The aim of this research is the study of the Lower Carnian (Upper Triassic) ammonoid faunas from Nevada, which have contributed to the definition of the North American Triassic chronostratigraphic scale in the 1960s. These faunas, however, have never been described in detail, both in terms of taxonomy and in terms of stratigraphic distribution in bed-by-bed sampled sections. This research is a contribution for the revision and improvement of the Late Triassic chronostratigraphic time scale. A revised zonation is proposed for the sedimentary succession within the middle member of the Augusta Mountain Formation at South Canyon (New Pass Range, Nevada), type locality of the Desatoyense Zone of the North American chronostratigraphic scale. New Lower Carnian ammonoid faunas from China Mountain (Tobin Range, Nevada) are also described. Silberling & Tozer (1968) introduced the Desatoyense Zone to replace the “Joannites zone” of Johnston (1941), with Trachyceras desatoyense Johnston, 1941, as the index species. The fauna described by Johnston (1941) was collected without accounting for the stratigraphic position of the specimens, and consequently, a range chart could not be provided for the 24 taxa attributed to this zone. An intensive sampling program in the type locality was begun in 2002 by Marco Balini and James Jenks and continued intermittently with other occasional collaborators over a period of several years. Bed by bed collection efforts from 103 fossiliferous beds in six stratigraphic sections have yielded ~3900 specimens, of which 3130 ammonoids, that allow the construction of range charts and recognition of the bioevents on which this revision is based. The systematic study has led to the recognition of 29 taxa, 10 of which are new. These taxa belong to 18 genera, two of which are new: Neoclypites, Sageceras, Perrinoceras, Badiotites, Procladiscites, Arcestes, Joannites, Silenticeras, Frankites, Daxatina, Trachyceras, Genus A, Genus B, Clionitites, Hannaoceras, Sympolycyclus, Lobites and Coroceras. Ammonoids of the Subfamily Trachyceratinae are the most abundant, and provide all the zonal indexes. Frankites sutherlandi and Daxatina occur in the lower part of the succession (sections A and B). The middle-upper part of the succession (section D2, E and lower part of section F) exhibits a different faunal composition and Trachyceras co-occurs with Genus A and Genus B (both Trachyceratinae), which are confined to two narrow stratigraphic intervals. The upper part of section F is characterized by another major faunal change, the onset of Trachyceras with highly indented suture lines that co-occur with Coroceras. With the new data it is possible to subdivide the former Desatoyense Zone into three parts, which are in stratigraphic order: the Daxatina sp. A range zone, the Trachyceras desatoyense interval zone and the Trachyceras sp. B range zone. The Daxatina sp. A zone is correlated with the Canadian Sutherlandi Zone and with the Tethyan Canadensis Subzone. The T. desatoyense and the T. sp. B zones are correlated with the Canadian Desatoyense Zone and with the Tethyan Aon Subzone. The Desatoyense Zone is reported also from China Mountain (Tobin Range, Nevada). This area was investigated in the early 1970s as part of the PhD work of K.M. Nichols (1972). Nichols collected ammonoids from two sites (localities #1251 and #1311, Nichols, 1972), but did not report bed-by-bed collection data, nor described the collection. Nichols & Silberling (1977), referred to the locality and assigned the ammonoid faunas to the Desatoyense Zone. During the 2018 field campaign we visited the area, and noted the location of the fossiliferous interval in the uppermost part of the Smelser Pass Member of the Augusta Mountain Formation, a few meters below the erosional base of the Cane Spring Formation. Two new fossiliferous sites were located and sampled bed-by-bed from exposed beds, and float specimens were collected from the two sites, taking careful note of their stratigraphic position. Stratigraphic sections were measured and a total of 758 specimens were collected from these two new localities. An attempt was made to find locality #1251 (Nichols, 1972), but was unsuccessful due to the lack of precise locality information. Ammonoids by far make up the majority (+95%) of the specimens, with the remaining 5% consisting of bivalves and brachiopods. The ammonoid faunas are dominated by Genus B, but belonging to two new species that are not present in South Canyon. The occurrence of Genus B and very rare Perrinoceras, Silenticeras, Clionitites and ?Trachyceras suggests a correlation with the Trachyceras desatoyense zone recognized at South Canyon.
