The phenomenon of multilevel jurisdictions has been progressively caused a decreasing of the effectiveness of the res judicata, thus overcoming the traditional view anchored to the principle of intangibility and, therefore, affecting the value of legal certainty. From the dynamism of the protection of human rights, administrative procedural law could not be excluded, which had to deal with the problem concerning the enforcement of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter “ECtHR”), which modify, totally or partially, the statement declared on a national level by an Administrative Court or by the State Council. Therefore, a conflict between administrative national rulings and rulings of the ECtHR is reasonably possible, thanks to the subsidiarity principle and to the rule provided by Article no. 35 of the European Convention of Human Rights (hereinafter “ECHR”). With particular reference to an administrative res judicata in violation of ECHR, the full enforcement of a ruling by the ECtHR is an issue characterized by absolute relevance, as also demonstrated by the recent rulings of the Italian Constitutional Court no. 123/2017 and no. 19/2018. Such constitutional question regards the execution of the decisum stated by the ECtHR in Mottola and others v. Italy, Staibano and others v. Italy and Guadagno v. Italy. The administrative judges raised the issue of constitutionality, by means of which they suggested to introduce the reopening of domestic judicial proceeding, which cases in administrative procedural law are strictly defined and do not include the violation of ECHR and of ECtHR’s case-law. The Constitutional Court ruled that the question concerning the constitutionality of Article no. 106 of Code of Administrative Procedure, raised with reference to Articles no. 117, § 1 of the Constitution and no. 46 of the ECHR, was unfounded. These decisions show that in the Italian legal system there is nowadays no legal remedy for the implementation of supranational law if there is a domestic res judicata, bringing out a gap in the enforcement. In particular, the question that we have to answer is as follows: Which value should prevail? On the one hand, there is the protection of human rights and the tendency to enhance substantial justice, even overcoming legal instruments as the res judicata, and on the other there is the principle of legal certainty, which hide the will to defend the national sovereignty. With particular reference to the administrative proceedings, such balancing is made even more complex by the need to ensure respect for the right of defense (Article no. 24 of the Italian Constitution) of third parties and for their legitimate expectations and reliance on legal certainty. In the ECtHR system, third parties do not have a right to participate in the judgment before ECtHR, despite the fact they have taken part in the domestic proceeding and, thus, they are influenced by the res judicata. The main purpose of the paper is to demonstrate that all arguments of the Constitutional Court can be overcome and to propose possible solutions, which allow the domestic legal system to carry out what has been stated by the ECtHR and to protect its effectiveness. This will avoid that the intangibility of the res judicata could result in a violation of the fundamental rights and values protected by the ECHR system.
Nel sistema di tutela multilivello, la necessità di garantire una tutela effettiva dei diritti umani sta progressivamente comportando un fenomeno di cedevolezza del giudicato interno, così superando la visione tradizionale ancorata al principio di intangibilità e, in ultima analisi, al valore della certezza del diritto. Dal dinamismo della tutela dei diritti umani non poteva rimanere escluso il sistema processuale amministrativo, il quale è stato chiamato anch’esso ad affrontare la problematica dell’esecuzione delle sentenze rese dalla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo, laddove queste ultime risultino in contrasto con quanto precedentemente affermato da una pronuncia divenuta definitiva del giudice amministrativo. Si viene, dunque, a delineare un’antinomia tra giudicati che è tutt’altro che eventuale, in quanto, in applicazione della regola del previo esaurimento dei rimedi interni (art. 35 CEDU), le sentenze della Corte europea si confrontano fisiologicamente con il giudicato nazionale. Con riferimento al giudicato amministrativo anticonvenzionale, il punto di tensione tra i due diversi livelli di tutela si è avuto con i casi Mottola e Staibano c. Italia e Guadagno e altri c. Italia, che hanno portato alle pronunce della Corte costituzionale n. 123 del 2017 e n. 19 del 2018. Le conclusioni a cui è pervenuta la Consulta, nel dichiarare infondata la questione di legittimità costituzionale volta ad ampliare i casi di revocazione ex art. 106 c.p.a., dimostrano che per il processo amministrativo, allo stato dell’arte, non si rinviene un rimedio volto ad assicurare l’ottemperanza al decisum convenzionale allorquando sia divenuta definitiva la decisione del giudice amministrativo, disvelando una lacuna nell’effettività della tutela della protezione dei diritti umani. La sentenza della Corte costituzionale ha in particolare messo in risalto come il tema dell’esecuzione delle sentenze della Corte europea nasconda l’esigenza di compiere un giudizio di bilanciamento tra gli opposti interessi in gioco: da