Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute
Beyond 30 years of universal anti-hepatitis B vaccination in Italy: Success and areas of improvement
2022 L. Romano', M.E. Tosti, A.R. Zanetti
Hepatitis B Vaccination: A Historical Overview with a Focus on the Italian Achievements
2022 L. Romano', A.R. Zanetti
The Italian Society of Rheumatology clinical practice guidelines for the management of large vessel vasculitis
2021 N. Ughi, R. Padoan, C. Crotti, S. Sciascia, G. Carrara, A. Zanetti, D. Rozza, S. Monti, D. Camellino, F. Muratore, G. Emmi, L. Quartuccio, S. Morbelli, K. El Aoufy, S. Tonolo, R. Caporali, S. De Vita, C. Salvarani, M.A. Cimmino
The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak on the safety and availability of blood transfusions in Italy
2020 M. Franchini, A. Farrugia, C. Velati, A. Zanetti, L. Romano', G. Grazzini, N. Lopez, I. Pati, G. Marano, S. Pupella, G.M. Liumbruno
Prevalence, incidence and residual risk of transfusion-transmitted hepatitis B virus infection in Italy from 2009 to 2018
2019 C. Velati, L. Romanò, I. Pati, G. Marano, V. Piccinini, L. Catalano, S. Pupella, S. Vaglio, E. Veropalumbo, F. Masiello, G. Pisani, G. Grazzini, A. Zanetti, G.M. Liumbruno
Hepatitis E in Italy : 5 years of national epidemiological, virological and environmental surveillance, 2012 to 2016
2018 V. Alfonsi, L. Romanò, A.R. Ciccaglione, G. La Rosa, R. Bruni, A. Zanetti, S.D. Libera, M. Iaconelli, P. Bagnarelli, M.R. Capobianchi, A.R. Garbuglia, F. Riccardo, M.E. Tosti, L. Ferrigno, S. Crateri, C. Galli, C. Tagliacarne, M.T. Giordani, E. Morelli, A. Vit, T. Bertin, S. Marinello, G. De Checchi, C. Zotti, V. Amprino, A. Rossati, A. Di Vito, C. Guidoni, D. Fiacchini, K. Marinelli, M. Loffredo, G. De Angelis, A. Citarella, A.S. Megnia
Prevalence, incidence and residual risk of transfusion-transmitted hepatitis C virus and human immunodeficiency virus after the implementation of nucleic acid testing in Italy: a 7-year (2009-2015) survey
2018 C. Velati, L. Romanò, V. Piccinini, G. Marano, L. Catalano, S. Pupella, G. Facco, I. Pati, M.E. Tosti, S. Vaglio, G. Grazzini, A. Zanetti, G.M. Liumbruno
Effectiveness of a smartphone app to increase parents' knowledge and empowerment in the MMR vaccination decision : a randomized controlled trial
2017 M. Fadda, E. Galimberti, M. Fiordelli, L. Romano', A.R. Zanetti, P.J. Schulz
Persistence of immunity 18–19 years after vaccination against hepatitis B in 2 cohorts of vaccinees primed as infants or as adolescents in Italy
2017 L. Romanò, C. Galli, C. Tagliacarne, M.E. Tosti, C. Velati, L. Fomiatti, M. Chironna, R.C. Coppola, M. Cuccia, R. Mangione, F. Marrone, F.S. Negrone, A. Parlato, C.M. Zotti, A. Mele, A.R. Zanetti, E. Spada, V. Alfonsi, A. Sallustio, R. Procacci, G. Masia, A. Meloni, S.L. Grande, C. Filippo, V. Gonfalone, R.M. Consagra, A. Russotto, D. Frangapani, G. Ulivieri, A. Nini, M. Maldini, G. Cafarelli, A. Giambersio, R. Alfieri, M.S.D. Santolo, E. Zamparo, E. Cacello, D. Montu’, A. Belloni
Validation of a scale to measure parental psychological empowerment in the vaccination decision
2017 M. Fadda, E. Galimberti, L. Romanò, M. Faccini, S. Senatore, A. Zanetti, P. Schulz
Frequency of respiratory virus infections and next-generation analysis of influenza A/H1N1pdm09 dynamics in the lower respiratory tract of patients admitted to the ICU
2017 A. Piralla, F. Rovida, A. Girello, M. Premoli, F. Mojoli, M. Belliato, A. Braschi, G. Iotti, E. Pariani, L. Bubba, A.R. Zanetti, F. Baldanti
Epatite B: declino della memoria immunologica in adolescenti immunizzati con vaccini esavalenti nel primo anno di vita : sono necessari richiami per mantenere la protezione a lungo termine?
2017 L. Romano', C. Galli, A.R. Zanetti
Safety and immune response to a challenge dose of hepatitis B vaccine in healthy children primed 10 years earlier with hexavalent vaccines in a 3, 5, 11-month schedule : an open-label, controlled, multicentre trial in Italy
2017 A. Zanetti, M.G. Desole, L. Romanò, A. D'Alessandro, M. Conversano, G. Ferrera, M.G. Panico, A. Tomasi, G. Zoppi, M. Zuliani, S. Thomas, B. Soubeyrand, C. Eymin, S. Lockhart
Seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus among blood donors in northern Italy (Sondrio, Lombardy) determined by three different assays
2017 C. Galli, L. Fomiatti, C. Tagliacarne, C. Velati, A..R. Zanetti, S. Castaldi, L. Romanò
Seroepidemiology of HEV and HAV in two populations with different socio-economic levels and hygienic/sanitary conditions
2017 M. Zuin, C. Caserta, L. Romano', A. Mele, A.R. Zanetti, R. Cannatelli, A. Giorgini, C. Tagliacarne, A. Amante, F. Marcucci, P.M. Battezzati
Acute hepatitis B after the implementation of universal vaccination in Italy : results from a 22-years surveillance (1993-2014)
2016 M.E. Tosti, V. Alfonsi, E. Lacorte, A. Mele, C. Galli, A.R. Zanetti, L. Romanò
Persistence of anti-HBs antibody and immune memory 18-19 years after vaccination against hepatitis B in Italy in two cohorts of individuals primed as infants or adolescents
2016 L. Romanò, C. Galli, C. Tagliacarne, M.E. Tosti, C. Velati, L. Fomiatti, A.R. Zanetti
Hepatitis E virus isolated from serological negative Swedish plasma donors belong to different genotype 3 subtypes
2016 C. Galli, E. Magnil, S. Lundström, P. Sikora, A. Zanetti, E. Ekvärn, H. Norder
Key Role of Sequencing to Trace Hepatitis A Viruses Circulating in Italy During a Large Multi-Country European Foodborne Outbreak in 2013
2016 R. Bruni, S. Taffon, M. Equestre, P. Chionne, E. Madonna, C. Rizzo, M.E. Tosti, V. Alfonsi, L. Ricotta, D. De Medici, S. Di Pasquale, G. Scavia, E. Pavoni, M.N. Losio, L. Romanò, A.R. Zanetti, A. Morea, M. Pacenti, G. Palù, M.R. Capobianchi, M. Chironna, M.G. Pompa, A.R. Ciccaglione
Hepatitis C virus outbreak in a haemodialysis unit: learning from failures
2016 S. Senatore, C. Galli, A. Conti, M. Faccini, S. Cantoni, G. Ciconali, G. Mainardi, A. Lamberti, R. Dighera, F. Radice Trolli, C. Oggioni, L. Angelini Sironi, M. Cozzolino, A.R. Zanetti, L. Romanò