In the field situation, the potential benefit of the wide-scale application of molecular tools for healthy risk monitoring and pathogen control strategies is still under looked for a number of reasons. Among these, it should be mentioned the usually higher complexity and cost compared to most of the classical monitoring tools, and the sometimes incomplete in-field standardization of the protocols. On the other side, the molecular tools that are properly validated in terms of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy can greatly help pathogen detection especially in cases disease management programmes for reduction of morbidity and mortality relies both on prompt species-specific diagnosis and on effective profiling of species/strain virulence and host resistance. The molecular biology can support not only the identification and characterization of target pathogens, but also can help the breeding strategies aiming to increase the natural resistance of the host species. This PhD thesis is the outcome of a range of activities and experimental results aimed to a better implementation of molecular tools in the control strategies of some honey bee, Apis mellifera, and dairy cow diseases. This approach was selected since the above two food-producing livestock species are representative of very different production systems and are exposed to several pathogens with complex epidemiological, pathological and control implications. In facts, the health of the hive can be at risk not only for adult honeybee diseases, mainly of viral and fungal origin, but also for also for several brood diseases, mainly of bacterial and parasitic origin. Thus, proper monitoring of hive pests and selection of colonies that are resistant to brood diseases thanks to their high hygienic behavior attitude can be of advantage for the professional beekeeper, because it implies a decreased use of drugs and longer life of the hives. Regarding dairy cows, they can be affected by several pathogens with different impact regarding animal and human health. In facts, milk can be a good source of foodborne pathogens since it carries a variety of microorganisms. Indeed, it is a direct contact with contaminated sources in the milking stall from the environment and infected animals. In particular, the bacterial species Escherichia coli is a widespread pathogen whose different patterns of virulence factors can lead to very severe health implications for the dairy farm. The identification and pathogenic characterization of E. coli strains is highly important for public health since it can reproduce in animals, humans and the environment. The routine detections and differentiations of intestinal and extraintestinal E. coli in cows are usually based on a combination of biochemical tests; serotyping, phenotypic assays based on virulence characteristics and molecular detection methods. The detention of the causative agent is very important to infer the inherent sensitivity of the host animals to specific virulent strains and for the setup of an effective control strategy. In this project, the possibility to optimize the existing methods for a reliable diagnostical evaluation and accurate risk profiling linked to severe pathogens in field conditions, as a measure of the epidemiological exposure and sensitivity of the hosts, has been evaluated. For all the proposed molecular approaches, the comparison with reference methods that are already in use have been performed as a necessary step to guarantee reliable and comparable results. As a first topic, the research activity was focused to the development of a prognostic molecular assay targeting hygienic behavior (HB)-specific biomarkers in honeybee nurses, with the aim to test potential practical application in marker-assisted selective breeding programs. Currently, the beekeepers measure the HB score in their honeybee colonies using methods like the pin-prick test or freeze-killed brood (FKB) assays, during their in-field tests. These methods are inherently imprecise, time consuming and resource intensive for the breeders, thus limiting their suitability for widespread application. The availability of molecular biomarkers for the hygienic phenotype could fasten the recognition of this trait and the breeding process. The present work was characterized by a transversal approach: from in-field phenotypic characterization of HB with the classical methodology, to expression profiling of selected target genes in nurses, with the aim to assess differential expression of such genes between selected honeybee colonies with higher and lower HB, respectively. The expression data were obtained through qPCR analysis