Cutaneous wound healing is a dynamic multi-step process, encompassing the four cascading, partially overlapping, phases of haemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodelling, that occurs in response to injuries and requires a well-orchestrated intervention of cellular and non-cellular elements to regain tissue integrity and restore local homeostasis. The ultimate outcome of skin wound healing is most commonly repair, a form of incomplete regeneration implying fibrosis and the formation of scars proportional to the duration and severity of inflammation. An early condition of mild hypoxia can trigger cell survival. Apart from being master regulators of cellular responses under hypoxia, hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) play a key role in upregulating the expression of several genes that enhance wound healing. Recent evidence suggests that also the non-hypoxic pharmacological stabilisation of HIF-1α can evoke a regenerative phenotype, claiming a role for HIFs in tissue regeneration. Natural products able to elicit multifaceted activities on the wound microenvironment, modulating the HIF-1 pathway while counteracting the deleterious drawbacks of inflammation, are promising candidates to enhance repair, and possibly regeneration, of skin injuries. Propolis is a resinous, polyphenol-rich, product elaborated by honeybees from plant exudates, and traditionally used for wound healing due to its renowned anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. The biological activities depend on the chemical composition and vary according to geographic origin, environmental conditions, and botanical sources from which bees gather the resins. Numerous chemotypes of propolis have been classified, including several Brazilian varieties. The aim of this study was a comprehensive in vitro evaluation of green and red Brazilian propolis biological activities on human keratinocytes (HaCaT) and dermal fibroblasts (HDF), exploring the ability to modulate the HIF-1 pathway to substantiate their application as innovative healing agents. The preliminary chemical characterisation conducted through HPLC-UV, GC-MS, and HPLC-HRMS determined the presence of artepillin C and drupanin in green propolis, and vestitol/neovestitol and medicarpin in red propolis as major components. The ability of propolis to impair NF-κB-driven transcription was evaluated upon TNF-α or IL-1β stimulation, showing a greater activity of red propolis (IC50s < 10 μg/mL in HaCaT cells, IC50 = 23.6 μg/mL in HDF cells), prominent also on TNF-α-induced IL-8 secretion (IC50 = 11.89 μg/mL in HaCaT cells, IC50 = 5.89 μg/mL in HDF cells). On the other hand, red propolis proved able to induce the overexpression of IL6 gene, encoding a pleiotropic cytokine with pro-resolving functions, and enhance IL-6 release under pro-inflammatory stimulation. The investigation of HIF-1α stabilisation and nuclear translocation suggested the activity of both propolis in HaCaT cells, while only red propolis was active in HDF cells. These results have been confirmed through immunocytochemistry, western blot, and qPCR of the HIF-1 target gene VEGFA. Finally, a bioguided fractionation has been performed to better clarify the chemical species responsible for the biological activities. Following an initial fractionation by partitioning between immiscible solvents, the biological activity was screened in a HIF-1 reporter assay. Active fractions were further subfractioned by Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography, enabling to the qualification of the putative molecules responsible for HIF-1 stabilisation. Taken together, the results of this study contribute to elucidate the molecular mechanisms behind the promising activity of Brazilian propolis in wound healing, shedding light on the possible exploitation of these natural products in skin regeneration.
La guarigione delle ferite cutanee consiste in un processo dinamico e multifasico, comprendente le quattro fasi parzialmente sovrapposte di emostasi, infiammazione, proliferazione e rimodellamento, che si innesca in risposta ad un danno e richiede l’intervento orchestrato di elementi cellulari e non per ristabilire l’integrità tissutale e l’omeostasi locale. L’esito finale della guarigione è di norma la riparazione, una forma di incompleta rigenerazione che implica fibrosi e la formazione di cicatrici la cui estensione è proporzionale alla durata e intensità della fase infiammatoria. Una precoce condizione di lieve ipossia è in grado di stimolare la sopravvivenza cellulare. Infatti, oltre ad essere i principali responsabili delle risposte cellulari in scarsità di ossigeno, i fattori indotti da ipossia (HIF) svolgono un ruolo preminente nell’espressione di numerosi geni coinvolti nel processo di guarigione. Recenti scoperte suggeriscono inoltre che la stabilizzazione farmacologica di HIF-1α, indipendentemente dalla presenza di ipossia, possa evocare un fenotipo rigenerativo, attribuendo a HIF un ruolo nella rigenerazione tissutale. Prodotti di origine naturale in grado svolgere molteplici attività sul microambiente della ferita, modulando la via di segnalazione di HIF-1 e al contempo contrastando i deleteri effetti dell’infiammazione, sono candidati promettenti per migliorare il riparo, e possibilmente la rigenerazione, delle ferite cutanee. La propoli è un prodotto resinoso, ricco in sostanze polifenoliche, elaborato dalle api a partire da essudati vegetali e tradizionalmente impiegato per la guarigione delle ferite grazie alle note proprietà antimicrobiche, antiossidanti, antinfiammatorie e immunomodulatorie. Le attività biologiche dipendono dalla composizione chimica e variano a seconda di origine geografica, condizioni ambientali e fonti botaniche da cui le api bottinano le resine. Numerosi chemotipi di propoli sono stati classificati, incluse numerose varietà brasiliane. Lo scopo di questo studio è la valutazione in vitro delle attività biologiche delle propoli brasiliane verde e rossa in cheratinociti (HaCaT) e fibroblasti dermici (HDF) umani, esplorando la capacità di modulare la via di segnalazione di HIF-1 per corroborarne l’applicazione come innovativi agenti di guarigione. La preliminare caratterizzazione chimica condotta mediante HPLC-UV, GC-MS