Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Atomic force microscopy imaging of Xenopus laevis oocyte plasma membrane purified by ultracentrifugation
2008 M. Santacroce, F. Orsini, S.A. Mari, M. Marinone, C. Lenardi, S. Bettè, V.F. Sacchi, G. Poletti
The SLC6/NSS family members KAAT1 and CAATCH1 have weak chloride dependence
2008 S. Bettè, M. Castagna, E. Bossi, A. Peres, V.F. Sacchi
The SLC6/NSS family members KAAT1 and CAATCH1 are weakly Cl--dependent
2008 M. Castagna, S. Bettè, M. Santacroce, V.F. Sacchi
AFM Imaging of Xenopus laevis Oocyte Plasma Membrane Purified by Ultracentrifugation
2008 F. Orsini, P. Arosio, M. Santacroce, M. Marinone, S. Bette, G. Poletti, V.F. Sacchi, A. Lascialfari
Structural and functional basis of amino acid specificity in the invertebrate cotransporter KAAT1
2007 A. Miszner, A. Peres, M. Castagna, S. Bettè, S. Giovannardi, F. Cherubino, E. Bossi
Interaction between lysine 102 and aspartate 338 in the insect amino acid cotransporter KAAT1
2007 M. Castagna, A. Soragna, S.A. Mari, M. Santacroce, S. Betté, P.G. Mandela, G. Rudnick, A. Peres, V.F. Sacchi
Structural and functional interaction between Lys-102 and Asp-338 in the insect amino acid cotransporter KAAT1
2007 M. Castagna, A. Soragna, S.A. Mari, M. Santacroce, S. Betté, P.G. Mandela, G. Rudnick, A. Peres, V.F. Sacchi
Interaction between lysine 102 and aspartate 338 in the insect amino acid cotransporter KAAT1
2006 M. Castagna, A. Soragna, S.A. Mari, M. Santacroce, S. Bette', A. Peres, V.F. Sacchi