The occurrence of the filarial nematode Dirofilaria repens in canine hosts from Maio Island, Cape Verde
2017 R. Marcos, C. Pereira, J.P. Maia, M. Santos, C. Luzzago, S. Lauzi, C. Genchi, A. Faustino, P. Puente Payo
Frequency of gastrointestinal and pulmonary helminth infections in wild deer from western Romania
2017 F.S. Hora, C. Genchi, N. Ferrari, S. Morariu, N. Mederle, G. Dărăbuș
The prevalence, abundance and distribution of cyathostomins (small stongyles) in horses from Western Romania
2016 S. Morariu, N. Mederle, C. Badea, G. Dărăbuş, N. Ferrari, C. Genchi
The role of wild canids and felids in spreading parasites to dogs and cats in Europe part I: Protozoa and tick-borne agents
2015 D. Otranto, C. Cantacessi, M. Pfeffer, F. Dantas Torres, E. Brianti, P. Deplazes, C. Genchi, V. Guberti, G. Capelli
Canine and human dirofilaria infections in the Balkan peninsula
2015 S.A. Tasić Otašević, M.S. Trenkić Božinović, S.V. Gabrielli, C. Genchi
ABC transporters are involved in defense against permethrin insecticide in the malaria vector Anopheles stephensi
2014 S. Epis, D. Porretta, V. Mastrantonio, F. Comandatore, D. Sassera, P. Rossi, C. Cafarchia, D. Otranto, G. Favia, C. Genchi, C. Bandi, S. Urbanelli
Canine heartworm disease (Dirofilaria immitis) in Western Europe : survey of veterinary awarness and percetions
2014 C. Genchi, D. Bowman, J. Drake
Where are we with Wolbachia and doxycycline: an in-depth review of the current state of our knowledge
2014 L. Kramer, C. Genchi
Rapid differentiation of dirofilaria immitis and dirofilaria repens in canine peripheral blood by real-time PCR coupled to high resolution melting analysis
2014 F. Albonico, M. Loiacono, G. Gioia, C. Genchi, M. Genchi, M. Mortarino
Occurrence and genetic characterization of Echinococcus granulosus in naturally infected adult sheep and cattle in Romania
2014 I.L. Mitrea, M. Ionita, I.I. Costin, G. Predoi, E. Avram, L. Rinaldi, M.P. Maurelli, G. Cringoli, C. Genchi
Effects of doxycycline on heartworm embryogenesis, transmission, circulating microfilaria, and adult worms in microfilaremic dogs
2014 J.W. Mccall, L. Kramer, C. Genchi, J. Guerrero, M.T. Dzimianski, A. Mansour, S.D. Mccall, B. Carson
Climate suitability for the transmission of Dirofilaria immitis and D. repens in Germany
2014 R. Sassnau, A. Daugschies, M. Lendner, C. Genchi
Dirofilaria repens and Dirofilaria immitis DNA findings in mosquitoes in Germany : temperature data allow autochtonous extrinsic development
2014 R. Sassnau, C. Czajka, M. Kronefeld, D. Werner, C. Genchi, E. Tannich, H. Kampen
Prevenzione della filariosi cardiopolmonare del cane nel Nord Italia
2013 C. Genchi, S. Zanzani, G. Barbieri, F. Bonvicini, S. De Boni, L. Venco, M. Genchi, F. Pampurini
Effects of global changes on the climatic niche of the tick Ixodes ricinus inferred by species distribution modelling
2013 D. Porretta, V. Mastrantonio, S. Amendolia, S. Gaiarsa, S. Epis, C. Genchi, C. Bandi, D. Otranto, S. Urbanelli
Qualitative risk assessment for the endemisation of Dirofilaria repens in the state of Brandenburg (Germany) based on temperature-dependent vector competence
2013 R. Sassnau, C. Genchi
Evaluation of the efficacy of imidacloprid 10%/moxidectin 2.5% (Advocate, Advantage Multi, Bayer) for the prevention of Dirofilaria repens infection in dogs
2013 C. Genchi, M. Genchi, G. Patry, E.M. Kruedewagner, R. Shaper
Mapping and modeling Dirofilaria infections in Europe
2013 L. Rinaldi, V. Musella, G. Marzatico, M. Mortarino, G. Cringoli, C. Genchi
Detection of Dirofilaria immitis in mid-western arid Argentina
2013 P.F. Cuervo, R.M.Y. Sierra, V. Waisman, L. Gerbeno, L. Sidoti, F. Albonico, M. Mariconti, M. Mortarino, P. Pepe, G. Cringoli, C. Genchi, L. Rinaldi
Toxocara encephalitis presenting with autonomous nervous system involvement
2013 F. Caldera, M. E. Burlone, C. Genchi, M. Pirisi, E. Bartoli