The ‘omics sciences are currently in development offering a new and combined perspective of cellular and organismal environment. Among these, genomics and proteomics are among the most developed while lipidomics is still an emergent field. The importance to provide a strong methodological approach paired to a rigorous data interpretation is explained by the recent discovery of the lipids’ key role not only as structural components and energetic source but also in many biological processes (i.e., second messengers, regulators of inter-cellular interactions and of surface charge, involvement in metabolic diseases, cancer etc.). Thanks to the recent significant advances, mass spectrometry is the most suitable analytical method in many of ‘omics sciences despite their integration is still at the beginning and a careful optimization of protocols is needed. Nevertheless, considering the molecular complexity, only a multi-omics vision can give a complete picture of intra- and extra-cellular processes in physiological and pathological conditions as well as in response to an environmental or chemical exposure to finally contribute to the field of precision medicine. So, the work herein aims to provide proteomics and lipidomics perspectives, both as single and integrated approaches, to different research questions by high-resolution mass spectrometry. At first, the investigation on skin hairless mice proteome allowed me to show how an endogenous peptide, β-alanil-L-histidine (a.k.a. carnosine), is acting in defense of UV-A damages. Indeed, several major protein systems shown an alteration by UV-A treatment including calcium signaling, mitochondrial function or sirtuin expression, which were all restored by a preventive treatment of the skins by a topical application of carnosine. These proteomics alterations could result (at least in part) from ROS generated by UV-A, or/and the generation of lipid oxidation products (HNE, acrolein) resulting from the peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the irradiated skins. The implication of such agents is emphasized by the potent efficacy of carnosine in restoring a normal proteomic profile of UV-A-treated skins, in accordance with its ability to neutralize the formation of adducts on proteins and their subsequent modification, thereby restoring their function. Moving to lipidomics, the biological importance recently demonstrated by fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acids (FAHFAs) asked for a tailored method optimization for their identification and quantification in human matrix. In fact, increasing evidence on the physiological roles of FAHFAs, including anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and immunomodulatory ones, motivates a more extensive characterization of these lipids as possible biomarkers and therapeutic targets for pathological conditions such as diabetes or obesity. Nevertheless, the low concentration in human tissues, the large structure heterogeneity and that the major amount of FAHFAs in cells is incorporated into triacylglycerols challenge current analytical methods for their accurate identification and quantification. The achieved samples’ preparation and instrumental method optimization successfully enabled to isolate, detect, and quantify endogenous FAHFAs for the first time on human adipose tissue revealing significant alterations based on metabolic status (obese insulin sensitive or resistant vs lean subjects) and adipose tissue portions (visceral vs subcutaneous). These results will be useful to better understand the biological potentiality of this bioactive lipids in metabolic pathologies. Then, the two multi-omics studies herein conducted were aimed to evaluate molecular effects of low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid (LMW-HA) in proteome and lipidome of normal human dermal fibroblasts and to analyze lipidome and proteome profile changes induced by γ-Oryzanol (Orz) prevention treatment in obese-induced rats, respectively. LMW-HA showed an impact both on proteome and lipidome profile, mainly at 0.50 % of concentration. The proteomics results were not only confirmed but also corroborated by lipidomics and integratomics ones. Indeed, mitochondria functionality, cells maturation and lipids metabolism were concordantly demonstrated. About lipidome changes, we saw a particular increasing of ceramides, triacylglycerols and cholesterol esters involved in the skin moisturizing and epidermis renewal and so supporting the beneficial role of low-molecular weight as cosmetic ingredient. Nevertheless, the correct balance between their synthesis and degradation is essential for the skin wellness and further studies are necessary for the deepening of these dynamics. The Orz’s effects assessment, instead, provided only marginal significant alterations both in plasma’s proteome and lipidome probably due to the weakness of the animal model. Further thoughts and experiments are needed to confirm the biological relevance of Orz mainly showed in biological tests so far. To conclude, although a lot of questions related to these research topics are still unanswered and other omics should be included in an integrative vision (metabolomics for example), during this multidisciplinary PhD journey I appreciated the complexity and the value of omics sciences in deepening our knowledge about several research fields approaching more and more the precision medicine goal.
