Abstract The Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE), in the Early Jurassic Period, was associated with one of the largest perturbations of the carbon cycle in the past 250 Ma. This dramatic episode of ecosystem adjustments, global warming, oceanic anoxia and altered chemistry occurred during a crucial time for calcareous nannoplankton diversification as a major speciation episode took place in the Late Pliensbachian – Early Toarcian time interval. New genera and species appeared and quickly evolved allowing a high-resolution biostratigraphy of the onset and the termination of the T-OAE based on first and last occurrences. Moreover, drastic drops in abundance of some taxa are associated to the paleoenvironmental perturbations recorded across the T-OAE. In this PhD thesis I present a high-resolution calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of three cores drilled in the Lombardy Basin (Sogno Core) and in the Lower Saxony Basin (L1 and Schandelah Cores), covering the lithological expression of the T-OAE in the Tethyan and Boreal realms. Events recognized across the Sogno Core allow the detection of three biozones (NJT5a, NJT5b and NJT6) whereas those recognized in the L1 and Schandelah Cores result in the identification of three zone/subzones (NJ5b, NJ6 and NJ7). These results are integrated with data from literature in order to derive a solid framework of primary and secondary events characterizing the upper Pliensbachian/lower Toarcian interval with a special focus on the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary and the characterization of the T-OAE in the Tethyan and Boreal realms. For the Tethyan sections (Italy, South-East Spain, South France, Greece and Hungary) the primary events include the FOs of Lotharingius sigillatus, Carinolithus poulnabronei, Lotharingius crucicentralis, Carinolithus superbus sceptrum, Watznaueria sp. 1, Discorhabdus striatus, Schizosphaerella crisis and LO of Mitrolithus jansae while the FOs of Lotharingius velatus and Discorhabdus ignotus are considered within the secondary ones. Likewise, for the Boreal Realm (sections in Central-North France, England and Germany), my synthesis resulted in the separation of primary events including the FOs of Crepidolithus impontus, L. sigillatus, C. superbus sceptrum, D. striatus and LOs of Crucirhabdus primulus and Biscutum finchii from the secondary ones comprising the FOs of L. crucicentralis, L. velatus, D. ignotus, C. poulnabronei, Watznaueria sp. 1, Schizosphaerella crisis and LOs of Crepidolithus granulatus, Parhabdolithus liasicus and Biscutum grandis. My study revealed that the FO of C. superbus sceptrum is the only event reproducible at a supraregional level and confirmed that the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary is approximated by the FOs of L. sigillatus (slightly below) and C. poulnabronei (slightly above) in the Tethyan Realm and by the LO of C. primulus in the Boreal. At lower latitudes (sections in Italy, South-East Spain, South France, Greece and Hungary), my study revealed that the T-OAE is well constrained by the FOs of C. superbus sceptrum and the “Schizosphaerella crisis” at the onset and by the LO of M. jansae at its termination. These events are reproducible in Portugal, with the addition of the FCO of D. ignotus marking the termination of the event. At higher latitudes (sections in Central-North France, North Spain, England and Germany) my study confirms that the onset of the T-OAE is constrained by the FO of C. superbus sceptrum. Secondary events, not reproducible in North Spain, are the “Schizosphaerella crisis” at the onset of the T-OAE and the LOs of C. granulatus, B. finchii, P. liasicus and B. grandis within the carbon isotope excursion characterizing the T-OAE. Morphometric analyses conducted on Carinolithus superbus and Carinolithus magharensis specimens allow to clarify taxonomic discrepancies regarding the two taxa. Qualitative investigations performed on Carinolithus cantaluppii revealed that this taxon is a diagenetic artefact of the genus and, therefore, that this species must be rejected. Implications for biostratigraphy and evolutionary trends are discussed.
