Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Characterization of the Danube River sediments using the PMF multivariate approach
2014 S. Comero, S. Vaccaro, G. Locoro, L. De Capitani, B.M. Gawlik
Potentially toxic element contamination in waste rocks, soils and wild flora at the Roşia Montanə mining area (Romania)
2014 L. De Capitani, G. Grieco, S. Porro, E. Ferrari, E. Roccotiello, P. Marescotti
Environmental study of Reps sulfide mine dumps, Mirdita District, Northern Albania
2014 I. Fantone, G. Grieco, L. De Capitani
Waste rock investigation at Rosia Montana gold mine (Romania) : a geostatistical approach
2013 D. Servida, S. Comero, M. Dal Santo, L. De Capitani, G. Grieco, P. Marescotti, S. Porro, F.L. Forray, A. Gàl, A. Szakàcs
Influence of soil mineralogy and chemistry on fungi and plants in a waste-rock dump from the Libiola mine (eastern Liguria, Italy)
2013 P. Marescotti, E. Roccotiello, M. Zotti, L. De Capitani, C. Carbone, E. Azzali, M.G. Mariotti, G. Lucchetti
Ore minerals and biogeochemical characters of Piazza copper mine area (La Spezia, Italy)
2013 L. De Capitani, M. Moroni, G. Grieco
Potential toxic element mobility ar Roşia Montană gold mine (Metalliferi Mts., Romania)
2012 D. Servida, L. De Capitani, G. Grieco, S. Porro, S. Comero, P. Marescotti, F.L. Forray, A. Gàl, A. Szakàcs
Potentially toxic element contamination in earth material and wild flora at the Roşia Montană ancient mining area (Romania)
2012 S. Porro, L. De Capitani, D. Servida
Environmental impact of acid mine drainage on the Roşia River (Roşia Montană mining area, Romania): a mineralogical and geochemical approach
2012 E. Azzali, P. Marescotti, C. Carbone, E. Dinelli, S. Porro, L. De Capitani, D. Servida
Waste rock characterisation supporting a better exploitation and remediation decision-making
2012 D. Servida, L. De Capitani, G. Grieco, S. Porro, S. Comero
Geochemical characterization of an abandoned mine site: a combined positive matrix factorization and GIS approach compared with principal component analysis
2012 S. Comero, D. Servida, L. De Capitani, B.M. Gawlik
Persistence and bioaccumulation of potentially toxic elements in the Gromo-Gandellino ancient mine site (Seriana valley, northern Italy)
2011 S. Porro, L. De Capitani
Relationship between wild trees and heavy metals on the hop waste-rock dump (Roşia Montană mining area , Romania)
2011 S. Porro, L. De Capitani
Combinationn of leaching and column test for the assessment of AMD generation from the hop waste-rock dumo (Rosia Montana, Romania)
2011 S. Porro, L. De Capitani
La geochimica delle rocce come punto di partenza per la conoscenza delle caratteristiche chimiche di un territorio
2011 L. De Capitani, B. Aldighieri
Characterisation of Alpine lake sediments using multivariate statistical techniques
2011 S. Comero, G. Locoro, G. Free, S. Vaccaro, L. De Capitani, B.M. Gawlik
Mineralogical and geochemical spatial analyses of the Hop waste rock dump at the Roşia Montana gold mine, Romania
2010 E. Azzali, M. Dal Santo, L. De Capitani, F.L. Forray, A. Gal, P. Marsecotti, R. Pareschi, S. Porro, A. Szakacks, G. Grieco
Mineralogical and geochemical spatial analyses of the Hop waste rock dump at the Roşia Montana gold mine, Romania
2010 E. Azzali, M. Dal Santo, L. De Capitani, F.L. Forray, A. Gal, P. Marsecotti, R. Pareschi, S. Porro, A. Szakacks, G. Grieco
Persistence and bioaccumulation of heavy metals around an ancient mine site at Gromo-Gandellino (Valseriana, Northern Italy)
2010 L. De Capitani, G. Grieco, S. Porro
Mineralogical and geochemical spatial analyses of a waste rock dump at the Libiola Fe-Cu sulphide mine (Eastern Liguria, Italy)
2010 P. Marescotti, E. Azzali, D. Servida, C. Carbone, G. Grieco, L. De Capitani, G. Lucchetti