Lo scopo di questa ricerca è lo studio delle faune ad ammonoidi del Carnico Inferiore (Triassico Superiore) del Nevada, che hanno contribuito alla definizione della scala cronostratigrafica Nordamericana durante gli anni ’60. Queste faune, tuttavia, non sono mai state descritte in dettaglio, sia in termini di tassonomia, sia in termini di distribuzione stratigrafica in sezioni campionate strato-per-strato. Questa ricerca è un contributo alla revisione ed al miglioramento della scala cronostratigrafica del Triassico Superiore. Viene proposta una zonazione revisionata della successione sedimentaria appartenete al membro medio della Augusta Mountain Formation di South Canyon (New Pass Range, Nevada), località tipo della Zona a Desatoyense della scala cronostratigrafica Nordamericana. Vengono inoltre descritte nuove faune ad ammonoidi del Carnico Inferiore provenienti da China Mountain (Tobin Range, Nevada). La Zona a Desatoyense, con specie indice Trachyceras desatoyense Johnston, 1941, venne introdotta da Silberling & Tozer (1968) in sostituzione della “Zona a Joannites” di Johnston (1941). La fauna descritta da Johnston (1941) fu raccolta senza tener conto della posizione stratigrafica degli esemplari e, di conseguenza, non fu possibile fornire una tabella di distribuzione per i 24 taxa attribuiti a questa zona. Un intensivo programma di campionamento nella località tipo è stato avviato nel 2002 da Marco Balini e James Jenks, ed è continuato ad intermittenza con altri collaboratori occasionali per un periodo di diversi anni. Il campionamento strato-per-strato da 103 livelli fossiliferi in sei sezioni stratigrafiche ha prodotto circa 3900 esemplari, dei quali 3130 ammonoidi, che consentono la costruzione di tabelle di distribuzione ed il riconoscimento dei bioeventi sui quali si basa questa revisione. Lo studio sistematico ha portato al riconoscimento di 29 taxa, dei quali 10 nuovi. Questi taxa appartengono a 18 generi, due dei quali nuovi: Neoclypites, Sageceras, Perrinoceras, Badiotites, Procladiscites, Arcestes, Joannites, Silenticeras, Frankites, Daxatina, Trachyceras, Genere A, Genere B, Clionitites, Hannaoceras, Sympolycyclus, Lobites e Coroceras. Gli ammonoidi della Sottofamiglia Trachyceratinae sono i più abbondanti, e forniscono tutti gli indici di zona. Nella parte inferiore della successione (sezioni A e B) occorrono Frankites sutherlandi e Daxatina. Nella parte medio-alta della successione (sezione D2, E e parte inferiore di F) Trachyceras co-occorre con Genere A e Genere B (entrambi Trachyceratinae), che sono limitati a due brevi intervalli stratigrafici. Nella parte superiore della sezione F co-occorrono Trachyceras con linee di sutura molto dentellate e Coroceras. Grazie ai nuovi dati è possibile suddividere l’ex Zona a Desatoyense in tre parti, in ordine stratigrafico: la zona di distribuzione a Daxatina sp. A, la zona di intervallo a Trachyceras desatoyense e la zona di distribuzione a Trachyceras sp. B. La zona a Daxatina sp. A è correlata con la Zona a Sutherlandi Canadese e con la Sottozona a Canadensis della Tetide. Le zone a T. desatoyense e T. sp. B sono correlate con la Zona a Desatoyense Canadese e con la Sottozona ad Aon della Tetide. La Zona a Desatoyense è segnalata anche a China Mountain (Tobin Range, Nevada). Quest’area fu studiata nei primi anni ’70 da Nichols (1972, PhD dissert.), che raccolse ammonoidi da due siti (loc. #1251 e #1311, Nichols, 1972), ma non riportò dati sul campionamento strato-per-strato, né descrisse la collezione. Nichols & Silberling (1977) citarono la località assegnando le faune alla Zona a Desatoyense. Durante la campagna di terreno del 2018 abbiamo individuato l’intervallo fossilifero nella parte sommitale dello Smelser Pass Member dell’Augusta Mountain Formation, pochi metri sotto la base erosiva della Cane Spring Formation. Sono state misurate sezioni stratigrafiche, e due nuovi siti fossiliferi sono stati campionati sia strato-per-strato, sia in detrito prendendo nota della posizione stratigrafica dei campioni, per un totale di 758 esemplari. Il tentativo di trovare la località #1251 di Nichols (1972) non ha avuto successo a causa dell’assenza di informazioni precise sulla posizione della località. Gli ammonoidi costituiscono più del 95% degli esemplari, mentre il restante 5% è costituito da bivalvi e brachiopodi. Le faune ad ammonoidi sono dominate dal Genere B, rappresentato da due nuove specie non presenti a South Canyon. L’occorrenza del Genere B e molto rari Perrinoceras, Silenticeras, Clionitites e ?Trachyceras suggeriscono una correlazione con la zona a Trachyceras desatoyense riconosciuta a South Canyon.
