Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Refining calcium test for the diagnosis of medullary thyroid cancer : cutoffs, procedures, and safety
2014 C. Mian, M. Perrino, C. Colombo, E. Cavedon, G. Pennelli, S. Ferrero, S. De Leo, C. Sarais, C. Cacciatore, G.I. Manfredi, U. Verga, M. Iacobone, L. De Pasquale, M.R. Pelizzo, L. Vicentini, L. Persani, L. Fugazzola
Radioiodine ablation with 1,850 MBq in association with rhTSH in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer
2014 A.S. Tresoldi, L.F. Sburlati, M. Rodari, M. Schinkelshoek, M. Perrino, S. De Leo, L. Montefusco, P. Colombo, M. Arosio, A.G.A. Lania, L. Fugazzola, A. Chiti
The optimal range of RET mutations to be tested : European comments to the guidelines of the American Thyroid Association
2013 L. Fugazzola, S. De Leo, M. Perrino
Comparison of calcium and pentagastrin tests for the diagnosis and follow-up of medullary thyroid cancer
2012 C. Colombo, U. Verga, C. Mian, S. Ferrero, M. Perrino, L. Vicentini, D. Dazzi, G. Opocher, M.R. Pelizzo, P. Beck Peccoz, L. Fugazzola
Papillary thyroid carcinoma and infammation
2011 L. Fugazzola, C. Colombo, M. Perrino, M. Muzza
Sorafenib-induced destructive thyroiditis
2010 M. Iavarone, M. Perrino, M. Viganò, P. Beck Peccoz, L. Fugazzola
The tight relationship between papillary thyroid cancer, autoimmunity and inflammation : clinical and molecular studies
2010 M. Muzza, D. Degl'Innocenti, C. Colombo, M. Perrino, E. Ravasi, S. Rossi, V. Cirello, P.L.M. Beck Peccoz, M.G. Borrello, L. Fugazzola
Fetal cell microchimerism in papillary thyroid cancer : studies in peripheral blood and tissues
2010 V. Cirello, M. Perrino, C. Colombo, M. Muzza, M. Filopanti, L. Vicentini, P.L.M. Beck Peccoz, L. Fugazzola
Clinical and molecular features of differentiated thyroid cancer diagnosed during pregnancy
2010 G. Vannucchi, M. Perrino, S. Rossi, C. Colombo, L. Vicentini, D. Dazzi, P. Beck Peccoz, L. Fugazzola
Outcome predictors and impact of central node dissection and radiometabolic treatments in papillary thyroid cancers ≤2 cm
2009 M. Perrino, G. Vannucchi, L. Vicentini, G. Cantoni, D. Dazzi, C. Colombo, M. Rodari, A. Chiti, P. Beck Peccoz, L. Fugazzola
Fetal cell microchimerism in papillary thyroid cancer : a possibile role in tumor demage and tissue repair
2008 V. Cirello, M.P. Recalcati, M. Muzza, S. Rossi, M. Perrino, P. Beck-Peccoz, P. Finelli, L. Fugazzola
Fetal cell microchimerism in papillary thyroid cancer
2007 V. Cirello, M. Muzza, M.P. Recalcati, S. Rossi, M. Perrino, P. Finelli, P. Beck-Peccoz, L. Fugazzola
Microchimerismo cellulare fetale nel carcinoma papillare della tiroide
2007 M. Perrino, V. Cirello, M.P. Recalcati, S. Rossi, M. Muzza, G. Vannucchi, P. Beck-Peccoz, P. Finelli, L. Fugazzola
Gitelman’s sindrome : description of a new case in a family with RTH
2005 D. Mannavola, G. Vannucchi, L. Fugazzola, M. Perrino, V. Cirello, M. Muzza, P. Beck Peccoz