DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA FISICA ED ELETTROCHIMICA (attivo dal 01/11/1982 al 26/04/2012)
V-Al-O catalysts prepared by flame pyrolysis for the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene
2009 I.G. Rossetti, L. Fabbrini, N. Ballarini, C. Oliva, F. Cavani, A. Cericola, B. Bonelli, M. Piumetti, E. Garrone, H. Dyrbeck, E.A. Blekkan, L. Forni
Propane ODH over V-Al-O catalysts prepared by flame-pyrolysis
2007 L. Fabbrini, I. Rossetti, C. Oliva, L. Forni, H. Dyrbeck, E.A. Blekkan, N. Ballarini, F. Cavani, A. Cericola
Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane over V-Al-O catalysts prepared by flame-pyrolysis
2007 L. Fabbrini, I. Rossetti, C. Oliva, L. Forni, H. Dyrbeck, E.A. Blekkan, N. Ballarini, F. Cavani, A. Cericola
La1-x A ' xCo1-yFe (y) O-3 +/-delta (A ' = Ce,Sr) catalysts for the flameless combustion of methane
2006 E. Campagnoli, A.C. Tavares, L. Fabbrini, I. Rossetti, Y.A. Dubitsky, A. Zaopo, L. Forni
Effect of honeycomb supporting of LaBO3+/-delta perovskite-like catalysts for methane flameless combustion
2006 L. Fabbrini, I. Rossetti, L. Forni
Sr1-xAgxTiO3 (x = 0, 0.1) perovskite-structured catalysts for the flameless combustion of methane
2005 L. Fabbrini, A. Kryukov, S. Cappelli, G.L. Chiarello, I. Rossetti, C. Oliva, L. Forni
Sr1-xAgxTiO3 +/-delta (x=0, 0.1) perovskite-structured catalysts for the flameless combustion of methane
2005 L. Fabbrini, A. Kryukov, S. Cappelli, G.L. Chiarello, I. Rossetti, C. Oliva, L. Forni
Effect of preparation parameters on SrTiO3 +/-delta catalyst for the flameless combustion of methane
2005 C. Oliva, L. Bonoldi, S. Cappelli, L. Fabbrini, I. Rossetti, L. Forni
Effect of preparation method on activity and stability of LaMnO3 and LaCoO3 catalysts for the flameless combustion of methane
2005 E. Campagnoli, A. Tavares, L. Fabbrini, I. Rossetti, Y.A. Dubitsky, A. Zaopo, L. Forni
La2O3 as primer for supporting La0.9Ce0.1CoO3 +/-delta on cordieritic honeycombs
2005 L. Fabbrini, I. Rossetti, L. Forni
An EPR study of some SrTiO(3+d) samples and their properties
2004 C. Oliva, S. Cappelli, L. Fabbrini, I. Rossetti, A. Kryukov, L. Forni
Effect of preparation parameters on SrTiO(3+d) catalyst for the flameless combustion of methane
2004 C. Oliva, S. Cappelli, L. Fabbrini, V. Alberti, A. Kryukov, L. Forni
Effect of primer on honeycomb-supported La0.9Ce0.1CoO3+/-delta perovskite for methane catalytic flameless combustion
2003 L.Fabbrini, I.Rossetti, L.Forni
Perovskite catalysts for the catalytic flameless combustion of methane : preparation by flame-hydrolysis and characterisation by TPD-TPR-MS and EPR
2000 R. Leanza, I. Rossetti, L. Fabbrini, C. Oliva, L. Forni