Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
An innovative strategy to investigate microbial protein modifications in a reliable fast and sensitive way: A therapy oriented proof of concept based on UV-C irradiation of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
2023 S. Strizzi, L. Bernardo, P. D'Ursi, C. Urbinati, A. Bianco, F. Limanaqi, A. Manconi, M. Milanesi, A. Macchi, D. Di Silvestre, A. Cavalleri, G. Pareschi, M. Rusnati, M. Clerici, P. Mauri, M. Biasin
Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps: A Survey on Routine Management and Evaluation of Disease Control in Practice
2023 E. DE CORSO, G. Ottaviano, C. Pipolo, E. Cantone, D. Mattavelli, M. Alicandri-Ciufelli, D. Lucidi, M. Caminati, G. Senna, C. Cavaliere, A. Ghidini, S. Gallo, A. Macchi, S. Torretta, V. Seccia, M. Garzaro, G. Luca Fadda, M. Trimarchi, E. Pasquini, F. Pagella, F. Rikki Canevari, A. Preti, I. La Mantia, J. Galli
UV and violet light can Neutralize SARS-CoV-2 Infectivity
2022 M. Biasin, S. Strizzi, A. Bianco, A. Macchi, O. Utyro, G. Pareschi, A. Loffreda, A. Cavalleri, M. Lualdi, D. Trabattoni, C. Tacchetti, D. Mazza, M. Clerici
{UV}-A and {UV}-B Can Neutralize {SARS}-{CoV}-2 Infectivity
2021 M. Biasin, S. Strizzi, A. Bianco, A. Macchi, O.M. Utyro, G. Pareschi, A. Loffreda, A. Cavalleri, M. Lualdi, D.L. Trabattoni, C. Tacchetti, D. Mazza, M.S. Clerici
Thulium-laser retrograde intra renal ablation of upper urinary tract transitional cell carcinoma: an ESUT Study
2021 G. Bozzini, C. Gastaldi, U. Besana, A. Calori, S. Casellato, P. Parma, A. Pastore, A. Macchi, A. Breda, A. Gozen, A. Skolarikos, T. Herrmann, C. Scoffone, A. Eissa, M.C. Sighinolfi, B. Rocco, C. Buizza, E. Liatsikos
"Saturation target biopsies" : can reduction of biopsy cores maintain accuracy of MPMRI supported targeted and systematic trans-perineal prostate biopsies?
2017 A. Macchi, T. Lloyd, M. Czarniecki, T. Barrett, O. De Cobelli, E. Montanari, C. Kastner
One day surgery in the treatment of benign prostatic enlargement with thulium laser : a single institution experience
2015 L. Carmignani, A. Macchi, D. Ratti, E. Finkelberg, S. Casellato, S. Maruccia, C. Marenghi, S.C.M. Picozzi
Sexual outcome of patients undergoing thulium laser enucleation of the prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia
2015 L. Carmignani, G. Bozzini, A. Macchi, S. Maruccia, S. Picozzi, S. Casellato
Feasibility and outcomes regarding open and laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in patients with previous synthetic mesh inguinal hernia repair: meta-analysis and systematic review of 7,497 patients
2015 S.C.M. Picozzi, C. Ricci, L. Bonavina, D. Bona, R. Stubinski, A. Macchi, D. Ratti, E. Finkelberg, L. Carmignani
Are Histological Findings of Thulium Laser Vapo-Enucleation Versus Transurethral Resection of the Prostate Comparable?
2015 L. Carmignani, A. Macchi, D. Ratti, E. Finkelberg, S. Casellato, G. Bozzini, S. Maruccia, C. Marenghi, S. Picozzi
Is stone diameter a variable in the decision process of employing a ureteral stent in patients undergoing uncomplicated ureterorenoscopy and associated intracorporeal lithotripsy?
2013 S.C.M. Picozzi, C. Ricci, R. Stubinski, S. Casellato, D. Ratti, A. Macchi, G. Bozzini, L. Carmignani
Giant bladder stones
2013 S. Picozzi, A. Macchi, L. Carmignani
Do we really know the prevalence of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli in the territorial and nosocomial population?
2013 S. Picozzi, C. Ricci, M. Gaeta, A. Macchi, E. Dinang, G. Paola, M. Tejada, E. Costa, G. Bozzini, S. Casellato, L. Carmignani
Inverted papilloma of the bladder : a review and an analysis of the recent literature of 365 patients
2013 S. Picozzi, S. Casellato, G. Bozzini, D. Ratti, A. Macchi, B. Rubino, G. Pace, L. Carmignani
Upper urinary tract recurrence following radical cystectomy for bladder cancer: a meta-analysis on 13,185 patients
2012 S. Picozzi, C. Ricci, M. Gaeta, D. Ratti, A. Macchi, S. Casellato, G. Bozzini, L. Carmignani
A proposed new technique in prostate cancer tissue bio-banking: our experience with a new protocol
2012 L. Carmignani, S. Picozzi, S. Casellato, G. Bozzini, C. Marenghi, A. Macchi, L. Lunelli, B. Rubino, C. Clemente