Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
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Clinical Reasoning : a 35-year-old woman with hyperstartling, stiffness, and accidental falls : a startling diagnosis
2017 S.P. Russo, B. Fossati, M. Toffetti, J. Lanzone, R. Cardani, G. Meola
Electromechanical delay components during skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation : novel physiological insights and possible application in Myotonic Dystrophies
2014 F. Esposito, E. Cè, S. Rampichini, E. Limonta, B. Fossati, M. Toffetti, A. Veicsteinas, G. Meola
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | Tipo | File | Abstract |
Clinical Reasoning : a 35-year-old woman with hyperstartling, stiffness, and accidental falls : a startling diagnosis | 2017 | RUSSO, SILVIA PAOLAB. FossatiTOFFETTI, MAUROR. CardaniG. Meola + | Article (author) | - | |
Electromechanical delay components during skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation : novel physiological insights and possible application in Myotonic Dystrophies | 2014 | F. EspositoE. CèS. RampichiniE. LimontaB. FossatiM. ToffettiA. VeicsteinasG. Meola | Article (author) | - |