Introduction Children with neurodisabilities present an increased risk of developing malnutrition and reduce bone mineral density (BMD). Prevalence of malnutrition in children with cerebral palsy (CP) is around 40-90%. Inadequate nutritional intake is one of the major risk factors involved in etiology of malnutrition. Gastroenterological issues (oropharyngeal dysphagia, gastroesofageal reflux, constipation) and anti-epileptic drugs significantly impact on nutritional intake. Primary objective Evaluate dietary habits and nutritional status in children with neurodisabilities aged 5-17 years. Secondary objective In a subgroup of patients evaluate bone metabolism and mineralization status. Materials and Methods All subjects underwent a complete nutritional evaluation including a 7-day dietary history performed by and experienced dietitian. The details on dietary intake were analyzed by a dedicated software MètaDieta (Me.Te.Da, San Benedetto del Toronto-AP). Reference values for the Italian population (LARN) were used for interpretation of the data. To date there are no reference values for dietary intake in children with neurodisabilities. Auxological parameters (weight, height, body mass index, BMI) were measured for each patient. In a subgroup of patients bone metabolism was analyzed by means of serum analytes: bone alkaline phosphatase (BALP Metra, Quidel Corporation) as a marker of bone formation, C- terminal telopeptide (CTX, Serum CrossLaps, Immunodiagnostic System Ltd), as marker of bone reabsorption, 25OHvitamin D (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D EIA, Immunodiagnostic System Ltd) and parathormone (PTH, DIAsource PTH-EASIA) were measured. The subgroup of patients who underwent blood test for bone metabolism, within 4 weeks underwent L1-L4 bone mineral density (BMD) study by means of Dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry (DEXA) study. Statistical Analyses Continuous variables were compared between two groups (children with CP and children with epilepsy without CP) with t-test. Comparison between two variables were searched with two tail t-test, associations between two variables was searched with Pearson correlation test and where possible with linear regression. Significance of statistical analyses was established at α=0,05. For statistical analyses software IBM SPSS version 23 was used. Results Feeding difficulty was encountered in 42.3% (11/26), of these 90.9% (10/11) were children with CP, 0.09% (1/11) were children with epilepsy without CP (p=0,005). Insufficient calcium intake of was found in 69.2% (8/26) of patients , of these 50% (9/18) was represented by children with CP. Insufficient caloric intake was found in 26.9% (7/26) of cases, of these 42.8% (3/7) were children con CP, 57.14% (4/7) were children with epilepsy without CP. BMI < 10% was observed in 15.4% (4/26) of cases, of these 75% (3/4) was represented by children with CP, the remaining 25% (1/4) by children with epilepsy without CP. Triceps skinfold thickness (TST) < 10°percentile was found in 38.5% (10/26) of cases, of these 80% (8/10) was represented by children with CP, the remaining 20% (2/10) by children with epilepsy without CP. Bone metabolism A prevalence of hypovitaminosis D (25OHvitD < 20ng/ml) was found in 69% of cases. Comparison of data on bone metabolism between children with CP and children with epilepsy without CP we performed: difference of BALP and CTX between two groups was significantly different. Nevertheless, the values, when normalized for age and gender did not result significantly different between children with CP and children with epilepsy without CP. BMD z-score was found to be significantly lower in children with CP compared to children with epilepsy without CP (p=0,0014). In the group of patients with CP, values of BMD z-score were lower in quadriplegic compared to emi-diplegic patients. Correlation studies were also performed between BMD z- score and the following parameters: weight, BMI SDS, TST, calcium and energy intake. Results from our study confirm literature data on the high prevalence of feeding difficulties and malnutrition in children with neurodisabilities. The study on bone mineralization confirmed the negative impact of neurodisability and malnutrition on BMD. Interpretation of markers of bone turnover is complex (BALP and CTX). These markers are useful if evaluated over-time as they reflect real time bone turnover and modify more rapidly compared to BMD and in response to anti-resorptive treatment.