e HPLC-HRMS ha determinato la presenza di artepillina C e drupanina in propoli verde, e vestitolo/neovestitolo e medicarpina in propoli rossa, come componenti principali. L’abilità delle propoli di inibire la trascrizione guidata da NF-κB è stata valutata a seguito di stimolazione con TNF-α o IL-1β, mostrando una maggiore attività della propoli rossa (IC50 < 10 μg/mL in HaCaT, IC50 = 23.6 μg/mL in HDF), prominente anche sulla secrezione di IL-8 indotta da TNF-α (IC50 = 11.89 μg/mL in HaCaT, IC50 = 5.89 μg/mL in HDF). La propoli rossa si è dimostrata in grado di indurre l’espressione del gene IL6, codificante una citochina pleiotropica con funzioni risolventi, e la secrezione di IL-6 sotto stimolo pro-infiammatorio. L’investigazione della stabilizzazione e della traslocazione nucleare di HIF-1α suggerisce l’attività di entrambe le propoli in cheratinociti HaCaT, mentre solo la propoli rossa risulta attiva in fibroblasti HDF. Tali risultati sono stati confermati mediante immunocitochimica, western blot e qPCR del gene target di HIF-1 VEGFA. Infine, è stato condotto un frazionamento bioguidato per meglio definire le entità chimiche responsabili dell’attività biologica. A seguito dell’iniziale frazionamento mediante partizione fra solventi immiscibili, l’attività biologica è stata determinata in un saggio reporter per HIF-1. Le frazioni attive sono state ulteriormente subfrazionate mediante cromatografia su colonna di Sephadex LH-20, permettendo la qualificazione delle molecole ipoteticamente responsabili della stabilizzazione di HIF-1. Complessivamente, i risultati di questo studio contribuiscono a delucidare i meccanismi molecolari alla base della promettente attività delle propoli brasiliane nella guarigione delle ferite, gettando luce sul possibile utilizzo di questi prodotti naturali nella rigenerazione cutanea.
BRAZILIAN PROPOLIS: A MULTIFACETED NATURAL PRODUCT WITH HEALING PROPERTIES - A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY ON THE ABILITY TO IMPROVE CUTANEOUS WOUND HEALING THROUGH HIF-1 MODULATION / A. Magnavacca ; tutor: M. Dell'Agli, F. Calabrese ; coordinatore: G. D. Norata. Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari, 2022 Dec 12. 35. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2022.
A. Magnavacca
Cutaneous wound healing is a dynamic multi-step process, encompassing the four cascading, partially overlapping, phases of haemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodelling, that occurs in response to injuries and requires a well-orchestrated intervention of cellular and non-cellular elements to regain tissue integrity and restore local homeostasis. The ultimate outcome of skin wound healing is most commonly repair, a form of incomplete regeneration implying fibrosis and the formation of scars proportional to the duration and severity of inflammation. An early condition of mild hypoxia can trigger cell survival. Apart from being master regulators of cellular responses under hypoxia, hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) play a key role in upregulating the expression of several genes that enhance wound healing. Recent evidence suggests that also the non-hypoxic pharmacological stabilisation of HIF-1α can evoke a regenerative phenotype, claiming a role for HIFs in tissue regeneration. Natural products able to elicit multifaceted activities on the wound microenvironment, modulating the HIF-1 pathway while counteracting the deleterious drawbacks of inflammation, are promising candidates to enhance repair, and possibly regeneration, of skin injuries. Propolis is a resinous, polyphenol-rich, product elaborated by honeybees from plant exudates, and traditionally used for wound healing due to its renowned anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. The biological activities depend on the chemical composition and vary according to geographic origin, environmental conditions, and botanical sources from which bees gather the resins. Numerous chemotypes of propolis have been classified, including several Brazilian varieties. The aim of this study was a comprehensive in vitro evaluation of green and red Brazilian propolis biological activities on human keratinocytes (HaCaT) and dermal fibroblasts (HDF), exploring the ability to modulate the HIF-1 pathway to substantiate their application as innovative healing agents. The preliminary chemical characterisation conducted through HPLC-UV, GC-MS, and HPLC-HRMS determined the presence of artepillin C and drupanin in green propolis, and vestitol/neovestitol and medicarpin in red propolis as major components. The ability of propolis to impair NF-κB-driven transcription was evaluated upon TNF-α or IL-1β stimulation, showing a greater activity of red propolis (IC50s < 10 μg/mL in HaCaT cells, IC50 = 23.6 μg/mL in HDF cells), prominent also on TNF-α-induced IL-8 secretion (IC50 = 11.89 μg/mL in HaCaT cells, IC50 = 5.89 μg/mL in HDF cells). On the other hand, red propolis proved able to induce the overexpression of IL6 gene, encoding a pleiotropic cytokine with pro-resolving functions, and enhance IL-6 release under pro-inflammatory stimulation. The investigation of HIF-1α stabilisation and nuclear translocation suggested the activity of both propolis in HaCaT cells, while only red propolis was active in HDF cells. These results have been confirmed through immunocytochemistry, western blot, and qPCR of the HIF-1 target gene VEGFA. Finally, a bioguided fractionation has been performed to better clarify the chemical species responsible for the biological activities. Following an initial fractionation by partitioning between immiscible solvents, the biological activity was screened in a HIF-1 reporter assay. Active fractions were further subfractioned by Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography, enabling to the qualification of the putative molecules responsible for HIF-1 stabilisation. Taken together, the results of this study contribute to elucidate the molecular mechanisms behind the promising activity of Brazilian propolis in wound healing, shedding light on the possible exploitation of these natural products in skin regeneration.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 13/08/2023
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