Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
COVID-19 and dentistry : prevention in dental practice, a literature review
2020 F. Villani, R. Aiuto, L. Paglia, D. Re
Intraoperative ultrasonography (ioUS) characteristics of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) type II b
2019 F. Prada, A.G. Gennari, M. Del Bene, B.C. Bono, E. Quaia, L. D'Incerti, F. Villani, G. Didato, G. Tringali, F. Dimeco
Perineural fat grafting in the treatment of painful end-neuromas of the upper limb : a pilot study
2013 L. Vaienti, M. Merle, B. Battiston, F. Villani, R. Gazzola
Tuberous breast: Morphological study and overview of a borderline entity
2011 M. Klinger, F. Caviggioli, F. Klinger, F. Villani, E. Arra, L. Di Tommaso
Current applications and safety of autologous fat grafts: a report of the ASPS fat graft task force
2010 F. Villani, F. Caviggioli, S. Giannasi, M.E.A. Klinger, F. Klinger
Treatment of chronic posttraumatic ulcers using autologous fat graft
2010 M. Klinger, F. Caviggioli, V. Vinci, A. Salval, F. Villani
Parapharyngeal schwannoma treated by rhytidectomy approach = Neurinoma parafaringeo e ritidectomia
2010 F. Ottaviani, F. Caviggioli, F. Villani, F. Klinger
Use of rhytidoplasty techniques in parotidectomy
2010 M. Klinger, F. Villani, F. Caviggioli, A. Peri, F. Ottaviani
Fat graft before breast reconstruction by latissimus dorsi
2010 F. Villani, F. Caviggioli, F. Klinger, L. Maione, M. Klinger
Nipple resuscitation by lipostructure in burn sequelae and scar retraction
2010 F. Caviggioli, F. Villani, D. Forcellini, V. Vinci, M. Klinger
Bona fide primary Merkel cell carcinoma of an intraparotid lymph node in a HIV-positive patient
2010 F. Ottaviani, P. Capaccio, F. Villani, M. Banderali, G. Pruneri, M. Klinger, L. Pignataro
Anatomical variations of the occipital nerves : implications for the treatment of chronic headaches
2009 M.E.A. Klinger, P. Gaetani, F. Villani, F. Klinger, R. Rodriguez y Baena, D. Levi
Scar remodeling with adipose stem cells
2009 M.E.A. Klinger, F. Caviggioli, D. Forcellini, F. Villani
Ectodermal dysplasia with amastia: a case of one-step reconstruction
2009 M.E.A. Klinger, F. Caviggioli, B. Banzatti, C. Fossati, F. Villani
Scar remodeling following burn injuries
2009 M.E.A. Klinger, F. Caviggioli, F. Klinger, A.V. Pagliari, F. Villani, V. Bandi
Scar treatment by lipostructure
2009 F. Caviggioli, F. Klinger, D. Forcellini, B. Catania, A. Salval, V. Vinci, F. Villani, M.E.A. Klinger
2009 F.W. Baruffaldi Preis, A.V. Pagliari, F. Klinger, F. Villani, F. Caviggioli, A. Pacifici, D. Forcellini, V. Bandi, D. Macchi, B.P. Banzatti, S. Giannasi, A.D. Neuendorf
Rehabilitation of irradiated head and neck tissues by autologous fat transplantation
2009 F. Villani, F. Caviggioli, F. Klinger, M.E. A. Klinger
Correlation between complication rate and perioperative risk-factors in superior pedicle reduction mammaplasty: our experience in 127 patients
2009 F. Villani, F. Caviggioli, B. Banzatti, V. Bandi, L. Maione
Gynaecomastia and tuberous breast: assessment and surgical approach
2009 M.E.A. Klinger, F. Caviggioli, F. Villani, D. Forcellini, F. Klinger