Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Grapevine field experiments reveal the contribution of genotype, the influence of environment and the effect of their interaction (GXE) on the berry transcriptome
2018 S. Dal Santo, S. Zenoni, M. Sandri, G. De Lorenzis, G. Magris, E. De Paoli, G. Di Gaspero, D. Del Fabbro, M. Morgante, L. Brancadoro, D. Grossi, M. Fasoli, P. Zuccolotto, G. Tornielli, M. Pezzotti
Anatomical resection of segment 8 by means of ultrasound-guided vessel compression
2013 G. Torzilli, M. Cimino, D. Del Fabbro, F. Procopio, M. Donadon, F. Botea, C. Garcia Etienne, M. Montorsi
Upper transversal hepatectomy
2012 G. Torzilli, F. Procopio, M.D. Donadon, D. Del Fabbro, M. Cimino, C.A. Garcia-Etienne, M. Montorsi
Safety of intermittent pringle maneuver cumulative time exceeding 120 minutes in liver resection : a further step in favor of the "radical but conservative" policy
2012 G. Torzilli, F. Procopio, M. Donadon, D. Del Fabbro, M. Cimino, M. Montorsi
Intraoperative ultrasound with contrast medium in resective pancreatic surgery: a pilot study
2011 A. Spinelli, D. Del Fabbro, M. Sacchi, A. Zerbi, G. Torzilli, F.R. Lutman, L. Laghi, A. Malesci, M. Montorsi
The surgical policy predicts the impact of contrast enhanced intraoperative ultrasound for colorectal liver metastases
2008 M. Donadon, F. Botea, D. Del Fabbro, A. Palmisano, M. Montorsi, G. Torzilli
Hepatectomy for stage B and stage C hepatocellular carcinoma in the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer classification: results of a prospective analysis
2008 G. Torzilli, M. Donadon, M. Marconi, A. Palmisano, D. Del Fabbro, A. Spinelli, F. Botea, M. Montorsi
Monopolar floating ball versus bipolar forceps for hepatic resection: a prospective randomized clinical trial
2008 G. Torzilli, M. Donadon, M. Marconi, F. Procopio,A. Palmisano, D. Del Fabbro, F. Botea, A. Spinelli, M. Montorsi
Systematic extended right posterior sectionectomy: a safe an effective alternative to righ hepatectomy
2008 G. Torzilli, M.D. Donadon, M. Marconi, F. Botea, A. Palmisano, D. Del Fabbro, F. Procopio, M. Montorsi
Salvage hepatic resection after incomplete interstitial therapy for primary and secondary liver tumours
2007 G. Torzilli, D. Del Fabbro, A. Palmisano, M. Marconi, M. Makuuchi, M. Montorsi
Contrast-enhanced intraoperative ultrasonography : a valuable and not any more monocentric diagnostic technique performed in different ways
2007 G. Torzilli, D. Del Fabbro, A. Palmisano, M. Donadon, M. Montorsi
Contrast-enhanced intraoperative ultrasonography during surgery for hepatocellular carcinoma in liver cirrhosis : is it useful or useless? A prospective cohort study of our experience
2007 G. Torzilli, A. Palmisano, D. Del Fabbro, M. Marconi, M. Donadon, A. Spinelli, P.P. Bianchi, M. Montorsi
Right inferior phrenic vein indicating the right hepatic vein confluence into the inferior vena cava
2006 G. Torzilli, M. Montorsi, A. Palmisano, D. Del Fabbro, A. Gambetti, M. Donadon, N. Olivari, M. Makuuchi
Ultrasonographically guided surgical approach to liver tumours involving the hepatic veins close to the caval confluence
2006 G. Torzilli, M. Montorsi, D. Del Fabbro, A. Palmisano, M. Donadon, M. Makuuchi
Surgical strategy for liver tumors located at the hepato-caval confluence
2006 G. Torzilli, D. Del Fabbro, A. Palmisano, M. Donadon, M. Marconi, A. Spinelli, M. Montorsi
Contrast-enhanced intraoperative ultrasonography during hepatectomies for colorectal cancer liver metastases
2005 G. Torzilli, D. Del Fabbro, A. Palmisano, M. Donadon, P. Bianchi, M. Roncalli, L. Balzarini, M. Montorsi
Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography during liver surgery
2004 G. Torzilli, D. Del Fabbro, N. Olivari, F. Calliada, M. Montorsi, M. Makuuchi
Liver inflammatory pseudotumor due to an intrahepatic wooden toothpick
2004 D. Del Fabbro, G. Torzilli, A. Gambetti, P. Leoni, A. Gendarini, N. Olivari
Indication and contraindication for hepatic resection for liver tumors without fine-needle biopsy : validation and extension of an Eastern approach in a Western community hospital
2004 G. Torzilli, N. Olivari, D. Del Fabbro, P. Leoni, A. Gendarini, A. Palmisano, M. Montorsi, M. Makuuchi
Contrast-enhanced intraoperative ultrasonography in surgery for hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis
2004 G. Torzilli, N. Olivari, E. Moroni, D. Del Fabbro, A. Gambetti, P. Leoni, M. Montorsi, M. Makuuchi