Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Long-term follow-up in common variable immunodeficiency: the pediatric-onset and adult-onset landscape
2023 M. Carrabba, M. Salvi, L.A. Baselli, S. Serafino, M. Zarantonello, E. Trombetta, M.C. Pietrogrande, G. Fabio, R.M. Dellepiane
Invasive meningococcal disease in three siblings with hereditary deficiency of the 8th component of complement: Evidence for the importance of an early diagnosis
2016 R.M. Dellepiane, L. Dell'Era, P. Pavesi, P. Macor, M. Giordano, L. De Maso, M.C. Pietrogrande, M. Cugno
Nutritional Status in Agammaglobulinemia : An Italian Multicenter Study
2015 R.M. Dellepiane, L. Dell’Era, L.V. Beilis, P. Pavesi, M. Raimondi, A. Soresina, V. Lougaris, M. Carrabba, B. Martire, S. Martino, G. Russo, G. Patuzzo, C. Pignata, G. Spadaro, R. Gallizzi, M. Duse, F.G. Specchia, V. Moschese, G.L. Marseglia, M.C. Pietrogrande, G. Bedogni, C. Agostoni
Clinical features and follow-up in patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
2014 C. Cancrini, P. Puliafito, M.C. Digilio, A. Soresina, S. Martino, R. Rondelli, R. Consolini, E.M. Ruga, F. Cardinale, A. Finocchi, M.L. Romiti, B. Martire, R. Bacchetta, V. Albano, A. Carotti, F. Specchia, D. Montin, E. Cirillo, G. Cocchi, A. Trizzino, G. Bossi, O. Milanesi, C. Azzari, G. Corsello, C. Pignata, A. Aiuti, M.C. Pietrogrande, B. Marino, A.G. Ugazio, A. Plebani, P. Rossi
Intra-erythrocyte infusion of dexamethasone reduces neurological symptoms in ataxia teleangiectasia patients : results of a phase 2 trial
2014 L. Chessa, V. Leuzzi, A. Plebani, A. Soresina, R. Micheli, D. D'Agnano, T. Venturi, A. Molinaro, E. Fazzi, M. Marini, P. Ferremi Leali, I. Quinti, F.M. Cavaliere, G. Girelli, M.C. Pietrogrande, A. Finocchi, S. Tabolli, D. Abeni, M. Magnani
Does NADPH oxidase deficiency cause artery dilatation in humans?
2013 L. Loffredo, R. Carnevale, V. Sanguigni, A. Plebani, P. Rossi, C. Pignata, D. De Mattia, A. Finocchi, B. Martire, M.C. Pietrogrande, S. Martino, E. Gambineri, G. Giardino, A.R. Soresina, F. Martino, P. Pignatelli, F. Violi
Anti-infective prophylaxis for primary immunodeficiencies : what is done in Italian Primary Immunodeficiency Network centers (IPINet) and review of the literature
2013 V. Moschese, B. Martire, A. Soresina, L. Chini, S. Graziani, E. Monteferrario, R. Bacchetta, C. Cancrini, M. Fiorilli, E. Gambineri, A. Pession, C. Pignata, I. Quinti, R. Rondelli, P. Rossi, A.G. Ugazio, A. Plebani, M.C. Pietrogrande
Non invasive assessment of lung disease in ataxia telangiectasia by high-field magnetic resonance imaging
2013 S. Montella, C. Mollica, A. Finocchi, A. Pession, M.C. Pietrogrande, A. Trizzino, G. Ranucci, M. Maglione, G. Giardino, M. Salvatore, F. Santamaria, C. Pignata
A randomized trial of oral betamethasone to reduce ataxia symptoms in ataxia telangiectasia
