In Corrección de vicios, Salas Barbadillo revitalizes topical motifs and characters through the ingenious resources that he deploys in the dispositio and elocutio. We analyze: (a) the relationship of empathy that is established between the first narrator (which is the author’s textual image) and the second, Boca de todas verdades, in a complex narrative world based on the amalgam of different literary genres; (b) biblical reminiscences, especially the myth of the fall, and the frequent mentions of the devil, painted as a skilled merchant who exploits the powerful attraction of money to catch sinners in his nets; (c) the motif of the madness, that produces a destabilization of values and (d) the ironic devices to denounce the lie, the false appearances and the corruption of society.
In Corrección de vicios, Salas Barbadillo rivitalizza motivi e personaggi topici mediante ingegnosi procedimenti sul piano della dispositio e dell’elocutio. Fra il primo narratore (che è l’immagine testuale dell’autore) e il secondo, Boca de todas verdades, esiste una relazione di empatia che permette di creare un complesso mondo narrativo fondato sulla fusione di diversi generi letterari. Risultano significative le reminiscenze bibliche, soprattutto del mito della caduta, e le ricorrenti mezioni al diavolo, dipinto come un abile mercante, che sfrutta la potente attrazione del denaro per catturare i peccatori. Il motivo della pazzia produce una destabilizzazione di valori e attiva i dispositivi ironici per denunciare la menzogna, le false apparenze e la corruzione della società.
La almoneda del diablo: la ingeniosa ejemplaridad de Salas Barbadillo en "Corrección de vicios" / M. Rosso. ((Intervento presentato al convegno La narrativa de Jerónimo Salas Barbadillo tenutosi a Chieti-Pescara nel 2019.
La almoneda del diablo: la ingeniosa ejemplaridad de Salas Barbadillo en "Corrección de vicios"
M. RossoPrimo
In Corrección de vicios, Salas Barbadillo revitalizes topical motifs and characters through the ingenious resources that he deploys in the dispositio and elocutio. We analyze: (a) the relationship of empathy that is established between the first narrator (which is the author’s textual image) and the second, Boca de todas verdades, in a complex narrative world based on the amalgam of different literary genres; (b) biblical reminiscences, especially the myth of the fall, and the frequent mentions of the devil, painted as a skilled merchant who exploits the powerful attraction of money to catch sinners in his nets; (c) the motif of the madness, that produces a destabilization of values and (d) the ironic devices to denounce the lie, the false appearances and the corruption of society.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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