Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Epidemiological shift of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase mutations in Northern Italy in the last 15 years
2021 L. Duca, I. Nava, D. Tavazzi, A. Marcon, I. Motta, G. Graziadei
Laboratory diagnosis of porphyria
2021 E. Di Pierro, M. De Canio, R. Mercadante, M. Savino, F. Granata, D. Tavazzi, A.M. Nicolli, A. Trevisan, S. Marchini, S. Fustinoni
UGT1A1 genotype does not affect tyrosine kinase inhibitors efficacy and safety in chronic myeloid leukemia
2019 A. Iurlo, C. Bucelli, D. Cattaneo, G.V. Levati, B. Viani, D. Tavazzi, D. Consonni, L. Baldini, M.D. Cappellini
How UGT1A1 genotype impacts on TKI efficacy and safety in chronic myeloid leukemia patients
2019 A. Iurlo, C. Bucelli, D. Cattaneo, G. Levati, D. Tavazzi, D. Consonni, L. Baldini, M.D. Cappellini
Circulating cell-free DNA and ineffective erythropoiesis in nontransfusion-dependent β-thalassemia
2018 D. Tavazzi, I. Motta, G. Graziadei, M. Sampietro, L. Duca, M.D. Cappellini
Seven novel genetic mutations within the 5 ' UTR and the housekeeping promoter of HMBS gene responsible for the non-erythroid form of acute intermittent porphyria (vol 49, pg 147, 2012)
2016 V. Brancaleoni, F. Granata, A. Colancecco, D. Tavazzi, M.D. Cappellini, E. Di Pierro
Seven novel genetic mutations within the 5′UTR and the housekeeping promoter of HMBS gene responsible for the non-erythroid form of acute intermittent porphyria
2012 V. Brancaleoni, F. Granata, A. Colancecco, D. Tavazzi, M.D. Cappellini , E. Di Pierro
Seven novel genetic mutations within the 5’utr and the housekeeping promoter of HMBS gene responsible for the non-erythroid form of acute intermittent porphyria
2012 F. Granata, V. Brancaleoni, D. Tavazzi, M..D. Cappellini, E. Di Pierro
New epidemiology of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency in Italy
2011 G. Graziadei, I. Nava, P. Delbini, D. Tavazzi, L. Duca, M.D. Cappellini
Aberrant methylation of oncosuppressor genes detected in the peripheral blood of patients with chronic hepatitis C and hepatocellular carcinoma
2011 M. Sampietro, A.L. Fracanzani, D. Tavazzi, A. Cespiati, C. Bertelli, D. Bignamini, L.V.C. Valenti, S.R. Fargion
Cell-free DNA (CFDNA) and ineffective erythropoiesis in thalassemia intermedia
2010 M. Sampietro, D. Tavazzi, C. Cesaretti, I. Nava, L. Duca, M.D. Cappellini
Hypermethylation of oncosuppressor genes in hereditary hemochromatosis
2010 M. Sampietro, A.L. Fracanzani, D. Tavazzi, C. Bertelli, R. Vaccaroli, R. Rametta, L.V.C. Valenti, S.R. Fargion
Porphyrias at a glance : diagnosis and treatment
2010 M. D. Cappellini, V. Brancaleoni, G. Graziadei, D. Tavazzi, E. Di Pierro
C-terminal deletion in the ALAS2 gene causes X-linked erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) despite of wild type fech gene
2009 V. Brancaleoni, E. Di Pierro, D. Tavazzi, M.D. Cappellini
C-terminal deletion in the ALAS2 gene and X-linked dominant protoporphyria
2009 E. Di Pierro, V. Brancaleoni, D. Tavazzi, M.D. Cappellini
Novel human pathological mutations. Gene symbol : CPOX. Disease : Coproporphyria
2009 S. Ausenda, E. Di Pierro, V. Brancaleoni, D. Tavazzi, M.D. Cappellini
C-terminal deletion in the ALAS2 gene and X-linked dominant protoporphyria
2009 V. Brancaleoni, E. Di Pierro, D. Tavazzi, C. Cesaretti, M.D. Cappellini
Cholelithiasis in thalassemia major
2009 R. Origa, R. Galanello, L. Perseu, D. Tavazzi, M.D. Cappellini, L. Terenzani, G.L. Forni, G. Quarta, T. Boetti, A. Piga
Clinical, biochemical and genetic characteristics of Variegate Porphyria in Italy
2009 E. Di Pierro, P. Ventura, V. Brancaleoni, V. Moriondo, S. Marchini, D. Tavazzi, F. Nascimbeni, M.C. Ferrari, E. Rocchi, M.D. Cappellini
Cell-free DNA in HCV-related cirrhosis and small hepatocellular carcinoma
2008 M. Sampietro, A.L. Fracanzani, L. Valenti, C. Bertelli, E. Fatta, D. Bignamini, D. Tavazzi, S. Fargion