Introduzione I bambini con neurodisabilità presentano un aumentato rischio di malnutrizione e di ridotta mineralizzazione ossea. Si stima che la prevalenza di malnutrizione in bambini con paralisi cerebrale infantile (PCI) sia pari al 40-90% dei casi. L’inadeguato apporto nutrizionale è uno dei principali fattori che contribuiscono all’eziologia della malnutrizione. Le problematiche gastroenterologiche (disfagia orofaringea, il reflusso gastroesofageo e la stipsi) e le terapie anti-epilettiche contribuiscono in modo significativo all’inadeguato apporto nutrizionale. Obiettivi Obiettivo primario: valutare le abitudini alimentari e lo stato nutrizionale in bambini con neurodisabilità di età compresa tra 5 e 17 anni Obiettivo secondario: in un sottogruppo di pazienti valutare lo stato del metabolismo e della mineralizzazione ossea. Materiali e Metodi Ogni paziente è stato poi sottoposto ad un recall alimentare dei 7 giorni, eseguito da parte del personale dietistico. I dati ottenuti sono stati inseriti ed elaborati da un software dedicato, MètaDieta (Me.Te.Da, San Benedetto del Toronto-AP), Per interpretare i valori ottenuti, li abbiamo confrontati con i fabbisogni nutrizionali giornalieri raccomandati dai LARN (Livelli di Assunzione di Riferimento di Nutrienti ed Energia per la Popolazione Italiana). Non esistono ad oggi dei riferimenti di apporti alimentari specifici per la popolazione di bambini con neurodisabilità. E’ stata inoltre eseguita una valutazione auxologica (peso, altezza, BMI e pliche corporee) di ogni paziente. In un sottogruppo di pazienti arruolati, sono stati analizzati i seguenti analiti del metabolismo osseo: Fosfatasi alcalina-isoenzima osseo (BAP Metra, Quidel Corporationa), quale indice di formazione ossea; Telopeptide C-terminale-CTX (Serum CrossLaps, Immunodiagnostic System Ltd), quale marker di riassorbimento osseo; Paratormone (DIAsource PTH-EASIA), per identificareun’eventuale iperparatiroidismo secondario; 25OH-vitamina D (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D EIA, Immunodiagnostic System Ltd) quale marker delle riserve corporee di vitamina D. I pazienti sottoposti a prelievo ematico, a distanza di non più di quattro settimane, sono stati sottoposti ad esame mineralometrico mediante tecnica DXA per la valutazione della massa ossea a livello delle vertebre lombari L1-L4. Analisi statistica Il confronto di variabili continue tra i due gruppi è stato condotto mediante t-test a due code; mentre l’eventuale associazione tra due variabili è stata verificata mediante analisi di correlazione di Pearson e, laddove possibile, tramite regressione lineare. Per tutte le analisi statistiche abbiamo fissato il livello di significatività a α=0,05. Per l’elaborazione statistica, è stato utilizzato il software IBM SPSS Statistica (versione 23). Risultati La difficoltà nell’alimentazione è stata riscontrata nel 42.3% dei casi (11/26), di cui il 90,9% (10/11) era rappresentato da bambini con PCI e 0,09% (1/11) da bambini con epilessia senza PCI (p=0,005). Un apporto insufficiente di calcio è stato riscontrato nel 69,2% (8/26) dei pazienti, di questi il 50% (9/18) era rappresentato da bambini con PCI. Un apporto calorico insufficiente è stato riscontrato nel 26,9 % (7/26) dei casi, di questi 42,8% (3/7) era rappresentato da bambini con PCI, 57,14% (4/7) da bambini con epilessia senza PCI. Un BMI inferiore al 10° c.le è stato riscontrato nel 15,4% (4/26) dei casi, tra questi il 75% (3/4) era rappresentato da bambini con PCI, il restante 25% (1/4) da bambini con epilessia senza PCI. Una plica tricipitale inferiore al 10° c.le è stata riscontrata nel 38,5% (10/26) dei casi, tra questi l’80% (8/10) era rappresentato da bambini con PCI mentre il restante 20% (2/10) da bambini con epilessia senza PCI. Risultati- metabolismo osseo Nella popolazione in studio, è stata riscontrata una prevalenza di ipovitaminosi D (25OHvitD < 20ng/ml) pari al 69%. Confrontando le concentrazioni dei markers di neoformazione e di riassorbimento osseo tra i bambini con PCI e i bambini con epilessia senza PCI, sebbene la differenza in valore assoluto di BALP e CTX risultasse statisticamente significativa, i valori normalizzati per età e sesso (z-score) non hanno mostrato differenze statisticamente significative tra i bambini con PCI e i bambini con epilessia senza PCI. Tra tutti i diversi parametri misurati, solo il BMD z-score è risultato significativamente inferiore nei bambini con PCI rispetto ai bambini con epilessia senza PCI (p=0,0014). Nel gruppo dei bambini PCI, i valori di BMD s-core sono risultati più bassi nei bambini tetraplegici rispetto a quelli emi-o diplegici. E’ stato inoltre eseguito uno studio di correlazione trai valori di BMD z-score e i seguenti parametri: peso, BMI SDS e TST, apporto alimentare di calcio e di energia. I dati del nostro studio confermano i dati della letteratura riguardo all’elevata prevalenza di difficoltà nell’alimentazione e malnutrizione in bambini con neurodisabilità. Lo studio della mineralizzazione ossea ha inoltre confermato i dati della letteratura per quanto riguarda l’influenza negativa di alcuni fattori sulla salute scheletrica, in particolare la neurodisabilità e la malnutrizione. L’interpretazione dei markers di rimaneggiamento osseo è complessa; i markers sono utili se viene valutata la loro variazione nel tempo, in quanto sono marcatori che riflettono lo stato del rimaneggiamento osseo in tempo reale, modificandosi molto più rapidamente rispetto ai valori di BMD in risposta alla somministrazione di terapie anti-riassorbitive.
