Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
The Impact of Moderate Chronic Hypoxia and Hyperoxia on the Level of Apoptotic and Autophagic Proteins in Myocardial Tissue
2018 A. Gyongyosi, L. Terraneo, P. Bianciardi, A. Tosaki, I. Lekli, M. Samaja
Lack of acclimatization to chronic hypoxia in humans in the Antarctica
2017 S. Porcelli, M. Marzorati, B. Healey, L. Terraneo, A. Vezzoli, S.A.M. DELLA BELLA, R. Dicassilati, M. Samaja
Transdermal administration of melatonin coupled to cryopass laser treatment as noninvasive therapy for prostate cancer
2017 L. Terraneo, P. Bianciardi, E. Virgili, E. Finati, M. Samaja, R. Paroni
Comparative response of brain to chronic hypoxia and hyperoxia
2017 L. Terraneo, M. Samaja
Gestational diabetes affects fetal autophagy
2017 L. Avagliano, V. Massa, L. Terraneo, M. Samaja, P. Doi, G.P. Bulfamante, A.M. Marconi
Brain adaptation to hypoxia and hyperoxia in mice
2017 L. Terraneo, R. Paroni, P. Bianciardi, T. Giallongo, S. Carelli, A. Gorio, M. Samaja
Hemoglobin extravasation in the brain of rats exchange-transfused with hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers
2016 L. Terraneo, P. Bianciardi, A. Malavalli, G. Mkrtchyan, J. Lohman, M. Samaja, K.D. Vandegriff
Autophagy in normal and abnormal early human pregnancies
2015 L. Avagliano, L. Terraneo, E. Virgili, C. Martinelli, P. Doi, M. Samaja, G.P. Bulfamante, A.M. Marconi
In vivo hyperoxia induces hypoxia-inducible factor-1α overexpression in LNCaP tumors without affecting the tumor growth rate
2014 L. Terraneo, E. Virgili, A. Caretti, P. Bianciardi, M. Samaja
Antitumour activity of melatonin in a mouse model of human prostate cancer : relationship with hypoxia signalling
2014 R. Paroni, L. Terraneo, F. Bonomini, E. Finati, E. Virgili, P. Bianciardi, G. Favero, F. Fraschini, R.J. Reiter, R. Rezzani, M. Samaja
Impact of acellular hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers on brain apoptosis in rats
2014 K.D. Vandegriff, A. Malavalli, J. Lohman, M.A. Young, L. Terraneo, E. Virgili, P. Bianciardi, A. Caretti, M. Samaja
Novel strategies to deliver melatonin (in SLN and by cryo-laser therapy) to prostate cancer cells
2013 E. Finati, E. Virgili, L. Terraneo, F. Bonomini, P. Bianciardi, R. Rezzani, M. Samaja, R. Paroni
Impact of the phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase signaling pathway on the cardioprotection induced by intermittent hypoxia
2013 G. Milano, P.M. Abruzzo, A. Bolotta, M. Marini, L. Terraneo, B. Ravara, L. Gorza, M. Vitadello, S. Burattini, D. Curzi, E. Falcieri, L.K. von Segesser, M. Samaja
Expression of carbohydrate-antigen sialyl-Lewis a on colon cancer cells promotes xenograft growth and angiogenesis in nude mice
2013 L. Terraneo, L. Avagliano, A. Caretti, P. Bianciardi, D. Tosi, G.P. Bulfamante, M. Samaja, M. Trinchera
Protein modulation in mouse heart under acute and chronic hypoxia
2012 A. Viganò, M. Vasso, A. Caretti, V. Bravatà, L. Terraneo, C. Fania, D. Capitanio, M. Samaja, C. Gelfi, D. Capitanio
Impact of hemoglobin concentration and affinity for oxygen on tissue oxygenation : the case of hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers
2012 M. Samaja, L. Terraneo
Protein modulation in mouse heart under acute and chronic hypoxia
2011 A. Viganò, M. Vasso, A. Caretti, V. Bravatà, L. Terraneo, C. Fania, D. Capitanio, M. Samaja, C. Gelfi, D. Capitanio
LNCaP Prostate Cancer Growth In Vivo : Oncostatic Effects of Melatonin as compared to Hypoxia and Reoxygenation
2011 L. Terraneo, E. Finati, E. Virgili, G. Demartini, L. De Angelis, R. Dall'Aglio, F.L. Fraschini, M. Samaja, R.C. Paroni
Protein modulation in mouse heart under acute and prolonged hypoxia
2010 C. Gelfi, A. Vigano', M. Vasso, C. Fania, D. Capitanio, A. Caretti, L. Terraneo
Novel strategies to deliver melatonin (in SLN and as cryo-laser therapy) to prostate cancer cells in vivo
2010 R. Paroni, E. Finati, L. Terraneo, D. Oldani, G. Demartini, L. De Angelis, F. Fraschini, M. Samaja