DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA TERRA "ARDITO DESIO" (attivo dal 01/11/1982 al 26/04/2012)
Risultati 1 - 7 di 7 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.0 secondi).
Climate warming and recent treeline shift in the European Alps : the role of geomorphological factors in high-altitude sites
2011 G.F. Leonelli, M. Pelfini, U. Morra Di Cella, V. Garavaglia
Dendrogeomorphological investigations for assessing ecological and educational value of glacier geomorphosites : two examples from the Italian Alps
2010 M. Pelfini, V. Garavaglia, I. Bollati
Glacier stream activity in the proglacial area of debris covered glacier in Aosta Valley, Italy : an application of dendroglaciology
2010 V. Garavaglia, M. Pelfini, E. Motta
The influence of climate change on glacier geomorphosites : the case of two Italian glaciers (Miage Glacier, Forni Glacier) investigated through dendrochronology = L’influence du changement climatique sur les géomorphosites glaciaires : le cas de deux glaciers italiens (Glacier du Miage, Glacier des Forni) analysés par dendrochronologie
2010 V. Garavaglia, M. Pelfini, I.M. Bollati
L’età della vasca e dendrocronologia preliminare
2009 M. Cremaschi, M. Pelfini, V. Garavaglia
Recent evolution of debris-flow fans in the Central Swiss Alps and associated risk assessment: two examples in Roseg Valley
2009 V. Garavaglia, M. Pelfini, A. Bini, L. Arzuffi, M. Bozzoni
Memorie inutili
2006 P. Bosisio, V. Garavaglia