Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Effect of vitamin D supplementation on assisted reproduction technology (ART) outcomes and underlying biological mechanisms: protocol of a randomized clinical controlled trial. The "supplementation of vitamin D and reproductive outcome" (SUNDRO) study
2019 A. Paffoni, E. Somigliana, V. Sarais, S. Ferrari, M. Reschini, S. Makieva, E. Papaleo, P. Viganò
Coagulation Status in Women With Endometriosis
2017 V. Paola, O. Jessica, V. Sarais, R. Giorgia, E. Somigliana, M. Candiani
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin as a Possible Mediator of Leiomyoma Growth during Pregnancy : Molecular Mechanisms
2017 V. Sarais, G.C. Cermisoni, M. Schimberni, A. Alteri, E. Papaleo, E. Somigliana, P. Vigano'
Is endometrioma-associated damage to ovarian reserve progressive? Insights from IVF cycles
2017 L. Benaglia, M. Castiglioni, A. Paffoni, V. Sarais, P. Vercellini, E. Somigliana
Estimating the Risk of Monochorionic Twins in IVF Pregnancies from the Perspective of a Prenatal Diagnosis Unit
2016 V. Sarais, A. Paffoni, G.M. Baffero, F. Parazzini, N. Persico, E. Somigliana
Predicting the success of IVF : External validation of the van Loendersloot's model
2016 V. Sarais, M. Reschini, A. Busnelli, R. Biancardi, A. Paffoni, E. Somigliana
Thyroid axis dysregulation during in vitro fertilization in hypothyroid-treated patients
2014 A. Busnelli, E. Somigliana, L. Benaglia, V. Sarais, G. Ragni, L. Fedele