Riassunto L’Evento Anossico Oceanico del Toarciano Inferiore (T-OAE) è stato associato ad una delle maggiori perturbazioni del ciclo del carbonio degli ultimi 250 Ma. Questo drammatico episodio di alterazione climatica e riscaldamento globale, anossia oceanica ed anomalie geochimiche è avvenuto durante un momento cruciale per la diversificazione del nannoplancton calcareo dal momento che un importante episodio di speciazione si è verificato nell’intervallo Pliensbachiano Superiore-Toarciano Inferiore. Nuovi generi e specie sono apparsi e si sono evoluti velocemente permettendo lo sviluppo di una biostratigrafia ad alta risoluzione per questo intervallo di tempo e anche del T-OAE sulla base delle prime ed ultime comparse. Inoltre, all’interno dei nannofossili calcarei, drastiche variazioni nelle abbondanze di alcuni taxa sono associate alle perturbazioni registrate durante il T-OAE. In questa tesi di dottorato viene presentata la biostratigrafia a nannofossili calcarei ad alta risoluzione di tre sezioni carotate nel Bacino Lombardo (Carota Sogno) e nel Bacino della Bassa Sassonia (Carote L1 e Schandelah), contenenti l’espressione litologica del T-OAE nei domini, rispettivamente, Tetideo e Boreale. Gli eventi a nannofossili riconosciuti nella Carota Sogno hanno permesso la distinzione di tre biozone/sottozone (NJT5a, NJT5b e NJT6) mentre quelli riconosciuti nelle Carote L1 e Schandelah hanno permesso l’identificazione di tre zone/sottozone (NJ5b, NJ6 e NJ7). Questi risultati sono stati confrontati con i dati di letteratura in modo da valutare la riproducibilità dei singoli eventi primari e secondari caratterizzanti l’intervallo del Pliensbachiano Superiore/Toarciano Inferiore con particolare interesse rivolto al limite Pliensbachiano/Toarciano ed al T-OAE nei domini Tetideo e Boreale. Per le sezioni Tetidee (Italia, Spagna del sud e dell’est, Francia del sud, Grecia ed Ungheria) gli eventi primari includono le prime comparse di Lotharingius sigillatus, Carinolithus poulnabronei, Lotharingius crucicentralis, Carinolithus superbus sceptrum, Watznaueria sp. 1, Discorhabdus striatus, la crisi di Schizosphaerella ed ultima comparsa di Mitrolithus jansae mentre le prime comparse di Lotharingius velatus e Discorhabdus ignotus sono considerate come eventi secondari. Allo stesso modo, per il dominio Boreale (Francia centrale e del nord, Inghilterra e Germania), sulla base della mia analisi critica si propone la separazione di eventi primari, comprendenti le prime comparse di Crepidolithus impontus, L. sigillatus, C. superbus sceptrum, D. striatus e le ultime comparse di Crucirhabdus primulus e Biscutum finchii e di eventi secondari, che includono le prime comparse di L. crucicentralis, L. velatus, D. ignotus, C. poulnabronei, Watznaueria sp. 1, la crisi di Schizosphaerella ed ultime comparse di Crepidolithus granulatus, Parhabdolithus liasicus e Biscutum grandis. Il mio studio ha rivelato che la prima comparsa di C. superbus sceptrum è l’unico evento riproducibile a scale sopraregionale e ha confermato che il limite Pliensbachiano/Toarciano è approssimato dalle prime comparse di L. sigillatus (top Pliensbachiano) e C. poulnabronei (Toarciano basale) nel dominio Tetideo mentre è identificato dall’ultima comparsa di C. primulus nel Boreale. Alle basse latitudini (Italia, Spagna del sud e dell’est, Francia del sud, Grecia ed Ungheria), il T-OAE è ben definito dalla prima comparsa di C. superbus sceptrum e dalla crisi di Schizosphaerella all’inizio e dall’ultima comparsa di M. jansae alla fine. Questi eventi sono riproducibili in Portogallo, con l’aggiunta della prima comparsa comune di D. ignotus determinante la fine dell’evento. Alle alte altitudini (Francia centrale e del nord, Spagna del nord, Inghilterra e Germania) l’inizio del T-OAE è definito dalla prima comparsa di C. superbus sceptrum. Eventi secondari, non riproducibili in Spagna del nord, sono la crisi di Schizosphaerella all’inizio del T-OAE e le ultime comparse di C. granulatus, B. finchii, P. liasicus e B. grandis all’interno dell’escursione negativa del carbonio caratterizzante il T-OAE. Sono state inoltre condotte analisi morfometriche su esemplari di Carinolithus superbus e Carinolithus magharensis che hanno permesso di chiarire le discrepanze tassonomiche riguardanti i due taxa. Due nuove sottospecie, Carinolithus superbus sceptrum e Carinolithus superbus superbus ed una nuova specie, Carinolithus premaghaarensis, sono state istituite mentre la specie C. magharensis è stata emendata. Studi qualitativi effettuati su foto al microscopio ottico del taxon Carinolithus cantaluppii hanno dimostrato che si tratta di un artefatto diagenetico del genere e che, quindi, questa specie deve essere rigettata. Implicazioni per la biostratigrafia ed i trend evolutivi del genere Carinolithus rappresentano un ulteriore oggetto di discussione.