un lato, l’esigenza di tutelare i diritti fondamentali, a cui è sottesa la tendenza alla giustizia sostanziale, e dall’altro la tutela della certezza del diritto, così come garantita dalla res iudicata, declinazione della sovranità dello Stato. Da un diverso angolo prospettico, volto ad evidenziare le situazioni giuridiche soggettive che vengono in rilievo, si vedrà che nel sistema processuale amministrativo diviene necessaria un’ulteriore ponderazione relativa alle diverse declinazioni dell’art. 24 Cost., tra il diritto ad ottenere una tutela effettiva del ricorrente risultato vittorioso a Strasburgo e il diritto di difesa degli eventuali controinteressati e cointeressati del giudizio nazionale. Prendendo l’avvio dal percorso logico-argomentativo seguito dai giudici delle leggi, l’obiettivo principale del presente lavoro è quello di verificare se gli ostacoli, che sono stati addotti all’introduzione di una sorta di “revocazione europea” anche per il processo amministrativo, siano superabili e, in una prospettiva de iure condendo, di osservare come alcuni istituti tipici del diritto amministrativo, sostanziale e processuale, possano consentire di rispondere alle nuove sfide poste dalla tutela dei diritti umani. Si parlerà, dunque, di “rimedi armonizzati” proprio per accentuare questa nuova funzione che il diritto amministrativo è chiamato a svolgere, di raccordo tra i diversi piani di tutela così da rendere effettiva quella protezione dei diritti umani che lo Stato italiano nell’ormai lontano 1955, ratificando la Convenzione, si è auto-vincolato a rispettare.
L'ESECUZIONE DELLE SENTENZE DELLA CORTE EDU NEL SISTEMA PROCESSUALE AMMINISTRATIVO E LA CERTEZZA DEL DIRITTO / E. Romani ; tutor: F. Goisis ; coordinator: U. D. Galetta. Dipartimento di Diritto Pubblico Italiano e Sovranazionale, 2021 Apr 01. 33. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2020. [10.13130/romani-elisabetta_phd2021-04-01].
E. Romani
The phenomenon of multilevel jurisdictions has been progressively caused a decreasing of the effectiveness of the res judicata, thus overcoming the traditional view anchored to the principle of intangibility and, therefore, affecting the value of legal certainty. From the dynamism of the protection of human rights, administrative procedural law could not be excluded, which had to deal with the problem concerning the enforcement of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter “ECtHR”), which modify, totally or partially, the statement declared on a national level by an Administrative Court or by the State Council. Therefore, a conflict between administrative national rulings and rulings of the ECtHR is reasonably possible, thanks to the subsidiarity principle and to the rule provided by Article no. 35 of the European Convention of Human Rights (hereinafter “ECHR”). With particular reference to an administrative res judicata in violation of ECHR, the full enforcement of a ruling by the ECtHR is an issue characterized by absolute relevance, as also demonstrated by the recent rulings of the Italian Constitutional Court no. 123/2017 and no. 19/2018. Such constitutional question regards the execution of the decisum stated by the ECtHR in Mottola and others v. Italy, Staibano and others v. Italy and Guadagno v. Italy. The administrative judges raised the issue of constitutionality, by means of which they suggested to introduce the reopening of domestic judicial proceeding, which cases in administrative procedural law are strictly defined and do not include the violation of ECHR and of ECtHR’s case-law. The Constitutional Court ruled that the question concerning the constitutionality of Article no. 106 of Code of Administrative Procedure, raised with reference to Articles no. 117, § 1 of the Constitution and no. 46 of the ECHR, was unfounded. These decisions show that in the Italian legal system there is nowadays no legal remedy for the implementation of supranational law if there is a domestic res judicata, bringing out a gap in the enforcement. In particular, the question that we have to answer is as follows: Which value should prevail? On the one hand, there is the protection of human rights and the tendency to enhance substantial justice, even overcoming legal instruments as the res judicata, and on the other there is the principle of legal certainty, which hide the will to defend the national sovereignty. With particular reference to the administrative proceedings, such balancing is made even more complex by the need to ensure respect for the right of defense (Article no. 24 of the Italian Constitution) of third parties and for their legitimate expectations and reliance on legal certainty. In the ECtHR system, third parties do not have a right to participate in the judgment before ECtHR, despite the fact they have taken part in the domestic proceeding and, thus, they are influenced by the res judicata. The main purpose of the paper is to demonstrate that all arguments of the Constitutional Court can be overcome and to propose possible solutions, which allow the domestic legal system to carry out what has been stated by the ECtHR and to protect its effectiveness. This will avoid that the intangibility of the res judicata could result in a violation of the fundamental rights and values protected by the ECHR system.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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