Metabolomic profiling of Prader-Willi syndrome compared with essential obesity
2024 A.E. Rigamonti, E. Polledri, C. Favero, D. Caroli, A. Bondesan, G. Grugni, S. Mai, S.G. Cella, S. Fustinoni, A. Sartorio
Effects of Melatonin on Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress in Adults with Obesity Undergoing a Multidisciplinary Body Weight Reduction Program
2024 A.E. Rigamonti, F.M. Rubino, D. Caroli, A. Bondesan, S. Mai, S.G. Cella, L. Centofanti, R. Paroni, A. Sartorio
Low-intensity whole-body vibration: A useful adjuvant in managing obesity? a pilot study
2021 M. Gobbi, C. Ferrario, M. Tarabini, G. Annino, N. Cau, M. Zago, P. Marzullo, S. Mai, M. Galli, P. Capodaglio
Evaluation of an Amino Acid Mix on the Secretion of Gastrointestinal Peptides, Glucometabolic Homeostasis, and Appetite in Obese Adolescents Administered with a Fixed-Dose or ad Libitum Meal
2020 A.E. Rigamonti, S. Tamini, S. Cicolini, A. De Col, D. Caroli, S. Mai, E. Rondinelli, A. Saezza, S.G. Cella, A. Sartorio
GnRH Receptors in Cancer: From Cell Biology to Novel Targeted Therapeutic Strategies
2012 P. Limonta, M. Montagnani Marelli, S. Mai, M. Motta, L. Martini, R.M. Moretti
Molecular mechanisms of the antimetastatic activity of nuclear clusterin in prostate cancer cells
2011 R.M. Moretti, S. Mai, M. Montagnani Marelli, F. Rizzi, S. Bettuzzi, P. Limonta
Molecular mechanisms underlying the antitumor activity of nuclear clusterin in androgen-independent prostate cancer cells
2010 R.M. Moretti, M. Montagnani Marelli, S. Mai, P. Limonta
Dual targeting of tumor and endothelial cells by Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone agonists to reduce melanoma angiogenesis
2010 R.M. Moretti, S. Mai, M. Montagnani Marelli, M.R. Bani, C. Ghilardi, R. Giavazzi, D.M. Taylor, P.G.V. Martini, P. Limonta
Type I Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Mediates the Antiproliferative Effects of GnRH-II on Prostate Cancer cells
2009 M. Montagnani Marelli, R.M. Moretti, S. Mai, J. Januszkiwicz Caulier, M. Motta, P. Limonta
Novel insights into GnRH receptor activity : role in the control of human glioblastoma cell proliferation
2009 M. Montagnani Marelli, R.M. Moretti, S. Mai, O. Muller, J.C. Van Groeninghen, P. Limonta
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists suppress melanoma cell motility and invasiveness throught the inhibition of a3 integrin and MMP-2 expression and activity
2008 R.M. Moretti, M. Montagnani Marelli, S. Mai, P. Limonta
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists reduce the migratory and the invasive behavior of androgen-independent prostate cancer cells by interfering with the activity of IGF-I
2007 M. Montagnani Marelli, R.M. Moretti, S. Mai, P. Procacci, P. Limonta
Clusterin isoforms differentially affect growth and motility of prostate cells : possible implications in prostate tumorigenesis
2007 R.M. Moretti, M. Montagnani Marelli, S. Mai, A. Cariboni, M. Scaltriti, S. Bettuzzi, P. Limonta