CALCAREOUS NANNOFOSSIL BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND TAXONOMY ACROSS THE EARLY TOARCIAN OCEANIC ANOXIC EVENT: A COMPARISON BETWEEN TETHYAN AND BOREAL SECTIONS / S. Visentin ; tutor: E. Erba ; coordinatore del dottorato: F. Camara Artigas. DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA TERRA "ARDITO DESIO", 2020 Feb 04. 32. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2019. [10.13130/visentin-stefano_phd2020-02-04].
S. Visentin
Abstract The Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE), in the Early Jurassic Period, was associated with one of the largest perturbations of the carbon cycle in the past 250 Ma. This dramatic episode of ecosystem adjustments, global warming, oceanic anoxia and altered chemistry occurred during a crucial time for calcareous nannoplankton diversification as a major speciation episode took place in the Late Pliensbachian – Early Toarcian time interval. New genera and species appeared and quickly evolved allowing a high-resolution biostratigraphy of the onset and the termination of the T-OAE based on first and last occurrences. Moreover, drastic drops in abundance of some taxa are associated to the paleoenvironmental perturbations recorded across the T-OAE. In this PhD thesis I present a high-resolution calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of three cores drilled in the Lombardy Basin (Sogno Core) and in the Lower Saxony Basin (L1 and Schandelah Cores), covering the lithological expression of the T-OAE in the Tethyan and Boreal realms. Events recognized across the Sogno Core allow the detection of three biozones (NJT5a, NJT5b and NJT6) whereas those recognized in the L1 and Schandelah Cores result in the identification of three zone/subzones (NJ5b, NJ6 and NJ7). These results are integrated with data from literature in order to derive a solid framework of primary and secondary events characterizing the upper Pliensbachian/lower Toarcian interval with a special focus on the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary and the characterization of the T-OAE in the Tethyan and Boreal realms. For the Tethyan sections (Italy, South-East Spain, South France, Greece and Hungary) the primary events include the FOs of Lotharingius sigillatus, Carinolithus poulnabronei, Lotharingius crucicentralis, Carinolithus superbus sceptrum, Watznaueria sp. 1, Discorhabdus striatus, Schizosphaerella crisis and LO of Mitrolithus jansae while the FOs of Lotharingius velatus and Discorhabdus ignotus are considered within the secondary ones. Likewise, for the Boreal Realm (sections in Central-North France, England and Germany), my synthesis resulted in the separation of primary events including the FOs of Crepidolithus impontus, L. sigillatus, C. superbus sceptrum, D. striatus and LOs of Crucirhabdus primulus and Biscutum finchii from the secondary ones comprising the FOs of L. crucicentralis, L. velatus, D. ignotus, C. poulnabronei, Watznaueria sp. 1, Schizosphaerella crisis and LOs of Crepidolithus granulatus, Parhabdolithus liasicus and Biscutum grandis. My study revealed that the FO of C. superbus sceptrum is the only event reproducible at a supraregional level and confirmed that the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary is approximated by the FOs of L. sigillatus (slightly below) and C. poulnabronei (slightly above) in the Tethyan Realm and by the LO of C. primulus in the Boreal. At lower latitudes (sections in Italy, South-East Spain, South France, Greece and Hungary), my study revealed that the T-OAE is well constrained by the FOs of C. superbus sceptrum and the “Schizosphaerella crisis” at the onset and by the LO of M. jansae at its termination. These events are reproducible in Portugal, with the addition of the FCO of D. ignotus marking the termination of the event. At higher latitudes (sections in Central-North France, North Spain, England and Germany) my study confirms that the onset of the T-OAE is constrained by the FO of C. superbus sceptrum. Secondary events, not reproducible in North Spain, are the “Schizosphaerella crisis” at the onset of the T-OAE and the LOs of C. granulatus, B. finchii, P. liasicus and B. grandis within the carbon isotope excursion characterizing the T-OAE. Morphometric analyses conducted on Carinolithus superbus and Carinolithus magharensis specimens allow to clarify taxonomic discrepancies regarding the two taxa. Qualitative investigations performed on Carinolithus cantaluppii revealed that this taxon is a diagenetic artefact of the genus and, therefore, that this species must be rejected. Implications for biostratigraphy and evolutionary trends are discussed.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 10/07/2021
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