Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale
Robotic surgery and standard laparoscopy : a surgical hybrid technique for use in colorectal endometriosis
2013 D. Vitobello, N. Fattizzi, G. Santoro, R. Rosati, G. Baldazzi, C. Bulletti, V. Palmara
Impaired intrahepatic natural killer cell cytotoxic function in chronic hepatitis C virus infection
2012 S. Varchetta, D. Mele, S. Mantovani, B. Oliviero, E. Cremonesi, S. Ludovisi, G. Michelone, M. Alessiani, R. Rosati, M. Montorsi, M.U. Mondelli
History of cancer in first degree relatives of Barrett's esophagus patients : a case-control study
2011 A. De Ceglie, R. Filiberti, A. Blanchi, V. Fontana, D.A. Fisher, E. Grossi, T. Lacchin, M. De Matthaeis, O. Ignomirelli, R. Cappiello, D. Della Casa, M. Foti, F. Laterza, R. Rosati, V. Annese, G. Iaquinto, M. Conio
2011 R. Rosati, U. Fumagalli, S. De Pascale, M. Porta, M. Ceolin, S. Massaron
Transoral treatment of Zenker diverticulum: flexible endoscopy versus endoscopic stapling : a retrospective comparison of outcomes
2011 A. Repici, N. Pagano, U. Fumagalli, A. Peracchia, S. Narne, A. Malesci, R. Rosati
Barrett's esophagus : surgical treatments
2011 P. Parise, R. Rosati, E. Savarino, A. Locatelli, M. Ceolin, K.S. Dua, R.P. Tatum, I. Braghetto, C.P. Gyawali, R.A. Hejazi, R.W. Mccallum, I. Sarosied, L. Bonavina, E.B. Wassenaar, C.A. Pellegrini, B.C. Jacobson, C.L. Canon, A. Badaloni, G. del Genio
Long-term results of minimally invasive surgery for symptomatic epiphrenic diverticulum
2011 R. Rosati, U. Fumagalli, U. Elmore, S. De Pascale, S. Massaron, A. Peracchia
2010 C. Colavelli, M. Pastore, E. Morenghi, M. Coladonato, C. Tronconi, L. Rimassa, U. Fumagalli, R. Rosati, R. Doci, L. Cozzaglio
Adrenal metastases from adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction : adrenalectomy and long-term survival
2010 U. Fumagalli, S. De Carli, S. De Pascale, L. Rimassa, M. Bignardi, R. Rosati
Endoluminal fundoplication (ELF) for GERD using esophyX: a 12-Month follow-up in a single-center experience
2010 A. Repici, U. Fumagalli, A. Malesci, R. Barbera, C. Gambaro, R. Rosati
Preliminary results of transumbilical single-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy
2010 U. Fumagalli, C. Verrusio, U. Elmore, S. Massaron, R. Rosati
First human case of esophagus-tracheal fistula closure by using a cardiac septal occluder (with video)
2010 R. Repici, P. Presbitero, A. Carlino, G. Strangio, G. Rando, N. Pagano, F. Romeo, R. Rosati
Duodenal fistula after elective gastrectomy for malignant disease : an italian retrospective multicenter study
2010 L. Cozzaglio, M. Coladonato, R. Biffi, A. Coniglio, V. Corso, P. Dionigi, L. Gianotti, V. Mazzaferro, P. Morgagni, F. Rosa, R. Rosati, F. Rovello, R. Doci
Endoscopic submucosal dissection in patients with early esophageal squamous cell carcinoma : results from a prospective Western series
2010 A. Repici, C. Hassan, A. Carlino, N. Pagano, A. Zullo, G. Rando, G. Strangio, F. Romeo, R. Nicita, R. Rosati, A. Malesci
Exerese tharacoscopique de neoformations extra-muqueuse de l'oesophage: resultats a long terme
2009 U. Fumagalli, M. Guenzi, F. Battafarano, S. Bona, R. Barbera, R. Rosati
Ernie diaframmatiche non jatali
2009 R. Rosati, M. Montorsi
Laparoscopic rectal resection for cancer : effects of conversion on short-term outcome and survival
2009 M. Rottoli, S. Bona, R. Rosati, U. Elmore, P.P. Bianchi, A. Spinelli, C. Bartolucci, M. Montorsi
Long term sequelae after 1,311 primary inguinal hernia repairs
2008 S. Massaron, S. Bona, U. Fumagalli, P. Valente, R. Rosati
Are Surgisis Biomeshes Effective in Reducing Recurrences After Laparoscopic Repair of Large Hiatal Hernias?
2008 U. Fumagalli, S. Bona, M. Caputo, U. Elmore, F. Battafarano, A. Pestalozza, R. Rosati
Rendez-vous endolaparoscopico nel trattamento della calcolosi colecisto-coledocica
2008 R. Rosati, U. Fumagalli, S. Massaron, S. De Pascale, A. Repici, A. Malesci