Long-lived particles decaying to e±μ∓ν, with masses between 7 and 50GeV/c2 and lifetimes between 2 and 50ps, are searched for by looking at displaced vertices containing electrons and muons of opposite charges. The search is performed using 5.4fb-1 of pp collisions collected with the LHCb detector at a centre-of-mass energy of s=13TeV. Three mechanisms of production of long-lived particles are considered: the direct pair production from quark interactions, the pair production from the decay of a Standard-Model-like Higgs boson with a mass of 125GeV/c2, and the charged current production from an on-shell W boson with an additional lepton. No evidence of these long-lived states is obtained and upper limits on the production cross-section times branching fraction are set on the different production modes.

Search for long-lived particles decaying to e± μ∓ ν / R. Aaij, C.A. Beteta, T. Ackernley, B. Adeva, M. Adinolfi, H. Afsharnia, C.A. Aidala, S. Aiola, Z. Ajaltouni, S. Akar, J. Albrecht, F. Alessio, M. Alexander, A.A. Albero, Z. Aliouche, G. Alkhazov, P.A. Cartelle, S. Amato, Y. Amhis, L. An, L. Anderlini, A. Andreianov, M. Andreotti, F. Archilli, A. Artamonov, M. Artuso, K. Arzymatov, E. Aslanides, M. Atzeni, B. Audurier, S. Bachmann, M. Bachmayer, J.J. Back, S. Baker, P.B. Rodriguez, V. Balagura, W. Baldini, J.B. Leite, R.J. Barlow, S. Barsuk, W. Barter, M. Bartolini, F. Baryshnikov, J.M. Basels, G. Bassi, B. Batsukh, A. Battig, A. Bay, M. Becker, F. Bedeschi, I. Bediaga, A. Beiter, V. Belavin, S. Belin, V. Bellee, K. Belous, I. Belov, I. Belyaev, G. Bencivenni, E. Ben-Haim, A. Berezhnoy, R. Bernet, D. Berninghoff, H.C. Bernstein, C. Bertella, E. Bertholet, A. Bertolin, C. Betancourt, F. Betti, M.O. Bettler, I. Bezshyiko, S. Bhasin, J. Bhom, L. Bian, M.S. Bieker, S. Bifani, P. Billoir, M. Birch, F.C.R. Bishop, A. Bizzeti, M. Bjorn, M.P. Blago, T. Blake, F. Blanc, S. Blusk, D. Bobulska, J.A. Boelhauve, O.B. Garcia, T. Boettcher, A. Boldyrev, A. Bondar, N. Bondar, S. Borghi, M. Borisyak, M. Borsato, J.T. Borsuk, S.A. Bouchiba, T.J.V. Bowcock, A. Boyer, C. Bozzi, M.J. Bradley, S. Braun, A.B. Rodriguez, M. Brodski, J. Brodzicka, A.B. Gonzalo, D. Brundu, A. Buonaura, C. Burr, A. Bursche, A. Butkevich, J.S. Butter, J. Buytaert, W. Byczynski, S. Cadeddu, H. Cai, R. Calabrese, L. Calefice, L.C. Diaz, S. Cali, R. Calladine, M. Calvi, M.C. Gomez, P.C. Magalhaes, A. Camboni, P. Campana, D.H.C. Perez, A.F.C. Quezada, S. Capelli, L. Capriotti, A. Carbone, G. Carboni, R. Cardinale, A. Cardini, I. Carli, P. Carniti, L. Carus, K.C. Akiba, A.C. Vidal, G. Casse, M. Cattaneo, G. Cavallero, S. Celani, J. Cerasoli, A.J. Chadwick, M.G. Chapman, M. Charles, P. Charpentier, G. Chatzikonstantinidis, C.A.C. Barajas, M. Chefdeville, C. Chen, S. Chen, A. Chernov, S.-. Chitic, V. Chobanova, S. Cholak, M. Chrzaszcz, A. Chubykin, V. Chulikov, P. Ciambrone, M.F. Cicala, X.C. Vidal, G. Ciezarek, P.E.L. Clarke, M. Clemencic, H.V. Cliff, J. Closier, J.L. Cobbledick, V. Coco, J.A.B. Coelho, J. Cogan, E. Cogneras, L. Cojocariu, P. Collins, T. Colombo, L. Congedo, A. Contu, N. Cooke, G. Coombs, G. Corti, C.M.C. Sobral, B. Couturier, D.C. Craik, J. Crkovska, M.C. Torres, R. Currie, C.L. Da Silva, E. Dall'Occo, J. Dalseno, C. D'Ambrosio, A. Danilina, P. d'Argent, A. Davis, O. De Aguiar Francisco, K. De Bruyn, S. De Capua, M. De Cian, J.M. De Miranda, L. De Paula, M. De Serio, D. De Simone, P. De Simone, J.A. de Vries, C.T. Dean, W. Dean, D. Decamp, L.D. Buono, B. Delaney, H.