Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere (attivo dal 27/04/2012 al 01/01/2022)
Roberta Mullini, Più del bronzo: Voci della poesia inglese della Grande Guerra : (Günzburg, Oakmond Publishing, 2018, 123 pp. ISBN 978-3-96207-070-0, ISBN kindle: 978-3-96207-071-7)
2019 C. Paravano
A contact zone in seventeenth century England: The case of Richard Brome's A Jovial Crew
2019 C. Paravano
Roméo et Juliette: De la haine a l'amour : a Controversial Adaptation
2019 C. Paravano
Echoes from Statius in Massinger's The Roman Actor (1626)
2019 C. Paravano
Discourse is heavy, fasting : Food Imagery in Titus Andronicus and Cymbeline
2019 C. Paravano
Shakespeare, Our Personal Trainer: Teaching Shakespeare in Secondary Schools
2018 M. Rose, C. Paravano, R. Situlin
Reappropriating Romeo and Juliet : the Play restored to Italy
2018 C. Paravano
Performing Multilingualism on the Caroline Stage in the Plays of Richard Brome
2018 C. Paravano
Teaching Shakespeare through Dystopian Fiction: Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games and Lauren Oliver’s Delirium
2018 C. Paravano
Why Shakespeare, Our Personal Trainer
2018 M. Rose, C. Paravano
“The guy who wrote Romeo and Juliet”: Shakespeare and Young Adult fiction
2017 C. Paravano
Roger of Ware: a medieval masterchef in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
2017 C. Paravano
Translating and adapting Richard Brome's plays for the Italian stage
2017 C. Paravano
Il giardino degli asparagi
2017 C. Paravano
Will forever young! Shakespeare & Contemporary Culture
2017 M. Cavecchi, C. Paravano, M.L. Rose
«Dormivo e sognavo che non ero al mondo» : risonanze shakespeariane nell’opera di Alda Merini
2017 C. Paravano
Twelfth Night secondo i Propeller: una questione di gender
2017 C. Paravano
Youle zee zuch an altrication in him as never was zeen in a brother : Somerset dialect in Richard Brome’s ‘The Sparagus Garden’”
2016 C. Paravano
A 'Dark' Period in the Seventeenth Century: Drama in the Caroline Age
2016 C. Paravano
Consciousness explored in The Maze Runner trilogy
2016 C. Paravano