Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Randomised study comparing 48 and 96 weeks peginterferon α-2a therapy in genotype D HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B
2013 P. Lampertico, M. Viganò, G.G. Di Costanzo, E. Sagnelli, M. Fasano, V. Di Marco, S. Boninsegna, P. Farci, S. Fargion, T. Giuberti, C. Iannacone, L. Regep, B. Massetto, F. Facchetti, M. Colombo
Description of a "Trans-Saharan" strain of human T-Lymphotropic virus type 1 in West Africa
2008 G. Zehender, E. Ebranati, C. De Maddalena, E. Gianelli, A. Riva, S. Rusconi, B. Massetto, F. Rankin, M. Acurie, M. Galli
Chronic coinfection with hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses in an Italian population of HIV-infected patients
2007 S. Sollima, I. Caramma, B. Menzaghi, B. Massetto, V. Acquaviva, G. Giulani, M. Moroni, S. Antinori
The good and evil of flare: flares in hepatitis B virus chronic hepatitis
2007 B. Massetto, B. Menzaghi, C. Giambelli, S. Antinori, L. Milazzo
Prevalenza ed epidemiologia molecolare di HTLV-1 in immigrati HIV positivi e in soggetti viventi in Perù e in Africa Occidentale
2005 G. Zehender, E. Ebranati, C. DE MADDALENA, C. Patricia, F. Bernini, B.I.A. Massetto, A. Riva, M. Galli
Correlates of risk of adipose tissue alterations and their modifications over time in HIV-1-infected women treated with antiretroviral therapy
2003 M. Galli, A.L. Ridolfo, F. Adorni, A. Cappelletti, P. Morelli, B. Massetto, M. Piazza, E. Gianelli, M. Vaccarezza, C. Gervasoni, M. Moroni
Increased risk of developing peripheral neuropathy in patients coinfected with HIV-1 and HTLV-2
2002 G. Zehender, C. Colasante, S. Santambrogio, C. De Maddalena, B. Massetto, B. Cavalli, G. Jacchetti, M. Fasan, F. Adorni, M. Osio, M. Moroni, M. Galli