-. Dembinski, A. Dendek, V. Denysenko, D. Derkach, O. Deschamps, F. Desse, F. Dettori, B. Dey, P.D. Nezza, S. Didenko, L.D. Maronas, H. Dijkstra, V. Dobishuk, A.M. Donohoe, F. Dordei, A.C. Reis, L. Douglas, A. Dovbnya, A.G. Downes, K. Dreimanis, M.W. Dudek, L. Dufour, V. Duk, P. Durante, J.M. Durham, D. Dutta, M. Dziewiecki, A. Dziurda, A. Dzyuba, S. Easo, U. Egede, V. Egorychev, S. Eidelman, S. Eisenhardt, S. Ek-In, L. Eklund, S. Ely, A. Ene, E. Epple, S. Escher, J. Eschle, S. Esen, T. Evans, A. Falabella, J. Fan, Y. Fan, B. Fang, N. Farley, S. Farry, D. Fazzini, P. Fedin, M. Feo, P.F. Declara, A.F. Prieto, J.M.F.-. Arribas, F. Ferrari, L.F. Lopes, F.F. Rodrigues, S.F. Sole, M. Ferrillo, M. Ferro-Luzzi, S. Filippov, R.A. Fini, M. Fiorini, M. Firlej, K.M. Fischer, C. Fitzpatrick, T. Fiutowski, F. Fleuret, M. Fontana, F. Fontanelli, R. Forty, V.F. Lima, M.F. Sevilla, M. Frank, E. Franzoso, G. Frau, C. Frei, D.A. Friday, J. Fu, Q. Fuehring, W. Funk, E. Gabriel, T. Gaintseva, A.G. Torreira, D. Galli, S. Gambetta, Y. Gan, M. Gandelman, P. Gandini, Y. Gao, M. Garau, L.M.G. Martin, P.G. Moreno, J.G. Pardinas, B.G. Plana, F.A.G. Rosales, L. Garrido, D. Gascon, C. Gaspar, R.E. Geertsema, D. Gerick, L.L. Gerken, E. Gersabeck, M. Gersabeck, T. Gershon, D. Gerstel, P. Ghez, V. 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Dijk, H.V. Hecke, E. Herwijnen, C.B.V. Hulse, M. Veghel, R.V. Gomez, P.V. Regueiro, C.V. Sierra, S. Vecchi, J.J. Velthuis, M. Veltri, A. Venkateswaran, M. Veronesi, M. Vesterinen, D. Vieira, M.V. Diaz, H. Viemann, X. Vilasis-Cardona, E.V. Figueras, P. Vincent, G. Vitali, A. Vollhardt, D.V. Bruch, A. Vorobyev, V. Vorobyev, N. Voropaev, R. Waldi, J. Walsh, C. Wang, J. Wang, J. Wang, J. Wang, J. Wang, M. Wang, R. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, H.M. Wark, N.K. Watson, S.G. Weber, D. Websdale, C. Weisser, B.D.C. Westhenry, D.J. White, M. Whitehead, D. Wiedner, G. Wilkinson, M. Wilkinson, I. Williams, M. Williams, M.R.J. Williams, F.F. Wilson, W. Wislicki, M. Witek, L. Witola, G. Wormser, S.A. Wotton, H. Wu, K. Wyllie, Z. Xiang, D. Xiao, Y. Xie, H. Xing, A. Xu, J. Xu, L. Xu, M. Xu, Q. Xu, Z. Xu, Z. Xu, D. Yang, Y. Yang, Z. Yang, Z. Yang, Y. Yao, L.E. Yeomans, H. Yin, J. Yu, X. Yuan, O. Yushchenko, E. Zaffaroni, K.A. Zarebski, M. Zavertyaev, M. Zdybal, O. Zenaiev, M. Zeng, D. Zhang, L. Zhang, S. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, A. Zhelezov, Y. Zheng, X. Zhou, Y. Zhou, X. Zhu, V. Zhukov, J.B. Zonneveld, S. Zucchelli, D. Zuliani, G. Zunica. - In: THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS. - ISSN 1434-6044. - 81:3(2021 Mar 26), pp. 261.1-261.17. [10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-08994-0]

Search for long-lived particles decaying to e± μ∓ ν

D. Marangotto;A. Merli;N. Neri;


Long-lived particles decaying to e±μ∓ν, with masses between 7 and 50GeV/c2 and lifetimes between 2 and 50ps, are searched for by looking at displaced vertices containing electrons and muons of opposite charges. The search is performed using 5.4fb-1 of pp collisions collected with the LHCb detector at a centre-of-mass energy of s=13TeV. Three mechanisms of production of long-lived particles are considered: the direct pair production from quark interactions, the pair production from the decay of a Standard-Model-like Higgs boson with a mass of 125GeV/c2, and the charged current production from an on-shell W boson with an additional lepton. No evidence of these long-lived states is obtained and upper limits on the production cross-section times branching fraction are set on the different production modes.
Settore FIS/01 - Fisica Sperimentale
Settore FIS/04 - Fisica Nucleare e Subnucleare
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