Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Muoversi tra i margini. Intersezioni tra processi migratori e homelessness
2024 E. Fontanari, D. Leonardi, S. Antinori
The Temporalities of Non-deportability. Rejected Asylum-Seekers Trapped Between Labor Market Forces, Control, and Integration Policies
2024 I. Dimitriadis, E. Fontanari
Mobilità e gestione delle frontiere: l’impatto sui rifugiati all’interno dell’Unione europea
2023 E. Fontanari, C. Marchetti
Irregular Times. Refugees’ struggles for a temporal justice in the European im-mobility regime
2023 E. Fontanari
The Neoliberal Asylum. The Ausbildungsduldung in Germany: rejected asylum-seekers put to work between control and integration
2022 E. Fontanari
Germany, year 2020. The tension between asylum right, border control and economy: towards an imperative of deservingness
2022 E. Fontanari
Dentro e fuori l’accademia. Le sfide delle etnografie militanti nell’università neoliberale
2022 E. Fontanari
2021 M. Bojadzijev, J. Eckert, E. Fontanari, F. Mazzara, A. Mcnevin, M. Stierl, V. Squire, M. Tazzioli
Local “Battlegrounds”. Relocating Multi-Level and Multi-Actor Governance of Immigration = La politique migratoire comme « champ de bataille » (Battleground). Relocaliser la gouvernance multi-niveaux et multi-acteurs de l’immigration = Los «campos de batalla» locales (Battlegrounds). Reubicación de la gobernanza multinivel y multiactor de la inmigración. Revisión de la literatura
2021 I. Dimitriadis, M. Hajer, E. Fontanari, M. Ambrosini
2021 E. Fontanari, S. Scheel, V. Squire, M. Tazzioli
Obstructing lives: local borders and their structural violence in the asylum field of post-2015 Europe
2021 M. Artero, E. Fontanari
Time-out for the outsider refugees. Ten-years of im-mobility across EU borders and outside the reception systems
2021 E. Fontanari
Precarious Escapes: Participative research and collective knowledge production inside and beyond the academia
2019 E. Fontanari, C. Gaiaschi, G. Borri
Lives in Transit : An Ethnographic Study of Refugees’ Subjectivity across European Borders
2018 E. Fontanari
Dispersing their lives. Refugees kept on the move between Italy and Germany
2018 E. Fontanari
Into the Interstices: Everyday Practices of Refugees and Their Supporters in Europe’s Migration ‘Crisis’
2018 E. Fontanari, M. Ambrosini
Civil society on the edge: actions in support and against refugees in Italy and Germany
2017 E. Fontanari, G. Borri
Looking for Neverland : the experience of the group »Lampedusa in Berlin« and the refugee protest of Oranienplatz
2017 E. Fontanari
Refugee experiences in Europe. Subjectivity, surveillance and control
2017 E. Fontanari, B. Pinelli
Introduction. Civil society on the edge: actions in support and against refugees in Italy and Germany
2017 E. Fontanari, G. Borri