Le scienze omiche sono attualmente in fase di sviluppo offrendo una nuova prospettiva dell'ambiente cellulare e dell'organismo. Tra queste, la genomica e la proteomica sono tra le più sviluppate. Al contrario, la lipidomica è ancora un campo emergente. L'importanza di fornire un forte approccio metodologico abbinato ad una rigorosa interpretazione dei dati è spiegata dalla recente scoperta del ruolo chiave dei lipidi come componenti strutturali e fonte energetica ma anche in molti processi biologici (secondi messaggeri, regolatori delle interazioni intercellulari e di carica superficiale, coinvolgimento in malattie metaboliche, cancro ecc.). La spettrometria di massa, grazie ai recenti e significativi progressi, è il metodo analitico più adatto in molte delle scienze omiche nonostante la loro integrazione sia ancora agli inizi e sia necessaria un'attenta ottimizzazione dei protocolli. Tuttavia, considerata la complessità molecolare, solo una visione multi-omica può darci un quadro completo dei processi intra- ed extra-cellulari in condizioni fisiologiche e patologiche nonché in risposta ad un'esposizione ambientale o chimica per contribuire infine al campo della medicina di precisione. Il progetto di ricerca qui presentato mira quindi a fornire prospettive di proteomica e lipidomica, sia come approccio singolo che integrato, a diverse domande di ricerca mediante spettrometria di massa ad alta risoluzione. L'indagine sul proteoma cutaneo di topi glabri mi ha permesso di mostrare come il peptide endogeno β-alanil-L-istidina (carnosina) agisca in difesa dei danni UV-A. Infatti, diversi importanti sistemi proteici hanno mostrato un'alterazione del trattamento con UV-A tra cui il pathway di segnale del calcio, la funzione mitocondriale o l'espressione della sirtuina, che sono stati tutti ripristinati da un trattamento preventivo della pelle mediante un'applicazione topica di carnosina. Queste alterazioni proteomiche potrebbero derivare (almeno in parte) da ROS generati da UV-A, o/e dalla generazione di prodotti di ossidazione lipidica (HNE, acroleina) derivanti dalla perossidazione di acidi grassi polinsaturi. L'implicazione di tali agenti è enfatizzata dalla potente efficacia del trattamento nel ripristinare un normale profilo proteomico delle pelli trattate con UV-A, in accordo con la sua capacità di neutralizzare la formazione di addotti sulle proteine e la loro successiva modificazione, ripristinando così la loro funzione. Passando alla lipidomica, l'importanza biologica recentemente dimostrata dagli esteri degli acidi grassi degli idrossiacidi grassi (FAHFA) ha richiesto l'ottimizzazione di un metodo su misura per la loro identificazione e quantificazione nella matrice umana. Infatti, crescenti evidenze sui ruoli fisiologici dei FAHFA, compresi quelli antinfiammatori, antidiabetici e immunomodulatori, motivano una più ampia caratterizzazione di questi lipidi come possibili biomarcatori e bersagli terapeutici per condizioni patologiche come il diabete o l'obesità. Tuttavia, la bassa concentrazione nei tessuti umani, la grande eterogeneità della struttura e il fatto che la maggior quantità di FAHFAs nelle cellule è incorporata nei trigliceridi sfidano gli attuali metodi analitici per la loro accurata identificazione e quantificazione. La preparazione dei campioni ottenuta e l'ottimizzazione del metodo strumentale hanno tuttavia permesso con successo di isolare, rilevare e quantificare per la prima volta FAHFA endogeni sul tessuto adiposo umano indicando alterazioni significative basate sullo stato metabolico (soggetti obesi insulino-sensibili o resistenti vs soggetti magri) e porzioni di tessuto adiposo (viscerale vs sottocutaneo). Questi risultati saranno utili per comprendere meglio le potenzialità biologiche di questi lipidi bioattivi nelle patologie metaboliche. Infine, i due studi multi-omici condotti in questo percorso di dottorato hanno avuto rispettivamente lo scopo di valutare gli effetti molecolari dell'acido ialuronico a basso peso molecolare (LMW-HA) nel proteoma e lipidoma di fibroblasti dermici umani e di analizzare i cambiamenti del profilo lipidomico e proteomico indotti dal trattamento di prevenzione con γ-Orizanolo in ratti obesi. LMW-HA ha mostrato un impatto sia sul profilo proteomico che lipidico, principalmente a una concentrazione pari allo 0.50%. I risultati di proteomica non solo sono stati confermati ma anche corroborati da quelli di lipidomica e dall’integrazione dei due approcci. Infatti, la funzionalità dei mitocondri, la maturazione delle cellule e il metabolismo dei lipidi si sono stati dimostrati in linea. Per quanto riguarda le modificazioni del lipidoma, abbiamo visto un particolare aumento di ceramidi, trigliceridi ed esteri del colesterolo, tutti coinvolti nell'idratazione della pelle e nel rinnovamento dell'epidermide sostenendo il ruolo benefico dell’ acido ialuronico a basso peso molecolare come ingrediente cosmetico. Tuttavia, il corretto equilibrio tra la loro sintesi e metabolismo è fondamentale per il benessere della pelle e ulteriori studi sono necessari per l’approfondimento di queste dinamiche. La valutazione degli effetti del γ-Orizanolo (Orz), invece, ha fornito solo uno scarso numero di alterazioni significative plasmatiche sia nel proteoma che nel lipidoma probabilmente a causa della debolezza del modello animale. Sono dunque necessari ulteriori studi per confermare la rilevanza biologica di Orz mostrata finora principalmente da test biologici. Per concludere, sebbene molte domande relative a questi temi di ricerca siano ancora senza risposta e altre omiche dovrebbero essere incluse in una visione integrativa (metabolomica ad esempio), durante questo percorso multidisciplinare di dottorato ho apprezzato la complessità e il valore dell’approccio omico nell'approfondire le nostre conoscenze in diversi campi di ricerca permettendo di avvicinarsi sempre più alla medicina di precisione, obiettivo finale di tutte le scienze omiche.
