Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Effects of a selection of additives on in vitro ruminal methanogenesis and in situ and in vivo NDF digestibility
2015 M. Pirondini, S. Colombini, L. Malagutti, L. Rapetti, G. Galassi, R. Zanchi, G.M. Crovetto
Effect of dietary starch concentration and fish oil supplementation on milk yield and composition, diet digestibility, and methane emissions in lactating dairy cows
2015 M. Pirondini, S. Colombini, M. Mele, L. Malagutti, L. Rapetti, G. Galassi, G.M. Crovetto
2014 M. Pirondini
Methane emission from lactating cows fed diets with different forage base
2013 S. Colombini, L. Rapetti, G. Galassi, L. Malagutti, M. Pirondini, G.M. Crovetto
In vitro evaluation of several additives on rumen methanogenesis
2013 M. Pirondini, S. Colombini, L. Malagutti, L. Rapetti, G. Galassi, G.M. Crovetto
Evaluation of fermentative parameters, aerobic stability and in vitro gas production of whole crop maize silage treated with a microbial inoculant containing Pediococcus pentosaceus and Lactobacillus plantarum
2012 C. Rota, M. Pirondini, L. Malagutti, L. Rapetti
Methane yield from dry and lactating cows diets in the Po Plain (Italy) using an in vitro gas production technique
2012 M. Pirondini, L. Malagutti, S. Colombini, P. Amodeo, G.M. Crovetto
Effects of phytase on growth and slaughter performance, digestibility and nitrogen and mineral balance in heavy pigs
2012 L. Malagutti, S. Colombini, M. Pirondini, G.M. Crovetto, L. Rapetti, G. Galassi
Intestinal digestible protein balance and milk urea in lactating goats
2011 L. Rapetti, S. Colombini, M. Pirondini, C. Penati
Effects of phytase on growth performance, nitrogen and phosphorus balance in the heavy pig
2011 L. Malagutti, G.M. Crovetto, M. Pirondini, G. Galassi
Xylanase and benzoic acid in the fattening heavy pig : effects on growth performance and on nitrogen and energy balance
2010 L. Malagutti, S. Colombini, L. Rapetti, M. Pirondini, D. Magistrelli, G. Galassi