cancer : St Gallen International Expert Consensus on the Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer 2015
2015 A.S. Coates, E.P. Winer, A. Goldhirsch, R.D. Gelber, M. Gnant, M.J. Piccart-Gebhart, B. Thürlimann, H.J. Senn, F. André, J. Baselga, J. Bergh, H. Bonnefoi, H. Burstein, F. Cardoso, M. Castiglione-Gertsch, M. Colleoni, G. Curigliano, N.E. Davidson, A.D. Leo, B. Ejlertsen, J.F. Forbes, V. Galimberti, P. Goodwin, N. Harbeck, D.F. Hayes, J. Huober, C.A. Hudis, J.N. Ingle, J. Jassem, Z. Jiang, P. Karlsson, M. Morrow, R. Orecchia, C. Kent Osborne, A.H. Partridge, L. de la Peña, K.I. Pritchard, E.J.T. Rutgers, F. Sedlmayer, V. Semiglazov, Z. Shao, I. Smith, M. Toi, A. Tutt, G. Viale, G. von Minckwitz, T. Watanabe, T. Whelan, B. Xu
Lessons from the Fourth Metronomic and Anti-angiogenic Therapy Meeting, 24-25 June 2014, Milan
2014 G. Bouche, N. André, S. Banavali, F. Berthold, A. Berruti, G. Bocci, G. Brandi, U. Cavallaro, S. Cinieri, M. Colleoni, G. Curigliano, T. Di Desidero, A. Eniu, N. Fazio, R. Kerbel, L. Hutchinson, U. Ledzewicz, E. Munzone, E. Pasquier, O.G. Scharovsky, Y. Shaked, J. Štěrba, M. Villalba, F. Bertolini
Highlights from the 13th St Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2013 : access to innovation for patients with breast cancer: How to speed it up?
2013 G. Curigliano, C. Criscitiello, F. Andrè, M. Colleoni, A. Di Leo
Personalizing the treatment of women with early breast cancer : highlights of the st gallen international expert consensus on the primary therapy of early breast Cancer 2013
2013 A. Goldhirsch, E.P. Winer, A.S. Coates, R.D. Gelber, M. Piccart-Gebhart, B. Thürlimann, H.J. Senn, K.S. Albain, F. André, J. Bergh, H. Bonnefoi, D. Bretel-Morales, H. Burstein, F. Cardoso, M. Castiglione-Gertsch, A.S. Coates, M. Colleoni, A. Costa, G. Curigliano, N.E. Davidson, A.D. Leo, B. Ejlertsen, J.F. Forbes, R.D. Gelber, M. Gnant, A. Goldhirsch, P. Goodwin, P.E. Goss, J.R. Harris, D.F. Hayes, C.A. Hudis, J.N. Ingle, J. Jassem, Z. Jiang, P. Karlsson, S. Loibl, M. Morrow, M. Namer, C.K. Osborne, A.H. Partridge, F. Penault-Llorca, C.M. Perou, M.J. Piccart-Gebhart, K.I. Pritchard, E.J.T. Rutgers, F. Sedlmayer, V. Semiglazov, Z. Shao, I. Smith, B. Thürlimann, M. Toi, A. Tutt, M. Untch, G. Viale, T. Watanabe, N. Wilcken, E.P. Winer, W.C. Wood
Oral metronomic cyclophosphamide and methotrexate plus fulvestrant in advanced breast cancer patients: A mono-institutional case-cohort report
2012 G. Aurilio, E. Munzone, E. Botteri, A. Sciandivasci, L. Adamoli, I. Minchella, A. Esposito, D. Cullurã, G. Curigliano, M. Colleoni, A. Goldhirsch, F. Nolè
Low-dose aspirin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in breast cancer patients treated with infusional chemotherapy after insertion of central vein catheter
2007 G. Curigliano, A. Balduzzi, A. Cardillo, R. Ghisini, G. Peruzzotti, L. Orlando, R. Torrisi, S. Dellapasqua, L. Lunghi, A. Goldhirsch, M. Colleoni
Preoperative and perioperative chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil as continuous infusion in operable breast cancer expressing a high proliferation fraction : Cytotoxic treatment during the surgical phase
2003 M. Colleoni, G. Curigliano, I. Minchella, G. Peruzzotti, F. Nolè, G. Mazzarol, G. Renne, L. Orlando, A. Rocca, P. Veronesi, M. Intra, G. Viale, M.T. Sandri, G. Severi, A. Goldhirsch
Breast cancer at the end of a successful century: meeting highlights from the First Milan Breast Cancer Conference and discussion paper for the Second Conference (Milan, 14-16 June, 2000)
2000 U. Veronesi, A. Costa, S. Zurrida, A. Goldhirsch, M. Colleoni, S. Cinieri, H. Marsiglia, S. Gelber, M. Castiglione-Gertsh, J. Jellins, L. Cataliotti, V. Sacchini, J. Kurtz, J.M. Dixon, E. Orvieto, S. Braun, S. Siena