QUANTITATIVE LIPIDOMICS AND PROTEOMICS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY / S. Radrezza ; tutor: M. Carini, A. D'Amato ; supervisore esterno: M. Fedorova ; coordinatore: G. Aldini. Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, 2022 Jan 13. 34. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2021. [10.13130/radrezza-silvia_phd2022-01-13].
S. Radrezza
The ‘omics sciences are currently in development offering a new and combined perspective of cellular and organismal environment. Among these, genomics and proteomics are among the most developed while lipidomics is still an emergent field. The importance to provide a strong methodological approach paired to a rigorous data interpretation is explained by the recent discovery of the lipids’ key role not only as structural components and energetic source but also in many biological processes (i.e., second messengers, regulators of inter-cellular interactions and of surface charge, involvement in metabolic diseases, cancer etc.). Thanks to the recent significant advances, mass spectrometry is the most suitable analytical method in many of ‘omics sciences despite their integration is still at the beginning and a careful optimization of protocols is needed. Nevertheless, considering the molecular complexity, only a multi-omics vision can give a complete picture of intra- and extra-cellular processes in physiological and pathological conditions as well as in response to an environmental or chemical exposure to finally contribute to the field of precision medicine. So, the work herein aims to provide proteomics and lipidomics perspectives, both as single and integrated approaches, to different research questions by high-resolution mass spectrometry. At first, the investigation on skin hairless mice proteome allowed me to show how an endogenous peptide, β-alanil-L-histidine (a.k.a. carnosine), is acting in defense of UV-A damages. Indeed, several major protein systems shown an alteration by UV-A treatment including calcium signaling, mitochondrial function or sirtuin expression, which were all restored by a preventive treatment of the skins by a topical application of carnosine. These proteomics alterations could result (at least in part) from ROS generated by UV-A, or/and the generation of lipid oxidation products (HNE, acrolein) resulting from the peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the irradiated skins. The implication of such agents is emphasized by the potent efficacy of carnosine in restoring a normal proteomic profile of UV-A-treated skins, in accordance with its ability to neutralize the formation of adducts on proteins and their subsequent modification, thereby restoring their function. Moving to lipidomics, the biological importance recently demonstrated by fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acids (FAHFAs) asked for a tailored method optimization for their identification and quantification in human matrix. In fact, increasing evidence on the physiological roles of FAHFAs, including anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and immunomodulatory ones, motivates a more extensive characterization of these lipids as possible biomarkers and therapeutic targets for pathological conditions such as diabetes or obesity. Nevertheless, the low concentration in human tissues, the large structure heterogeneity and that the major amount of FAHFAs in cells is incorporated into triacylglycerols challenge current analytical methods for their accurate identification and quantification. The achieved samples’ preparation and instrumental method optimization successfully enabled to isolate, detect, and quantify endogenous FAHFAs for the first time on human adipose tissue revealing significant alterations based on metabolic status (obese insulin sensitive or resistant vs lean subjects) and adipose tissue portions (visceral vs subcutaneous). These results will be useful to better understand the biological potentiality of this bioactive lipids in metabolic pathologies. Then, the two multi-omics studies herein conducted were aimed to evaluate molecular effects of low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid (LMW-HA) in proteome and lipidome of normal human dermal fibroblasts and to analyze lipidome and proteome profile changes induced by γ-Oryzanol (Orz) prevention treatment in obese-induced rats, respectively. LMW-HA showed an impact both on proteome and lipidome profile, mainly at 0.50 % of concentration. The proteomics results were not only confirmed but also corroborated by lipidomics and integratomics ones. Indeed, mitochondria functionality, cells maturation and lipids metabolism were concordantly demonstrated. About lipidome changes, we saw a particular increasing of ceramides, triacylglycerols and cholesterol esters involved in the skin moisturizing and epidermis renewal and so supporting the beneficial role of low-molecular weight as cosmetic ingredient. Nevertheless, the correct balance between their synthesis and degradation is essential for the skin wellness and further studies are necessary for the deepening of these dynamics. The Orz’s effects assessment, instead, provided only marginal significant alterations both in plasma’s proteome and lipidome probably due to the weakness of the animal model. Further thoughts and experiments are needed to confirm the biological relevance of Orz mainly showed in biological tests so far. To conclude, although a lot of questions related to these research topics are still unanswered and other omics should be included in an integrative vision (metabolomics for example), during this multidisciplinary PhD journey I appreciated the complexity and the value of omics sciences in deepening our knowledge about several research fields approaching more and more the precision medicine goal.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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