Dipartimento di Fisica Aldo Pontremoli
Three Stories, Three Toolkits: Magnetize Attention, Light up Coloured Ideas, Gas Fantasy into Science
2019 S.R. Barbieri, M. Giliberti
Inquiry based teaching: An experience with THE TEMI E.U. project
2018 I. D'Acunto, R. Capone, M. Giliberti, S. Barbieri, M. Carpineti
Vector potential at high school: a proposal for its introduction
2018 M. Cavinato, S. Barbieri, M. Giliberti
Some didactical suggestions for a deeper embedding of DC circuits into electromagnetism
2017 M. Cavinato, M. Giliberti, S..R. Barbieri
Teacher partecipants in the European Project TEMI practice the enquiry methodology in their classroom
2016 S.R. Barbieri, M. Carpineti, M.A.L. Giliberti
Guess the colour! : a mystery to approach the vision of the colours
2016 S. Barbieri, M. Carpineti, M. Giliberti
Enquiry for Physics Teachers Following the TEMI Methodology
2016 S.R. Barbieri, M. Carpineti, M.A.L. Giliberti
Enquiring the Higgs Mechanism: A Path for Teachers
2016 S.R. Barbieri, M.A.L. Giliberti
High School Students Face the Magnetic Vector Potential: some Relapses in their Learning and Tips for Teachers Dealing with Electromagnetism
2015 S.R. Barbieri, M. Giliberti
"Good Vibrations" : A workshop on oscillations and normal modes
2015 S.R. Barbieri, M. Carpineti, M. Giliberti, E. Rigon, M. Stellato, M. Tamborini
Good Vibrations : A Workshop on Oscillations and Normal Modes
2015 S.R. Barbieri, M. Carpineti, M. Giliberti, E. Rigon, M. Stellato, M. Tamborini
The European TEMI Project Involves Italian Teachers : First Outcomes
2015 S.R. Barbieri, M. Carpineti, M. Giliberti
Detecting anharmonicity at a glance
2014 M. Giliberti, M. Stellato, S. Barbieri, M. Cavinato, E. Rigon, M. Tamborini
The explicative power of the vector potential for superconductivity: a path for high school
2014 S. Barbieri, M. Giliberti, C. Fazio
Magnetic vector potential in secondary school: a teachers’ path
2014 M. Giliberti, M. Cavinato, S. Barbieri