and the results highlighted the prominent significance of Act5 and Obp4 among the analyzed candidate markers as a distinguishable tools to infer the hygienic feature of a honeybee colony. This molecular approach has thus great potential for the use in the field as a reliable tool to measure inherent resistance of honeybee colonies to a wide range of brood pathogens. As a second topic, a new qPCR-HRMA-based approach was setup for the monitoring of honey bee nosemosis. This is a gut disease of adult honey bee caused by the microsporidia Nosema apis and N. ceranae. These two species are morphologically similar but differ in epidemiological pattern and virulence. Proper control strategies of the infection by beekeepers rely on correct species differentiation. The discrimination between the two species using the classical methods can be difficult since N. apis and N. ceranae spores are not easily distinguishable under microscopic examination. This may lead to misdiagnosis especially on samples from areas where both microsporidia are present. Correct species identification thus requires molecular analysis. Over the last years, several molecular methods with higher sensitivity and specificity compared to classical microscopy were designed. Nevertheless, a need for simple, rapid and cost-effective molecular protocols to discriminate between N. ceranae and N. apis still remains. High resolution melting analysis (HRMA) coupled to real-time PCR is a widely used technique to target sequence polymorphisms in different species without the need to perform DNA sequencing or to use species-specific probes. This work aimed to design a qualitative and quantitative assay for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of N. ceranae and N. apis infection in exposed honey bees, based on HRMA coupled to real time quantitative PCR (qPCR-HRMA). A fast and cost-effective qPCR-HRMA protocol to detect and differentiate simultaneously and unequivocally N. ceranae and N. apis DNA extracted from honey bees was then realized. The present method is simpler to use than most other DNA-based methods and provides comparable discrimination between the two sibling species, to be also useful as a measure of the exposition and sensitivity of the adult honeybees in defined epidemiological situation. And as a third research activity, the presence and virulence profile of pathogenic E. coli in bulk-tank dairy milking compared to milking machine filters samples was evaluated on a number of samples collected in dairy farms. To achieve this purpose, the classical isolation and identification techniques have been coupled with a molecular diagnostic approach. The results underlined the different detection pattern of pathogenic E. coli in the bulk-tank milk with respect to milking machine filter, with special regard to EIEC strains. The implementation of a combined microbiological and biomolecular approach allowed the selective identification of E. coli from other bacteria on specific media and the profiling of virulence factors, leading to a rapid and sensitive identification of pathogenic strains, as a necessary step for a proper characterization of the host and human exposure, and inherent health risk. In particular, the analysis of milk filters could be a useful tool to assess the presence of a risk of contamination by E. coli pathotypes both at food and environmental level. Overall, the results of the present project could help the characterization of the inherent sensitivity of the hosts to these diseases and, finally, of the inherent risk that the above pathogens may pone to the health of animals and/or humans.
L’utilizzo di strumenti molecolari per il monitoraggio del rischio delle malattie e per le strategie di controllo degli agenti patogeni in campo è ancora sottovalutato per molti motivi. Tra queste, bisogna considerare l’elevata complessità e il costo di queste metodiche rispetto all’utilizzo della maggior parte dei metodi classici di monitoraggio e, alcune volte, l’utilizzo di protocolli standard incompleti in campo. Gli strumenti molecolari che sono stati validati per sensibilità, specificità e accuratezza, possono contribuire notevolmente al rilevamento degli agenti patogeni, soprattutto nei casi in cui i programmi di gestione delle malattie per la riduzione della patogenicità e della mortalità si basano sia su una rapida diagnosi specifica delle specie sia su un efficace profilo di virulenza di specie/ceppo e resistenza all'ospite. La biologia molecolare può supportare non solo l'identificazione e la caratterizzazione di patogeni target, ma può aiutare anche nelle strategie di allevamento per aumentare la resistenza naturale