Cannabidiol inhibits angiogenesis by multiple mechanisms
2012 M. Solinas, P. Massi, A.R. Cantelmo, M.G. Cattaneo, R. Cammarota, D. Bartolini, V. Cinquina, M. Valenti, L.M. Vicentini, D.M. Noonan, A. Albini, D. Parolaro
Cellular mechanisms underlying the interaction between cannabinoid and opioid system
2010 D. Parolaro, T. Rubino, D. Viganò, P. Massi, C. Guidali, N. Realini
Molecular mechanisms involved in the antitumor activity of cannabinoids on gliomas: role for oxidative stress
2010 P. Massi, M. Valenti, M. Solinas, D. Parolaro
Cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid compound, inhibits human glioma cell migration and invasiveness
2009 M. Valenti, P. Massi, D. Bolognini, M. Solinas, D. Parolaro
Cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid compound, affects metalloproteinases and pro-survival intracellular pathways in u87-mg human glioma cell line
2009 P. Massi, M. Valenti, D. Bolognini, M. Solinas, D. Parolaro
Cannabinoids as potential new therapy for the treatment of gliomas
2008 D. Parolaro, P. Massi
5-Lipoxygenase and anandamide hydrolase (FAAH) mediate the antitumor activity of cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid
2008 P. Massi, M. Valenti, A. Vaccani, V. Gasperi, G. Perletti, E. Marras, F. Fezza, M. Maccarrone, D. Parolaro
Expression and function of the endocannabinoid system in glial cells
2008 P. Massi, M. Valenti, D. Bolognini, D. Parolaro
CB1 receptor stimulation in specific brain areas differently modulate anxiety-related behaviour
2008 T. Rubino, C. Guidali, D. Vigano, N. Realini, M. Valenti, P. Massi, D. Parolaro
The non-psychoactive cannabidiol triggers caspase activation and oxidative stress in human glioma cells
2006 P. Massi, A. Vaccani, S. Bianchessi, B. Costa, P. Macchi, D. Parolaro
Cannabinoids, immune system and cytokine network
2006 P. Massi, A. Vaccani, D. Parolaro
The non-psychoactive component of marijuana cannabidiol modulates chemotaxis and IL-10 and IL-12 production of murine macrophages both in vivo and in vitro
2005 P.G. Sacerdote, C. Martucci, A. Vaccani, F. Bariselli, A.E. Panerai, A. Colombo, D. Parolaro, P. Massi
Cannabidiol inhibits human glioma cell migration through a cannabinoid receptor-independent mechanism
2005 A. Vaccani, P. Massi, A. Colombo, T. Rubino, D. Parolaro
Cannabinoids and immune system
2004 P. Massi, A. Vaccani, D. Parolaro
Antitumor effects of cannabidiol, a nonpsychoactive cannabinoid, on human glioma cell lines
2004 P. Massi, A. Vaccani, S.M. Ceruti, A. Colombo, M.P. Abbracchio, D. Parolaro
In vivo and in vitro treatment with the synthetic cannabinoid CP55,940 decreases the in vitro migration of macrophages in the rat: involvement of both CB1 and CB2 receptors
2000 P. Sacerdote, P. Massi, A.E. Panerai, D. Parolaro