Dipartimento di Economia, Management e Metodi Quantitativi
TBTs, firm organization and labor structure
2023 G. BARBA NAVARETTI, L. Fontagné, G. Orefice, G. Pica, A.C. Rosso
Quality and Selection in Regulated Professions
2021 G. Basso, E. Brandimarti, M. Pellizzari, G. Pica
A peer like me? Early exposure to high achievers in math and later educational outcomes
2021 L. Pagani, G. Pica
TBTs, Firm Organization and Labour Structure
2020 G. BARBA NAVARETTI, L. Fontagné, G. Orefice, G. Pica, A.C. Rosso
Insurance between firms: the role of internal labor markets
2020 G. Cestone, C. Fumagalli, F. Kramarz, G. Pica
Complementarities between Labour Market Institutions and their Causal Impact on Youth Labour Market Outcomes
2020 N. O'Higgins, G. Pica
Correlating Social Mobility and Economic Outcomes
2018 M. Güell, M. Pellizzari, G. Pica, J.V. Rodríguez Mora
Long-term unemployment in Italy after the Great Recession
2016 F. Cingano, G. Pica, A. Rosolia
Employment Protection Legislation, Capital Investment and Access to Credit : evidence from Italy
2016 F. Cingano, M. Leonardi, J. Messina, G. Pica
Equilibrio del mercato del lavoro in concorrenza perfetta
2015 F. Drago, G. Pica
La regolamentazione del mercato del lavoro
2015 M. Leonardi, G. Pica
Manuale di economia del lavoro
2015 L. Cappellari, M. De Paola, M. Leonardi, M. Pellizzari, G. Pica
Youth unemployment in Italy
2015 M. Leonardi, G. Pica
Do transfer taxes reduce intergenerational transfers?
2014 T. Jappelli, M. Padula, G. Pica
The deep-pocket effect of internal capital markets
2013 X. Boutin, G. Cestone, C. Fumagalli, G. Pica, N. Serrano Velarde
Who pays for it? The heterogeneous wage effects of Employment Protection Legislation
2013 M. Leonardi, G. Pica
Quanto serve liberalizzare i servizi professionali?
2012 M. Pellizzari, G. Pica
Finance and employment
2012 M. Pagano, G. Pica
Professionisti in cerca di ordine
2011 M. Pellizzari, G. Pica
Who's afraid of a globalized world? Foreign Direct Investments, local knowledge and allocation of talents
2011 G. Pica, J.V. Rodríguez Mora