delle specie ospitanti. Questa tesi di dottorato è la conseguenza di una serie di attività e risultati sperimentali finalizzati ad una migliore applicazione della biologia molecolari per le strategie di controllo delle malattie nelle api, in particolare Apis mellifera e nelle vacche da latte. Questo approccio è stato selezionato in quanto le due specie producono cibo in sistemi di produzione molto diversi e quindi sono esposti a diversi agenti patogeni con elevate implicazioni epidemiologiche, patologiche e di controllo. Infatti, la salute dell'alveare può essere messa a rischio per le malattie delle api adulte, principalmente di origine virale e fungina, e anche per le malattie di covata, principalmente di origine batterica e parassitaria. Pertanto, un adeguato monitoraggio dell'alveare e la selezione di colonie resistenti dalle malattie di covata (un elevato comportamento igienico) portano dei benefici all'apicoltore professionista, in quanto questo implica un ridotto uso di farmaci con una maggiore sopravvivenza degli alveari. Invece, le vacche da latte possono essere affette da diversi patogeni con un diverso impatto sull’animale e sulla salute umana. Il latte può essere una buona fonte di patogeni alimentari, in quanto trasporta una varietà di microrganismi. Infatti, esso è a contatto diretto con i contaminati della stalla di mungitura, di origine ambiente e da animali infetti. In particolare, Escherichia coli è un patogeno batterico ampiamente diffuso, con diversi pattern di fattori di virulenza che può determinare gravi conseguenze sulla salute dell’allevamento. L'identificazione e la caratterizzazione dei ceppi patogeni di E. coli è molto importante per la salute pubblica in quanto può riprodursi negli animali, nell'uomo e nell'ambiente. Le diagnosi di routine e le differenziazione di ceppi intestinali e extraintestinali di E. coli nelle bovine da latte si basano su una combinazione di test biochimici; sierotipizzazione, saggi fenotipici sui fattori di virulenza e sui metodi di rilevazione molecolare. Il rilevamento dell'agente patogeno è molto importante per capire la sensibilità innata dell’ospite a specifici ceppi di virulenti e per l’allestimento di una strategia di controllo efficace. In questo progetto è stata valutata la possibilità di ottimizzare i metodi esistenti per una valutazione diagnostica affidabile e per un accurato profilo del rischio legata ai patogeni, come il rilevamento epidemiologica all'esposizione e alla sensibilità dell’ospite. Per tutti gli approcci molecolari proposti è stato eseguito il confronto con i metodi standard già in uso, come step necessario per garantire affidabilità e comparabilità dei risultati. Primo capitolo, l'attività di ricerca si è concentrata sullo sviluppo di un metodo molecolare prognostico utilizzando dei biomarkers specifici per il comportamento igienico (HB) delle api nutrici, per verificare la potenziale applicazione in programmi di allevamento selettivo. Attualmente, gli apicoltori misurano i valori dell’HB nelle colonie con il pin-prick test o con il metodo dell’azoto liquido (FKB), durante i loro test in campo. Questi metodi sono molto imprecisi, richiedono tempo e molte risorse per gli allevatori, limitando così un'applicazione diffusa. La disponibilità di biomarkers molecolari per il fenotipo igienico potrebbe velocizzare il riconoscimento di questo tratto e il processo di breeding. Questo lavoro è caratterizzato da un approccio trasversale: dalla caratterizzazione fenotipica del HB in campo con un metodo standard, al profilo dell'espressione dei geni target nelle api nutrici, per valutare la differente espressione dei geni tra le colonie selezionate per un alto e basso HB. I dati dell'espressione genica sono stati ottenuti tramite qPCR e i risultati hanno evidenziato Act5 e Obp4 tra i marcatori candidati per individuare un fenotipo igienico di una colonia. Questo approccio molecolare ha un grande potenziale per l'utilizzo nel campo come strumento affidabile per misurare la resistenza delle colonie ad differenti patogeni di covata. Secondo capitolo, un nuovo approccio basato su qPCR-HRMA per il monitoraggio della nosemosi nelle api. Si tratta di una malattia intestinale delle api adulti causata dalla microsporidia Nosema apis e N. ceranae. Queste due specie sono morfologicamente simili ma differiscono per il pattern epidemiologico e virulenza. Le strategie di controllo dell'infezione da parte degli apicoltori si basano su una corretta differenziazione delle specie. La discriminazione tra le due specie può essere fatta con dei metodi classici può essere problematico in quanto le spore di N. apis e N. ceranae non sono facilmente distinguibili