EARLY CARNIAN AMMONOIDS FROM NEVADA: REVISED TAXONOMY, EVOLUTIONARY TRENDS AND USEFULNESS FOR THE DEFINITION OF THE LATE TRIASSIC TIME SCALE / R. Marchesi ; tutor: M.Balini ; coordinator: F. Camara Artigas. DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA TERRA "ARDITO DESIO", 2020 Feb 04. 32. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2019. [10.13130/marchesi-ruben_phd2020-02-04].
R. Marchesi
The aim of this research is the study of the Lower Carnian (Upper Triassic) ammonoid faunas from Nevada, which have contributed to the definition of the North American Triassic chronostratigraphic scale in the 1960s. These faunas, however, have never been described in detail, both in terms of taxonomy and in terms of stratigraphic distribution in bed-by-bed sampled sections. This research is a contribution for the revision and improvement of the Late Triassic chronostratigraphic time scale. A revised zonation is proposed for the sedimentary succession within the middle member of the Augusta Mountain Formation at South Canyon (New Pass Range, Nevada), type locality of the Desatoyense Zone of the North American chronostratigraphic scale. New Lower Carnian ammonoid faunas from China Mountain (Tobin Range, Nevada) are also described. Silberling & Tozer (1968) introduced the Desatoyense Zone to replace the “Joannites zone” of Johnston (1941), with Trachyceras desatoyense Johnston, 1941, as the index species. The fauna described by Johnston (1941) was collected without accounting for the stratigraphic position of the specimens, and consequently, a range chart could not be provided for the 24 taxa attributed to this zone. An intensive sampling program in the type locality was begun in 2002 by Marco Balini and James Jenks and continued intermittently with other occasional collaborators over a period of several years. Bed by bed collection efforts from 103 fossiliferous beds in six stratigraphic sections have yielded ~3900 specimens, of which 3130 ammonoids, that allow the construction of range charts and recognition of the bioevents on which this revision is based. The systematic study has led to the recognition of 29 taxa, 10 of which are new. These taxa belong to 18 genera, two of which are new: Neoclypites, Sageceras, Perrinoceras, Badiotites, Procladiscites, Arcestes, Joannites, Silenticeras, Frankites, Daxatina, Trachyceras, Genus A, Genus B, Clionitites, Hannaoceras, Sympolycyclus, Lobites and Coroceras. Ammonoids of the Subfamily Trachyceratinae are the most abundant, and provide all the zonal indexes. Frankites sutherlandi and Daxatina occur in the lower part of the succession (sections A and B). The middle-upper part of the succession (section D2, E and lower part of section F) exhibits a different faunal composition and Trachyceras co-occurs with Genus A and Genus B (both Trachyceratinae), which are confined to two narrow stratigraphic intervals. The upper part of section F is characterized by another major faunal change, the onset of Trachyceras with highly indented suture lines that co-occur with Coroceras. With the new data it is possible to subdivide the former Desatoyense Zone into three parts, which are in stratigraphic order: the Daxatina sp. A range zone, the Trachyceras desatoyense interval zone and the Trachyceras sp. B range zone. The Daxatina sp. A zone is correlated with the Canadian Sutherlandi Zone and with the Tethyan Canadensis Subzone. The T. desatoyense and the T. sp. B zones are correlated with the Canadian Desatoyense Zone and with the Tethyan Aon Subzone. The Desatoyense Zone is reported also from China Mountain (Tobin Range, Nevada). This area was investigated in the early 1970s as part of the PhD work of K.M. Nichols (1972). Nichols collected ammonoids from two sites (localities #1251 and #1311, Nichols, 1972), but did not report bed-by-bed collection data, nor described the collection. Nichols & Silberling (1977), referred to the locality and assigned the ammonoid faunas to the Desatoyense Zone. During the 2018 field campaign we visited the area, and noted the location of the fossiliferous interval in the uppermost part of the Smelser Pass Member of the Augusta Mountain Formation, a few meters below the erosional base of the Cane Spring Formation. Two new fossiliferous sites were located and sampled bed-by-bed from exposed beds, and float specimens were collected from the two sites, taking careful note of their stratigraphic position. Stratigraphic sections were measured and a total of 758 specimens were collected from these two new localities. An attempt was made to find locality #1251 (Nichols, 1972), but was unsuccessful due to the lack of precise locality information. Ammonoids by far make up the majority (+95%) of the specimens, with the remaining 5% consisting of bivalves and brachiopods. The ammonoid faunas are dominated by Genus B, but belonging to two new species that are not present in South Canyon. The occurrence of Genus B and very rare Perrinoceras, Silenticeras, Clionitites and ?Trachyceras suggests a correlation with the Trachyceras desatoyense zone recognized at South Canyon.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 14/07/2021
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