Background and Aim: Proprotein convertase subtilisin Kexin type 9 (PCSK9) is a 692-amino acid glycoprotein that belongs to the family of proprotein convertases. It is produced mainly by the liver and secreted into the circulation. PCSK9 interacts with several receptors of the LDLr family, including VLDLr, LRP1 but also with CD36, and drives their degradation in the lysosome. As a consequence, PCSK9 deficiency results in increased expression of LDLr family receptors and favors lipid accumulation in extrahepatic tissues. Lipids overload is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and tissue damage in different organs including the pancreas and the heart. We wondered whether the lack of both circulating and locally produced PCSK9 may affect lipid accumulation on extrahepatic tissues such as the pancreas and the heart those affecting their functionality. Methods: 2-months old WT, Pcsk9 KO, Albumin CRE PCSK9LoxP/LoxP conditional KO (lacking PCSK9 production selectively in the liver and thus presenting undetectable PCSK9 protein in the circulation) and Double KO LDLr-Pcsk9 male mice were fed for 20 weeks with SFD or HFD. GTT, ITT, insulin and C-peptide plasma levels, pancreas morphology, and cholesterol accumulation in pancreatic islets were studied in the different animal models. Moreover, echocardiographic analysis of the heart and functional tests were performed on these mice. Mitochondrial respiration was investigated under resting conditions and following maximal coupling and uncoupling conditions in all mice models followed by mitochondrial protein profiling by western blotting and extensive metabolomic analysis. Results: Glucose clearance was significantly reduced in Pcsk9 KO mice fed with a standard or a high-fat diet for 20 weeks compared with WT animals; insulin sensitivity, however, was not affected. A detailed analysis of pancreas morphology of Pcsk9 KO mice vs. controls revealed larger islets with increased accumulation of cholesteryl esters, paralleled by increased insulin intracellular levels and decreased plasma insulin, and C-peptide levels. This phenotype was completely reverted in Pcsk9/Ldlr DKO mice implying that increased LDLR could explain the phenotype observed. Of note mice lacking circulating PCSK9 did not present an impaired phenotype, thus indicating that circulating, liver-derived PCSK9 does not impact beta-cell function and insulin secretion. In parallel, a detailed characterization of heart function revealed that Pcsk9 KO displays a phenotype characteristic of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Moreover, PCSK9 KO mice present a reduced running resistance without muscular defects coupled to major adaptations in cardiac metabolism and mitochondrial functionality due to heart cholesterol accumulation. A similar phenotype was observed in LDLr Double KO confirming an effect independent of LDLr expression. The cardiac phenotype is completed reverted in the liver selective KO model thus excluding the involvement of circulating PCSK9 in the development of Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction. Translational studies showed that human subjects carrying the R46L loss of function polymorphism displayed increased left ventricular mass without alterations in ejection fraction compared to R46R BMI-matched controls. Conclusion/Discussion: PCSK9 locally produced in the pancreas and the heart affects limits lipid accumulation in an LDLr dependent manner in the pancreas and an LDLr independent manner in the heart thus contributing to maintaining tissue homeostasis. Genetic PCSK9 deficiency leads to the development of glucose intolerance and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in mice models and humans.
Introduzione e scopo: la proproteina convertasi subtilisina kexin tipo 9 (PCSK9) è una glicoproteina di 692 amminoacidi che appartiene alla famiglia delle proproteine convertasi. È prodotta principalmente dal fegato dal quale viene secreta nel torrente circolatorio. PCSK9 interagisce con diversi recettori della famiglia dell’LDLr, inclusi VLDLr, LRP1 ma anche con CD36, e guida la loro degradazione lisosomiale. La mancanza di PCSK9 determina quindi una maggiore espressione dei recettori della famiglia LDLr e favorisce l'accumulo di lipidi nei tessuti extraepatici. L’eccesso di lipidi cellulari è associato a disfunzione mitocondriale e danni tissutali in diversi organi, tra cui il pancreas e il cuore. Per questo motivo ci siamo chiesti se la mancanza di PCSK9 circolante e localmente prodotto possa influenzare l'accumulo di lipidi nei tessuti extraepatici come il pancreas e il cuore influenzandone la funzionalità. Metodi: Animali WT, Pcsk9 KO, albumin CRE PCSK9LoxP / LoxP KO condizionali (privi di PCSK9 selettivamente nel fegato e quindi non presentando proteina PCSK9 rilevabile in circolazione) e topi maschi Doppi KO LDLr-Pcsk9 di 2 mesi sono stati nutriti per 20 settimane con SFD o HFD. I livelli plasmatici di GTT, ITT, insulina e peptide C, morfologia del pancreas e accumulo di colesterolo nelle isole pancreatiche sono stati studiati nei diversi modelli animali. Inoltre su questi topi sono state eseguite analisi ecocardiografiche del cuore e test funzionali. La respirazione mitocondriale è stata studiata in condizioni di riposo e in seguito a condizioni massime di accoppiamento e disaccoppiamento in tutti i modelli di topo, seguite da caratterizzazione delle proteine mitocondriali mediante western blot e analisi di metabolomica approfondita. Risultati: Il metabolismo glucidico è significativamente ridotto nei topi Pcsk9 KO alimentati sia con una dieta standard che con una dieta ricca di grassi per 20 settimane rispetto agli animali WT; la sensibilità all'insulina, tuttavia, non viene alterata. Un'analisi dettagliata della morfologia del pancreas dei topi Pcsk9 KO rispetto ai controlli ha rivelato isole più grandi con un maggiore accumulo di esteri del colesterolo, che si associa ad aumentati livelli intracellulari di insulina