DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA, CHIRURGIA E ODONTOIATRIA (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 26/04/2012)
Time sequence of bone healing around two implant systems in minipigs : preliminary histologic results
2009 D. Carmagnola, S. Abati, A. Addis, G. Ferrieri, M. Chiapasco, E. Romeo, G. Vogel
Theraphy of peri-implantitis with resective surgery : A 3-year clinical trial on rough screw-shaped oral implants, Part 1 : clinical outcome
2005 E. Romeo, M. Ghisolfi, N. Mugolo, M. Chiapasco, D. Lops, G. Vogel
Sopravvivenza a medio-lungo termine di impianti orali nel trattamento dfi edentulie parziali e complete. Studio prospettico a 7 anni con impianti ITI system. Implantologia
2005 E. Romeo, D.G. Lops, E. Margotti, M. Ghisolfi, M.F. Chiapasco, G. Vogel
Efficacia di collutori bifasici olio-acqua nel controllo dei composti volatili solforati orali. Valutazione strumentale
2004 S. Abati, P. Ottolina, G. Vogel
Long-term survival and success of oral implants in the treatment of full and partial arches: a 7-year prospective study with the ITI dental implant system
2004 E. Romeo, D. Lops, E. Margutti, M. Ghisolfi, M. Chiapasco, G. Vogel
Time sequence of bone healing around 2 implant systems in minipigs
2004 D. Carmagnola, S. Abati, M. Chiapasco, E. Romeo, G. Vogel
Implant-supported fixed cantilever prostheses in partially edentulous arches. A seven-year prospective study
2003 E. Romeo, D. Lops, E. Margutti, M. Ghisolfi, M. Chiapasco, G. Vogel
Implant-retained mandibular overdentures with ITI implants
2002 E. Romeo, M. Chiapasco, A. Lazza, P. Casentini, M. Ghisolfi, M. Iorio, G. Vogel
Long-term clinical effectiveness of oral implants in the treatment of partial edentulism. Seven-year life table analysis of a prospective study with ITI dental implants system used for single-tooth restorations
2002 E. Romeo, M. Chiapasco, M. Ghisolfi, G. Vogel
Vertical distraction osteogenesis of edentulous ridges for improvement of oral implant positioning: a clinical report of preliminary results
2001 M. Chiapasco, E. Romeo, G. Vogel
Implant-retained mandibular overdentures with Brånemark System MKII implants: a prospective comparative study between delayed and immediate loading
2001 M. Chiapasco, S. Abati, E. Romeo, G. Vogel
Behavior of implants in bone grafts or free flaps after tumor resection
2000 M. Chiapasco, S. Abati, G. Ramundo, A. Rossi, E. Romeo, G. Vogel
Perimplantiti a eziologia batterica. Il trattamento
1998 E. Romeo, S. Abati, E. Pauri, P. Stanoppi, M. Chiapasco, G. Vogel
Ortodonzia nell'adulto: approccio multidisciplinare
1998 G. Garattini, E. Romeo, G. Vogel
Behavior of implants in reconstructed mandibles after tumor resection
1998 M. Chiapasco, S. Abati, E. Romeo, G. Vogel
Perimplantiti a eziologia batterica : La diagnosi. Chirurgia preimplantare del mascellare superiore
1998 E. Romeo, S. Abati, E. Pauri, P. Stanoppi, M.F. Chiapasco, G. Vogel
Perimplantiti a eziologia batterica. La diagnosi
1998 E. Romeo, S. Abati, E. Pauri, P. Stanoppi, M. Chiapasco, G. Vogel
Tridimensional reconstruction of knife-edge edentulous maxillae by sinus elevation, onlay grafts, and sagittal osteotomy of the anterior maxilla: preliminary surgical and prosthetic results
1998 M. Chiapasco, E. Romeo, G. Vogel
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the subgingival plaque in HIV-serumpositive subjects
1996 S. Abati, E. Romeo, G. Vogel
Il controllo delle infezioni in odontoiatria
1994 S. Abati, G. Vogel