Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Ki-67 and presence of liver metastases identify different progression-risk classes in pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (pNEN) undergoing resection
2019 M. Milione, P. Maisonneuve, A. Pellegrinelli, P. Spaggiari, G. Centonze, J. Coppa, G. Delconte, M. Droz Dit Busset, O. Lanhazo, G. Pruneri, V. Mazzaferro
Dose-adjusted EPOCH plus rituximab improves the clinical outcome of young patients affected by double expressor diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
2019 A. Dodero, A. Guidetti, A. Tucci, F. Barretta, M. Novo, L. Devizzi, A. Re, A. Passi, A. Pellegrinelli, G. Pruneri, R. Miceli, A. Testi, M. Pennisi, M.C. Di Chio, P. Matteucci, C. Carniti, F. Facchetti, G. Rossi, P. Corradini
Integration of Transcriptional and Mutational Data Simplifies the Stratification of Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma
2019 F. Maura, L. Agnelli, D. Leongamornlert, N. Bolli, J. Chan, A. Dodero, C. Carniti, T.B. Heavican, A. Pellegrinelli, G. Pruneri, A. Butler, S.G. Bhosle, A. Chiappella, A. Di Rocco, P.L. Zinzani, F. Zaja, R. Piva, G. Inghirami, W. Wang, T. Palomero, J. Iqbal, A. Neri, P.J. Campbell, P. Corradini
OATPB1/B3 and MRP3 expression in hepatocellular adenoma predicts Gd-EOB-DTPA uptake and correlates with risk of malignancy
2018 A. Sciarra, S. Schmidt, A. Pellegrinelli, M. Maggioni, D. Dondossola, J. Pasquier, C. Cigala, D. Tosi, N. Halkic, G. Bulfamante, G. Viale, S. Bosari, C. Balabaud, P. Bioulac-Sage, C. Sempoux
Differential histopathologicparameters in colorectal cancer liver metastases resected after triplets plus bevacizumab or cetuximab: a pooled analysis of five prospective trials
2018 C. Cremolini, M. Milione, F. Marmorino, F. Morano, G. Zucchelli, A. Mennitto, M. Prisciandaro, S. Lonardi, A. Pellegrinelli, D. Rossini, F. Bergamo, G. Aprile, L. Urbani, L. Morelli, M. Schirripa, G. Cardellino, M. Fassan, G. Fontanini, F. de Braud, V. Mazzaferro, A. Falcone, F. Pietrantonio
Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Abernethy Malformation: A Rare Occurrence of Congenital Complete Portosystemic Shunt
2018 M. Virdis, M. Monteleone, C. Sposito, T. Cascella, A. Pellegrinelli, V. Mazzaferro
Whole Genome Sequencing Reveals Recurrent Structural Driver Events in Peripheral T-Cell Lymphomas Not Otherwise Specified
2018 F. Maura, N. Bolli, D. Leongamornlert, C. Carniti, A. Dodero, F. Abascal, A. Testi, B. Rodriguez-Martin, A. Pellegrinelli, G. Biancon, M. Magni, A. Chiappella, I. Martincorena, J.M.C. Tubio, G. Pruneri, P.J. Campbell, P. Corradini
Loss of succinate dehydrogenase subunit B (SDHB) as a prognostic factor in advanced ileal well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors
2017 M. Milione, P. Maisonneuve, A. Pellegrinelli, S. Pusceddu, G. Centonze, F. Dominoni, C.E. Brambilla, M. Rubino, A. Faggiano, R. Buzzoni, L. Concas, L. Giacomelli, J. Coppa, V. Mazzaferro, F. de Braud
Digital PCR assessment of MGMT promoter methylation coupled with reduced protein expression optimises prediction of response to alkylating agents in metastatic colorectal cancer patients
2017 A. Sartore-Bianchi, F. Pietrantonio, A. Amatu, M. Milione, A. Cassingena, S. Ghezzi, M. Caporale, R. Berenato, C. Falcomatà, A. Pellegrinelli, A. Bardelli, M. Nichelatti, F. Tosi, F. De Braud, F. Di Nicolantonio, L. Barault, S. Siena
Identification and characterization of a novel SCYL3-NTRK1 rearrangement in a colorectal cancer patient
