Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Multi-scale landscape evolution of Central Alps: another side of the Valchiavenna CARG project
2024 A. Marinoni, A. Pezzotta, D. Tantardini, F. Arrigoni, E. Pigazzi, G. Colzada, T. Apuani, A. Zerboni, P. Tartarotti
AMALPI trek: a geocultural trail from Maloja to St. Gotthard to increase the awareness of natural hazard in mountain settings
2023 F. Arrigoni, C. Ambrosi, T. Apuani, M. Ceriani, C. Scapozza
Fast REE re-distribution in mantle clinopyroxene via reactive melt infiltration
2023 G. Borghini, P. Fumagalli, F. Arrigoni, E. Rampone, J. Berndt, S. Klemme, M. Tiepolo
The geology of Valchiavenna in the frame of the Central Alps: recent insights from the CARG project 038 “Chiavenna”, 021 Passo dello Spluga, 022 Madesimo and 037 Bodengo
2023 F. Arrigoni, E. Pigazzi, G. Colzada, A. Marinoni, D. Tantardini, G. Toffolon, P. Tartarotti
Ground-based geological mapping integrated by UAs in the Chiavenna area (Central Alps): examples of application in the frame of the CARG project
2022 P. Tartarotti, T. Apuani, F. Arrigoni, A. Conforto, E. Pigazzi, D. Tantardini, G. Toffolon
Melt-rock interaction between granitic pegmatities and hosting amphibolites from the Chiavenna Ophiolitic Unit (Tanno Pegmatitic Field, Central Alps, North Italy)
2020 F. Arrigoni, P. Fumagalli, S. Zanchetta, A. Guastoni