Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Development of a novel approach for detecting wood decays in living trees using gas-sensor arrays
2015 M. Baietto, S. Aquaro, A.D. Wilson, L. Pozzi, D. Bassi
The use of gas-sensor arrays in the detection of bole and root decays in living trees : Development of a new non-invasive method of sampling and analysis
2015 M. Baietto, S. Aquaro, A. Dan Wilson, L. Pozzi, D. Bassi
Short term effect of alternative fertilizers on growth and physiologic performances of London plane and Sycamore
2015 M. Baietto
Electronic-nose applications for fruit identification, ripeness and quality grading
2015 M. Baietto, A. Wilson
Bud Fall Induction in Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
2014 M. Baietto
Evaluation of a portable MOS electronic nose to detect root rots in shade tree species
2013 M. Baietto, L. Pozzi, A.D. Wilson, D. Bassi
Evaluation of a portable MOS electronic nose to detect root rots in shade tree species
2013 M. Baietto, L. Pozzi, A.D. Wilson, D. Bassi
Advances in Electronic-Nose Technologies Developed for Biomedical Applications
2011 A.D. Wilson, M. Baietto
Relative In Vitro Wood Decay Resistance of Sapwood from Landscape Trees of Southern Temperate Regions
2010 M. Baietto, A.D. Wilson
Evaluation of three electronic noses for detecting incipient wood decay
2010 M. Baietto, A.D. Wilson, D. Bassi, F. Ferrini
Applications and Advances in Electronic-Nose Technologies
2009 A.D. Wilson, M. Baietto
Evaluation of the diagnostic feasibility of the electronic nose in detecting incipient decay of artificially inoculated wood
2008 M. Baietti, A.D. Wilson, D. Bassi, F. Ferrini, M. Baietto
Development of a new non-invasive tool for the assessment of decays in the urban environment
2007 M. Baietto
Effect of Compost-amended Backfill and Paved Surface on Leaf Parameters and Physiology of Norway Maple (Acer platanoides L.)
2007 F. F., M. Baietto
Response to Fertilization of Different Tree Species in the Urban Environment
2006 F. Ferrini, M. Baietto
The effects of irrigation and mulching on growth and physiology of some shade tree species
2006 F. Ferrini, A. Sæbø, A. Fini, M. Baietto, A. Ferrante, G. Amoroso, P. Frangi
Effetto della fertilizzazione minerale su alcune specie arboree in ambiente urbano
2005 M. Baietto
Misure del benessere (Effetto delle Caratteristiche del substrato e dell’ampiezza dell’area non pavimentata sulla crescita e sugli scambi gassosi di piante di Acer platanoides L.)
2005 M. Baietto, F. Ferrini
Shading effects on growth and leaf gas exchange of some container-grown shrubs
2005 F. Ferrini, P. Frangi, M. Baietto, G. Amoroso, A. Fini
I Giardini Pubblici di Milano, dal progetto del Piermarini ai giorni nostri
2004 M. Baietto, F. Ferrini