Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Diversity, integration, and variability of intergenerational relationships in old age: New insights from personal network research
2024 R. Vacca, F. Bianchi
Navigating disconnected social circles: experiences and personal networks of Latino/a adolescents in the U.S. rural South
2023 D. Fanfan, D. D'Ingeo, R. Vacca, J.-.R. Stacciarini
The structure of social support: a multilevel analysis of the personal networks of people with severe mental disorders
2022 F. Wyngaerden, R. Vacca, V. Dubois, V. Lorant
Resilience and fragmentation in healthcare coalitions: The link between resource contributions and centrality in health-related interorganizational networks
2022 E. Bohnett, R. Vacca, Y. Hu, D. Hulse, D. Varda
The Structure of Social Support: A Multilevel Analysis of the Personal Networks of People with Severe Mental Disorders
2021 F. Wyngaerden, R. Vacca, V. Dubois, V. Lorant
Organizational partnerships for a trauma-informed community: A community-wide social network study
2021 L.M. King, K. Lebeau, M. Hart, R. Vacca
Análisis de redes egocéntricas con R (IV). Análisis multinivel = Analysis of egocentric networks using R (IV). Multilevel analysis
2021 R. Vacca
Análisis de redes egocéntricas con R (III). Egoredes múltiples = Analysis of egocentric networks using R (III). Multiple ego-networks
2021 R. Vacca
Natural language processing and network analysis provide novel insights on policy and scientific discourse around Sustainable Development Goals
2021 T.B. Smith, R. Vacca, L. Mantegazza, I. Capua
The isolation paradox : A comparative study of social support and health across migrant generations in the U.S
2021 B. Bilecen, R. Vacca
Beyond ethnic solidarity : the diversity and specialisation of social ties in a stigmatised migrant minority
2021 R. Vacca, D. Canarte, T. Vitale
Great minds think alike, or do they often differ? Research topic overlap and the formation of scientific teams
2021 T.B. Smith, R. Vacca, T. Krenz, C. Mccarty
Análisis de redes egocéntricas con R (II). Una red egocéntrica = Analysis of egocentric networks using R (II). An egocentric network
2020 R. Vacca
Connecting the dots: implementing and evaluating a network intervention to foster scientific collaboration and productivity
2020 V. Leone Sciabolazza, R. Vacca, C. McCarty
Structure in personal networks : Constructing and comparing typologies
2020 R. Vacca
Transnationalism and belonging : The case of Moroccan entrepreneurs in Amsterdam and Milan
2020 G. Solano, R. Vacca, M. Gagliolo, D. Jacobs
Análisis de redes egocéntricas con R (I) : Introducción a R
2020 R. Vacca
Mapping research on hydropower and sustainability in the Brazilian Amazon : advances, gaps in knowledge and future directions
2019 S. Athayde, M. Mathews, S. Bohlman, W. Brasil, C.R. Doria, J. Dutka-Gianelli, P.M. Fearnside, B. Loiselle, E.E. Marques, T.S. Melis, B. Millikan, E.M. Moretto, A. Oliver-Smith, A. Rossete, R. Vacca, D. Kaplan
Conducting personal network research: a practical guide
2019 C. Mccarty, M.J. Lubbers, R. Vacca, J.L. Molina
Cross-classified Multilevel Models for Personal Networks : Detecting and Accounting for Overlapping Actors
2019 R. Vacca, J.-.R. Stacciarini, M. Tranmer