2017 M. Milione, E. Ardini, J. Christiansen, E. Valtorta, S. Veronese, R. Bosotti, A. Pellegrinelli, A. Testi, F. Pietrantonio, G. Fucà, G. Wei, D. Murphy, S. Siena, A. Isacchi, F. De Braud
Efficacy of FOLFOXIRI plus bevacizumab in liver-limited metastatic colorectal cancer : a pooled analysis of clinical studies by Gruppo Oncologico del Nord Ovest
2017 C. Cremolini, M. Casagrande, F. Loupakis, G. Aprile, F. Bergamo, G. Masi, R. Moretto R, F. Pietrantonio, F. Marmorino, G. Zucchelli, G. Tomasello, G. Tonini, G. Allegrini, C. Granetto, L. Ferrari, L. Urbani, U. Cillo, P. Pilati, E. Sensi, A. Pellegrinelli, M. Milione, G. Fontanini, A. Falcone
Peripheral T-Cell Lymphomas Not Otherwise Specified: Potential Novel Molecular Entities Based on Both Tumor and Microenvironment Cellular Components
2016 F. Maura, L. Agnelli, A. Dodero, J. Iqbal, N. Bolli, C. Carniti, T. Heavican, J. Yu, E. Mereu, E. Pellegrino, A. Pellegrinelli, A.D. Cabras, A. Chiappella, A. Di Rocco, M. Ansuinelli, F. Zaja, U. Vitolo, W.C. Chang, R. Piva, A. Neri, P. Corradini
High-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous transplantation may overcome the poor prognosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients with MYC/BCL2 co-expression
2016 F. Maura, A. Guidetti, A. Pellegrinelli, A. Dodero, M. Pennisi, C. Caprioli, A. Testi, L. Farina, N. Bolli, L.F. Devizzi, A.D. Cabras, P. Corradini
Toward the molecular dissection of peritoneal pseudomyxoma
2016 F. Pietrantonio, F. Perrone, A. Mennitto, E.M. Gleeson, M. Milione, E. Tamborini, A. Busico, G. Settanni, R. Berenato, M. Caporale, F. Morano, I. Bossi, A. Pellegrinelli, M. Di Bartolomeo, F. de Braud, D. Baratti, W.B. Bowne, S. Kusamura, M. Deraco
Dose-Dense Temozolomide in Patients with MGMT-Silenced Chemorefractory Colorectal Cancer
2016 F. Pietrantonio, F. de Braud, M. Milione, C. Maggi, R. Iacovelli, K.F. Dotti, F. Perrone, E. Tamborini, M. Caporale, R. Berenato, G. Leone, A. Pellegrinelli, I. Bossi, F. Festinese, S. Federici, M. Di Bartolomeo
Analysis of different biological factors in patients affected by peripheral T-cell lymphomas not otherwise specified: GATA-3 expression is associated to refractory disease and poor outcome
2016 A. Dodero, F. Maura, A. Pellegrinelli, A. Chiappella, A. Cabras, P. Zinzani, D. Novero, F. Zaja, E. Sabbatini, S. Pizzolitto, C. Carniti, U. Vitolo, N. Bolli, P. Corradini
Deciphering intra-tumor heterogeneity of lung adenocarcinoma confirms that dominant, branching, and private gene mutations occur within individual tumor nodules
2016 G. Pelosi, A. Pellegrinelli, A. Fabbri, E. Tamborini, F. Perrone, G. Settanni, A. Busico, B. Picciani, M.A. Testi, L. Militti, P. Maisonneuve, B. Valeri, A. Sonzogni, C. Proto, M. Garassino, F. De Braud, U. Pastorino
Analysis of NSCLC tumor heterogeneity, proliferative and 18F-FDG PET indexes reveals Ki67 prognostic role in adenocarcinomas
2016 A. Del Gobbo, A. Pellegrinelli, G. Gaudioso, M. Castellani, F. Zito Marino, R. Franco, A. Palleschi, M. Nosotti, S. Bosari, V. Vaira, S. Ferrero
Juxtaglomerular cell tumor : multicentric synchronous disease associated with paraneoplastic syndrome
2013 D. Cucchiari, A. Bertuzzi, P. Colombo, R. De Sanctis, E. Faucher, N. Fusco, A. Pellegrinelli, P. Arosio, C. Angelini
Beta amyloid precursor protein and patterns of HIV p24 immunohistochemistry in different brain areas of AIDS patients
2001 M. Nebuloni, A. Pellegrinelli, A. Ferri, S. Bonetto, R. Boldorini, L. Vago, M.P. Grassi, G. Costanzi