Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Comparison among different plaque-inhibiting compounds
2008 G. Zanotti, M. Mastrodonato, S. Gariboldi, C. Rumio
Orthodontic treatment of periodontally involved teeth after tissue regeneration
2008 C. Ghezzi, S. Masiero, M. Silvestri, G. Zanotti, G. Rasperini
Fatigue in the masseter and temporalis muscles at constant load
2007 C. Sforza, G. Zanotti, E. Mantovani, V.F. Ferrario
Analisi 3d non invasiva in terapia ortodontica funzionale
2005 A. Colombo, C. Batia, G. Zanotti, G.M. Tartaglia
EMG assessment of fatigue in the masticatory muscles
2005 V.F. Ferrario, G. Zanotti, A. Pallavera, S. Bottini, S. Gaeta, D. Merlo
Three-dimensional anthropometry of the nose : landmark representation vs. surface analysis
2004 V.F. Ferrario, R. Peretta, F. Mian, R. Rosati, G. Zanotti
Soft tissue facial areas and volumes in subjects with Down syndrome
2004 C. Sforza, C. Dellavia, G. Zanotti, G.M. Tartaglia, V.F. Ferrario
Soft-tissue facial anthropometry in Down syndrome subjects
2004 V.F. Ferrario, C. Dellavia, G. Zanotti, C. Sforza
Maximal bite forces in healthy young adults as predicted by surface electromyography
2004 V.F. Ferrario, C. Sforza, G. Zanotti, G.M. Tartaglia