Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
I nutraceutici e la salute orale
2022 M.G. Cagetti, C. Salerno, L. Strohmenger
Inequalities in caries among pre-school Italian children with different background
2022 G. Campus, F. Cocco, L. Strohmenger, T.G. Wolf, A. Balian, A. Arghittu, M.G. Cagetti
Caries severity and socioeconomic inequalities in a nationwide setting : data from the Italian National pathfinder in 12-years children
2020 G. Campus, F. Cocco, L. Strohmenger, M.G. Cagetti
National guidelines for dental diagnostic imaging in the developmental age
2019 M.C. Firetto, A. Abbinante, E. Barbato, M. Bellomi, P. Biondetti, A. Borghesi, M. Bossu', P. Cascone, D. Corbella, V. Di Candido, P. Diotallevi, G. Farronato, A. Federici, M. Gagliani, C. Granata, M. Guerra, A. Magi, M.C. Maggio, S. Mirenghi, M. Nardone, D. Origgi, L. Paglia, L. Preda, O. Rampado, L. Rubino, S. Salerno, A. Sodano, A. Torresin, L. Strohmenger
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) treated with orthodontic appliances in children : a new feasible approach
2018 A. Balian, A. Malerba, L. Strohmenger
Ruolo di zuccheri e altri edulcoranti nel mantenimento della salute dentale
2018 G. Bontà, G. Campus, L. Strohmenger, M.G. Cagetti
World Café at Summer School of WHO Collaborating Centre for Epidemiology and Community Dentistry
2018 G. Rossini, V. Concia, M.G. Cagetti, G. Campus, L. Strohmenger
La displasia ectodermica ipoidrotica in pediatria
2018 A. Balian, A. Malerba, L. Strohmenger
Computed tomography use in a large Italian region: trend analysis 2004-2014 of emergency and outpatient CT examinations in children and adults
2018 A. Pola, D. Corbella, A. Righini, A. Torresin, P. Colombo, L. Vismara, L. Trombetta, M. Maddalo, M. Introini, D. Tinelli, L. Strohmenger, G. Garattini, A. Munari, F. Triulzi
The burden of tooth loss in Italian elderly population living in nursing homes
2018 F. Cocco, G. Campus, L. Strohmenger, V. Cortesi Ardizzone, M.G. Cagetti
Are standardized caries risk assessment models effective in assessing actual caries status and future caries increment? A systematic review
2018 M.G. Cagetti, G. Bontà, F. Cocco, P. Lingstrom, L. Strohmenger, G. Campus
La valutazione del rischio di carie : un obiettivo ancora da raggiungere
2018 M.G. Cagetti, N. Camoni, L. Strohmenger
Effectiveness of the Service Mapping method in re-designing the bariatric surgery clinical pathway
2017 L. Loreggian, M.E. Sartor, L. Strohmenger, M.P.L. Rovati
Amelogenesis imperfecta in the deciduous dentition: effectiveness of a preventive approach
2017 A. Balian, A. Malerba, L. Strohmenger
OSAS in età prescolare: indicazioni terapeutiche ed efficacia clinica del trattamento con dispositivi elastodontici
2017 G. Piergallini, A. Balian, A. Malerba, E. Zambrelli, L. Strohmenger
Prevenzione e intercettamento precoce delle malocclusioni
2017 A. Balian, R. Mariano, G. Piergallini, A. Malerba, L. Mazzucchelli, L. Strohmenger
Trattamento ortodontico intercettivo con dispositivi elastomerici preformati: revisione della letteratura e casi clinici=Interceptive orthodontic treatment with elastomeric appliances: literature review and case reports
2017 C.G.M. Ricciardi, M.G. Cagetti, S. Cattaneo, Y. Qing Hu, L. Strohmenger
Does a social/behavioural gradient in dental health exist among adults? A cross-sectional study
2017 M. Arrica, G. Carta, F. Cocco, M.G. Cagetti, S. Sale, G. Ierardo, L. Strohmenger, L. Ottolenghi, G. Campus
The caries preventive effect of 1-year use of low-dose xylitol chewing gum. A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial in high-caries-risk adults
2017 F. Cocco, G. Carta, M.G. Cagetti, L. Strohmenger, P. Lingström, G. Campus
Design and validation of a DNA-microarray for phylogenetic analysis of bacterial communities in different oral samples and dental implants
2017 C. Parolin, B. Giordani, R.A. Ñahui Palomino, E. Biagi, M. Severgnini, C. Consolandi, G. Caredda, S. Storelli, L. Strohmenger, B. Vitali