2012 R. Zannolli, S. Buoni, G. Betti, S. Salvucci, A. Plebani, A. Soresina, M.C. Pietrogrande, S. Martino, V. Leuzzi, A. Finocchi, R. Micheli, L.N. Rossi, A. Brusco, F. Misiani, A. Fois, J. Hayek, C. Kelly, L. Chessa
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in CVID and X-LA patients
2012 M. Carrabba, A. Pierini, M.C. Pietrogrande, R.M. Dellepiane, G. Fabio
Hyper-IgE syndrome : dental implications
2012 L. Esposito, L. Poletti, C. Maspero, A. Porro, M.C. Pietrogrande, P. Pavesi, R.M. Dellepiane, G. Farronato
Ruolo della tonsillectomia nella PFAPA syndrome
2010 M.C. Pietrogrande, R.M. Dellepiane, S. Torretta, P. Pavesi, L. Beilis, L. Pignataro
Hyper IgE syndrome (HIES): associazione genotipo-fenotipo
2010 R.M. Dellepiane, P. Pavesi, C. Woellner, M. Raimondi, L. Beilis, B. Grimbacher, M.C. Pietrogrande
Sindrome di Giobbe. Le nuove scoperte sull'associazione genotipo-fenotipo
2010 M. Raimondi, R.M. Dellepiane, P. Pavesi, L. Beilis, M.C. Pietrogrande
Aderenza ai criteri clinici e complicanze cardiovascolari in 205 pazienti con malattia di Kawasaki
2010 P. Salice, R.M. Dellepiane, L. Beilis, M. Raimondi, P. Pavesi, M.A. Galli, A. Colli, M.C. Pietrogrande
Valutazione standardizzata delle complicanze polmonari in 15 pazienti con deficit primitivo dell'immunità umorale
2010 P. Pavesi, M. Carrabba, R.M. Dellepiane, M.F. Patria, N. Bonelli, L. Beilis, M. Raimondi, G. Fabio, M.C. Pietrogrande
Thirty-eight of 47 patients with autosomal-recessive hyper-IgE syndrome carry deletions and point mutations in Dock8
2010 K.R. Engelhardt, S. Mcghee, S. Winkler, L. Graham, A. Sassi, C. Woellner, G. Lopez Herrera, A. Chen, H. Sook Kim, M. Garcia Lloret, I. Schulze, S. Ehl, J. Thiel, D. Pfeifer, H. Veelken, T. Niehues, K. Siepermann, S. Weinspach, I. Reisli, S. Keles, F. Genel, N. Kutukculer, Y. Camcioglu, A. Somer, E. Karakoc Aydiner, I. Barlan, A. Gennery, A. Metin, A. Degerliyurt, M.C. Pietrogrande, M. Yeganeh, Z. Baz, S. Al Tamemi, C. Klein, S. Sebnem Kilic, A. Plebani, R. Badolato, W. Al Herz, G. Lefranc, A. Megarbane, J. Boutros, N. Galal, A. El Marsafi, L. Schneider, D.R. Mcdonald, R. Wakim, G. Dbaibo, M. Dasouki, R.S. Geha, P.D. Arkwright, J.M. Puck, S.M. Holland, E.R.B. Mccabe, T.A. Chatila, B. Grimbacher
Tollerabilità delle immunoglobuline per uso endovenoso: focus sulle reazioni avverse
2010 R.M. Dellepiane, P. Pavesi, L. Beilis, M. Raimondi, M.C. Pietrogrande
Centrally randomized, double-blind, crossover, multicenter phase 2 trial of betamethasone versus placebo in children with ataxia teleangiectasia
2010 R. Zannolli, S. Buoni, A. Plebani, A. Soresina, M.C. Pietrogrande, S. Martino, V. Leuzzi, A. Finocchi, A. Brusco, L. Chessa
Hyper-IgE syndrome: fatal progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in an Italian child with DOCK8 mutation
2010 R.M. Dellepiane, K. Engelhardt, D. Pfeifer, L. Beilis, M. Raimondi, P. Pavesi, L. Graham, M.C. Pietrogrande