The role of nurse–patient mutuality on self‐care behaviours in patients with chronic illness
2024 S. Cilluffo, B. Bassola, K.S. Lyons, C.S. Lee, E. Vellone, G. Pucciarelli, M. Clari, V. Dimonte, M. Lusignani
Mutuality between nurses and patients with chronic illnesses: A cross-sectional descriptive study
2024 S. Cilluffo, B. Bassola, G. Pucciarelli, E. Vellone, M. Clari, V. Dimonte, M. Lusignani
Self-care behaviours and their determinants in people affected by coronary heart disease
2024 R. Di Matteo, T. Bolgeo, A. Dalmolin, B. Bassola, M. Lusignani, A. Maconi, L. Rasero, E. Vellone, P. Iovino
The association between mutuality and quality of life in adults with chronic illnesses and their nurses : actor-partner interdipendence model analysis
2024 S. Cilluffo, K. Lyons, B. Bassola, E. Vellone, G. Pucciarelli, M. Clari, V. Dimonte, M. Lusignani
Perceived knowledge on the ICNP© in undergraduate nursing students: the development of a scale
2023 V. Tommasi, B. Bassola, S. Alfieri, S. Cilluffo, M. Lusignani
Mutuality in nursing: A conceptual framework on the relationship between patient and nurse
2022 S. Cilluffo, B. Bassola, G. Pucciarelli, E. Vellone, M. Lusignani
L’utilizzo della Classificazione Internazionale per la Pratica Infermieristica (ICNP®) in ambito pediatricoe neonatale: revisione della letteratura = The use of International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) in pediatric and neonatal settings: literature review
2021 V. Tommasi, G. Vercesi, P. Sannino, B. Bassola, L. Plevani, S. Cilluffo, M. Lusignani
Mutuality in Motor Neuron Disease: A Mixed-Method Study
2021 S. Cilluffo, B. Bassola, M. Lusignani
Determinanti di salute nei migranti irregolari con patologie croniche: analisi degli accessi all’ambulatorio di una organizzazione non governativa [Health determinants in irregular migrants with chronic diseases: analysis of the accesses to the clinic of a non-governmental organization]
2020 L.G. Re, A. Nizzi Grifi, B. Bassola, M. Lusignani
Going inside the relationship between caregiver and care-receiver with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Italy, a Grounded Theory Study
2020 B. Bassola, S. Cilluffo, M. Lusignani
Stress Reduction Techniques for Health Care Providers Dealing With Severe Coronavirus Infections (SARS, MERS, and COVID-19) : A Rapid Review
2020 E. Callus, B. Bassola, V. Fiolo, E.G. Bertoldo, S. Pagliuca, M. Lusignani
Development and Validation of the Self-care in Motor Neuron Disease Index
2019 B. Bassola, A. Lizio, M. Lucchini, V. Sansone, M. Lusignani
Being Yourself and Thinking About the Future in People With Motor Neuron Disease : a Grounded Theory of Self-care Processes
2018 B. Bassola, V.A. Sansone, M. Lusignani
Self-car in people with motor neuron disease: an integrative review
2017 B. Bassola, M. Lusignani