That wine has been playing a significant role in the Italian economy and culture since ancient times is a known fact, just as well as it is acknowledged that it represents a matter of great historical and archaeological interest. In particular, the vine and the wine have performed an important function in Calabria’s economic history since the origins of the cultivation of the Vitis Vinifera by the Oenotrians. The important role of wine continues being evident during the Greek phase, through the advent of a different breeding technique, as well as in the Roman, Magno-Greek and Byzantine phases: the society had been transformed, yet the methods of vine-cultivating and wine-making remained roughly the same over the centuries. As of today, however, the research on "wine archeology" is characterized by a double limitation: from one side, by the disciplinary sphere (addressing the topic of the ancient wine production from a single point of view, connected either only to the socio-cultural and economic value of the product or to the environment and vegetation), and from the other side, by the contextual sphere (considering only individual geographical areas that only rarely get connected to each other). The work for the doctoral thesis aims at going beyond a unidirectional consideration of data and intends to pursue a multidisciplinary study that allows to integrate the aspects of the historical-archaeological investigation with those of the agronomic and environmental research. In consideration of this approach and according to these premises, the study on Calabria examines different fields: after having investigated the ancient rural landscape of the region and the parameters of its exploitation, with specific reference to the vine, the project intends to analyze the ancient structures of wine production (the rock-cut units), the system of the production in the Roman age (through the presentation of an overview and an in-depth analysis of the villae of the territory), then the trade of the wine (by examining the ports and the streets as well as the vinary amphorae of Calabrian origin) in order to determine chronologies and trace the ancient social and cultural networks.
È noto come il vino abbia rivestito un notevole ruolo nell’economia e nella cultura italiana fin dall’antichità e pertanto si configura come oggetto di grande interesse storico e archeologico. In particolare, la vite e il vino rivestono un ruolo importante nella storia economica della Calabria, dalle origini della coltivazione della Vitis Vinifera a opera degli Enotri all’avvento di una diversa tecnica di allevamento derivata dai Greci, e durante le fasi di occupazione romana, magno-greca e bizantina: la società si è trasformata eppure i metodi di coltivazione della vite e di vinificazione sono rimasti pressappoco uguali nei secoli. Ad oggi, tuttavia, le ricerche di “archeologia del vino” sono state caratterizzate da una doppia limitazione: da un lato di carattere disciplinare – affrontando il tema dell’antica produzione di questo alimento da un singolo punto di vista, connesso al valore socio-culturale ed economico del prodotto o a quello paesaggistico e vegetazionale della vite – e dall’altro lato di natura contestuale – considerando solamente singole aree e solo di rado collegandole tra loro. Il lavoro per la tesi di dottorato vuole andare oltre una lettura unidirezionale dei dati, perseguendo una visione multidisciplinare che permetta di integrare agli aspetti dell’indagine storico-archeologica quelli della sfera agronomica ed ambientale. In considerazione di tale approccio e secondo tali premesse, l’indagine sulla Calabria è rivolta a diversi ambiti: a seguito di una disamina orientata alla conoscenza dell’antico paesaggio agrario della regione e dei parametri del suo sfruttamento, con specifico riferimento alla vite, si intende indagare le antiche strutture di produzione del vino (i palmenti), il sistema della produzione in età romana (attraverso la presentazione di una panoramica e di un approfondimento sulle villae del territorio), quindi il commercio del prodotto (mediante l’esame dei porti e delle strade nonché dei contenitori anforici di origine calabrese) per determinare cronologie e rintracciare le antiche reti sociali e culturali.
ARCHEOLOGIA DEL VINO: ANFORE E PALMENTI RUPESTRI. IL CASO DELLA CALABRIA / D.m. Surace ; coordinatore UNIMI: D. Bassi; supervisore e tutor UNIMI: O. Failla; tutor UNIMI: G. Olcese; coordinatore UB: F. J. Laviña Gómez; supervisore e tutor UB: M. A. Cau. Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia, 2021 Jan 15. 33. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2020.
D.M. Surace
That wine has been playing a significant role in the Italian economy and culture since ancient times is a known fact, just as well as it is acknowledged that it represents a matter of great historical and archaeological interest. In particular, the vine and the wine have performed an important function in Calabria’s economic history since the origins of the cultivation of the Vitis Vinifera by the Oenotrians. The important role of wine continues being evident during the Greek phase, through the advent of a different breeding technique, as well as in the Roman, Magno-Greek and Byzantine phases: the society had been transformed, yet the methods of vine-cultivating and wine-making remained roughly the same over the centuries. As of today, however, the research on "wine archeology" is characterized by a double limitation: from one side, by the disciplinary sphere (addressing the topic of the ancient wine production from a single point of view, connected either only to the socio-cultural and economic value of the product or to the environment and vegetation), and from the other side, by the contextual sphere (considering only individual geographical areas that only rarely get connected to each other). The work for the doctoral thesis aims at going beyond a unidirectional consideration of data and intends to pursue a multidisciplinary study that allows to integrate the aspects of the historical-archaeological investigation with those of the agronomic and environmental research. In consideration of this approach and according to these premises, the study on Calabria examines different fields: after having investigated the ancient rural landscape of the region and the parameters of its exploitation, with specific reference to the vine, the project intends to analyze the ancient structures of wine production (the rock-cut units), the system of the production in the Roman age (through the presentation of an overview and an in-depth analysis of the villae of the territory), then the trade of the wine (by examining the ports and the streets as well as the vinary amphorae of Calabrian origin) in order to determine chronologies and trace the ancient social and cultural networks.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 26/04/2023
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