e alla diminuzione dei livelli plasmatici di insulina e C-peptide. Questo fenotipo è stato completamente ripristinato nei topi Pcsk9 / Ldlr DKO, il che implica che l’aumentata espressione di LDLr potrebbe spiegare il fenotipo osservato. Da notare che i topi privi di PCSK9 circolante non presentavano un fenotipo alterato, indicando così che PCSK9 circolante e di origine epatica non influisce sulla funzione delle cellule beta e sulla secrezione di insulina. In parallelo, una caratterizzazione dettagliata della funzionalità cardiaca, ha rivelato che i topi Pcsk9 KO mostrano un fenotipo caratteristico dello scompenso cardiaco con frazione di eiezione conservata. Inoltre, i topi Pcsk9 KO presentano una ridotta resistenza alla corsa senza difetti muscolari accoppiata a importanti adattamenti nel metabolismo cardiaco e nella funzionalità mitocondriale dovuti all'accumulo di colesterolo cardiaco. Un fenotipo simile è stato osservato negli LDLr Doppi KO confermando un effetto indipendente dall'espressione dell’LDLr. Il fenotipo cardiaco risulta completamente ristabilito nel modello KO selettivo del fegato escludendo così il coinvolgimento del PCSK9 circolante nello sviluppo dell'insufficienza cardiaca con frazione di eiezione conservata. Studi traslazionali hanno mostrato che i soggetti umani portatori del polimorfismo di perdita di funzione R46L mostravano un aumento della massa ventricolare sinistra senza alterazioni nella frazione di eiezione rispetto ai controlli con BMI R46R abbinati. Conclusione / Discussione: PCSK9 prodotto localmente nel pancreas e nel cuore limita l'accumulo di lipidi in modo dipendente da LDLr nel pancreas e in modo LDLr indipendente nel cuore contribuendo così a mantenere l'omeostasi dei tessuti. La carenza genetica di PCSK9 porta allo sviluppo di intolleranza al glucosio e insufficienza cardiaca con frazione di eiezione conservata nei modelli murini e nell'uomo.
IMPACT OF PCSK9 ON EXTRAHEPATIC TISSUES / L. Da Dalt ; tutor: G.D. Norata ; coordinatore: G.D. Norata. Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari, 2021 Feb 16. 33. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2020.
Background and Aim: Proprotein convertase subtilisin Kexin type 9 (PCSK9) is a 692-amino acid glycoprotein that belongs to the family of proprotein convertases. It is produced mainly by the liver and secreted into the circulation. PCSK9 interacts with several receptors of the LDLr family, including VLDLr, LRP1 but also with CD36, and drives their degradation in the lysosome. As a consequence, PCSK9 deficiency results in increased expression of LDLr family receptors and favors lipid accumulation in extrahepatic tissues. Lipids overload is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and tissue damage in different organs including the pancreas and the heart. We wondered whether the lack of both circulating and locally produced PCSK9 may affect lipid accumulation on extrahepatic tissues such as the pancreas and the heart those affecting their functionality. Methods: 2-months old WT, Pcsk9 KO, Albumin CRE PCSK9LoxP/LoxP conditional KO (lacking PCSK9 production selectively in the liver and thus presenting undetectable PCSK9 protein in the circulation) and Double KO LDLr-Pcsk9 male mice were fed for 20 weeks with SFD or HFD. GTT, ITT, insulin and C-peptide plasma levels, pancreas morphology, and cholesterol accumulation in pancreatic islets were studied in the different animal models. Moreover, echocardiographic analysis of the heart and functional tests were performed on these mice. Mitochondrial respiration was investigated under resting conditions and following maximal coupling and uncoupling conditions in all mice models followed by mitochondrial protein profiling by western blotting and extensive metabolomic analysis. Results: Glucose clearance was significantly reduced in Pcsk9 KO mice fed with a standard or a high-fat diet for 20 weeks compared with WT animals; insulin sensitivity, however, was not affected. A detailed analysis of pancreas morphology of Pcsk9 KO mice vs. controls revealed larger islets with increased accumulation of cholesteryl esters, paralleled by increased insulin intracellular levels and decreased plasma insulin, and C-peptide levels. This phenotype was completely reverted in Pcsk9/Ldlr DKO mice implying that increased LDLR could explain the phenotype observed. Of note mice lacking circulating PCSK9 did not present an impaired phenotype, thus indicating that circulating, liver-derived PCSK9 does not impact beta-cell function and insulin secretion. In parallel, a detailed characterization of heart function revealed that Pcsk9 KO displays a phenotype characteristic of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Moreover, PCSK9 KO mice present a reduced running resistance without muscular defects coupled to major adaptations in cardiac metabolism and mitochondrial functionality due to heart cholesterol accumulation. A similar phenotype was observed in LDLr Double KO confirming an effect independent of LDLr expression. The cardiac phenotype is completed reverted in the liver selective KO model thus excluding the involvement of circulating PCSK9 in the development of Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction. Translational studies showed that human subjects carrying the R46L loss of function polymorphism displayed increased left ventricular mass without alterations in ejection fraction compared to R46R BMI-matched controls. Conclusion/Discussion: PCSK9 locally produced in the pancreas and the heart affects limits lipid accumulation in an LDLr dependent manner in the pancreas and an LDLr independent manner in the heart thus contributing to maintaining tissue homeostasis. Genetic PCSK9 deficiency leads to the development of glucose intolerance and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in mice models and humans.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 09/08/2022
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