DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA (attivo dal 01/07/1979 al 26/04/2012)
Gadolinium dosimetry, a problematic issue in the neutron capture therapy. Comparison between experiments and computational simulations
2006 D. Bufalino, N. Cerullo, V. Colli, G. Gambarini, G. Rosi
In-phamtom dosimetry for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT)
2005 G. Gambarini, V. Colli, S. Gay, C. Petrovich, G. Rosi, M. Valente
In-phantom imaging of all dose components in boron neutron capture therapy by means of gel dosimeters
2004 G. Gambarini, V. Colli, S. Gay, C. Petrovich, L. Pirola, G. Rosi
Further developments and applications of layer gel dosimetry
2004 G. Gambarini, M. Carrara, V. Colli, S.A. Gay, S. Tomatis
Characterisation of the TAPIRO BNCT thermal facility
2004 G. Rosi, G. Gambarini, V. Colli, S. Gay, L. Scolari, O. Fiorani, A. Perrone, E. Nava, F. Fasolo, L. Visca, A. Zanini
Alanine and TLD coupled detectors for fast neutron dose measurements in neutron capture therapy (NCT)
2004 A. Cecilia, S. Baccaro, A. Cemmi, V. Colli, G. Gambarini, G. Rosi, L. Scolari
Characterisation of the TAPIRO BNCT epithermal facility
2004 K.W. Burn, V. Colli, G. Curzio, F. D'Errico, G. Gambarini, G. Rosi, L. Scolari