NUTRITIONAL ISSUES IN CHILDREN WITH NEURODISABILITIES / F.m.c. Penagini ; tutor: G. V. Zuccotti. Università degli Studi di Milano, 2018 Feb 06. 30. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2017.
F.M.C. Penagini
Introduction Children with neurodisabilities present an increased risk of developing malnutrition and reduce bone mineral density (BMD). Prevalence of malnutrition in children with cerebral palsy (CP) is around 40-90%. Inadequate nutritional intake is one of the major risk factors involved in etiology of malnutrition. Gastroenterological issues (oropharyngeal dysphagia, gastroesofageal reflux, constipation) and anti-epileptic drugs significantly impact on nutritional intake. Primary objective Evaluate dietary habits and nutritional status in children with neurodisabilities aged 5-17 years. Secondary objective In a subgroup of patients evaluate bone metabolism and mineralization status. Materials and Methods All subjects underwent a complete nutritional evaluation including a 7-day dietary history performed by and experienced dietitian. The details on dietary intake were analyzed by a dedicated software MètaDieta (Me.Te.Da, San Benedetto del Toronto-AP). Reference values for the Italian population (LARN) were used for interpretation of the data. To date there are no reference values for dietary intake in children with neurodisabilities. Auxological parameters (weight, height, body mass index, BMI) were measured for each patient. In a subgroup of patients bone metabolism was analyzed by means of serum analytes: bone alkaline phosphatase (BALP Metra, Quidel Corporation) as a marker of bone formation, C- terminal telopeptide (CTX, Serum CrossLaps, Immunodiagnostic System Ltd), as marker of bone reabsorption, 25OHvitamin D (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D EIA, Immunodiagnostic System Ltd) and parathormone (PTH, DIAsource PTH-EASIA) were measured. The subgroup of patients who underwent blood test for bone metabolism, within 4 weeks underwent L1-L4 bone mineral density (BMD) study by means of Dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry (DEXA) study. Statistical Analyses Continuous variables were compared between two groups (children with CP and children with epilepsy without CP) with t-test. Comparison between two variables were searched with two tail t-test, associations between two variables was searched with Pearson correlation test and where possible with linear regression. Significance of statistical analyses was established at α=0,05. For statistical analyses software IBM SPSS version 23 was used. Results Feeding difficulty was encountered in 42.3% (11/26), of these 90.9% (10/11) were children with CP, 0.09% (1/11) were children with epilepsy without CP (p=0,005). Insufficient calcium intake of was found in 69.2% (8/26) of patients , of these 50% (9/18) was represented by children with CP. Insufficient caloric intake was found in 26.9% (7/26) of cases, of these 42.8% (3/7) were children con CP, 57.14% (4/7) were children with epilepsy without CP. BMI < 10% was observed in 15.4% (4/26) of cases, of these 75% (3/4) was represented by children with CP, the remaining 25% (1/4) by children with epilepsy without CP. Triceps skinfold thickness (TST) < 10°percentile was found in 38.5% (10/26) of cases, of these 80% (8/10) was represented by children with CP, the remaining 20% (2/10) by children with epilepsy without CP. Bone metabolism A prevalence of hypovitaminosis D (25OHvitD < 20ng/ml) was found in 69% of cases. Comparison of data on bone metabolism between children with CP and children with epilepsy without CP we performed: difference of BALP and CTX between two groups was significantly different. Nevertheless, the values, when normalized for age and gender did not result significantly different between children with CP and children with epilepsy without CP. BMD z-score was found to be significantly lower in children with CP compared to children with epilepsy without CP (p=0,0014). In the group of patients with CP, values of BMD z-score were lower in quadriplegic compared to emi-diplegic patients. Correlation studies were also performed between BMD z- score and the following parameters: weight, BMI SDS, TST, calcium and energy intake. Results from our study confirm literature data on the high prevalence of feeding difficulties and malnutrition in children with neurodisabilities. The study on bone mineralization confirmed the negative impact of neurodisability and malnutrition on BMD. Interpretation of markers of bone turnover is complex (BALP and CTX). These markers are useful if evaluated over-time as they reflect real time bone turnover and modify more rapidly compared to BMD and in response to anti-resorptive treatment.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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