tramite l’esame al microscopico. Questo può portare a una diagnosi errata soprattutto nei campioni da aree in cui sono presenti entrambi i microsporidi. La corretta identificazione delle specie richiede quindi un'analisi molecolare. Negli ultimi anni sono stati messi a punto diversi metodi molecolari con una elevata sensibilità e specificità rispetto alla microscopia classica. Tuttavia, rimane ancora necessario l’utilizzo di protocolli molecolari semplici, rapidi ed economici per discriminare tra N. ceranae e N. apis. High resolution melting analysis (HRMA) con Real Time PCR è una tecnica ampiamente utilizzata per mettere a punto i polimorfismi di sequenza in diverse specie senza la necessità di eseguire sequenziamenti del DNA o di utilizzare sonde specie specifiche. Questo lavoro è finalizzato per progettare un metodo qualitativo e quantitativo per la rilevazione simultanea e la discriminazione delle infezioni causate da N. ceranae e N. apis, basato su HRMA accoppiato a Real-time PCR quantitativa (qPCR-HRMA). Un protocollo qPCR-HRMA veloce ed economico per individuare e differenziare simultaneamente e inequivocabilmente il DNA di N. ceranae e N. apis da DNA estratto dalle api. Questo metodo è più semplice della maggior parte degli altri metodi basati sul DNA e fornisce una discriminazione comparabile tra le due specie, utile anche come misura dell'esposizione e della sensibilità delle api adulte in situazioni epidemiologiche definite. Terzo capitolo, l’attività di ricerca si è basata sulla presenza e sul profilo di virulenza dei ceppi patogeni di E. coli nel latte di massa e nei filtri della macchina della mungitura ed è stato valutato su un certo numero di campioni raccolti nelle aziende casearie. Per raggiungere questo scopo, le tecniche di isolamento e di identificazione classiche sono state accoppiate con un approccio diagnostico molecolare. I risultati hanno sottolineato il diverso pattern di rilevazione di E. coli patogeni nel latte di massa rispetto al filtri della macchina della mungitura, con particolare riguardo ai ceppi enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC). L'unione dei metodi microbiologico e biomolecolari permette l'identificazione di E. coli da altri batteri su supporti specifici e dai profili dei fattori di virulenza, portando ad un'identificazione rapida e sensibile dei ceppi patogeni, step necessario per una corretta identificazione dell'esposizione per l’ospite e per l’uomo, e valutazione del rischio di salute inerente. In particolare, l'analisi dei filtri del latte potrebbe essere uno strumento utile per valutare la presenza del rischio di patotipi di E. coli sia a livello alimentare che ambientale. In generale, i risultati del presente progetto potrebbero contribuire alla caratterizzazione della sensibilità degli ospiti per queste malattie e, infine, del rischio che questi patogeni possono provocare per la salute degli animali e/o degli esseri umani.
OF MILK AND HONEY: MOLECULAR TOOLS TO MONITOR RESISTANCE IN HONEYBEE AND DAIRY COW DISEASES / F. Dell'orco ; tutor: M. Mortarino ; coordinatore: F. Gandolfi. DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA VETERINARIA, 2018 Mar 09. 30. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2017. [10.13130/dell-orco-francesca_phd2018-03-09].
F. Dell'Orco
In the field situation, the potential benefit of the wide-scale application of molecular tools for healthy risk monitoring and pathogen control strategies is still under looked for a number of reasons. Among these, it should be mentioned the usually higher complexity and cost compared to most of the classical monitoring tools, and the sometimes incomplete in-field standardization of the protocols. On the other side, the molecular tools that are properly validated in terms of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy can greatly help pathogen detection especially in cases disease management programmes for reduction of morbidity and mortality relies both on prompt species-specific diagnosis and on effective profiling of species/strain virulence and host resistance. The molecular biology can support not only the identification and characterization of target pathogens, but also can help the breeding strategies aiming to increase the natural resistance of the host species. This PhD thesis is the outcome of a range of activities and experimental results aimed to a better implementation of molecular tools in the control strategies of some honey bee, Apis mellifera, and dairy cow diseases. This approach was selected since the above two food-producing livestock species are representative of very different production systems and are exposed to several pathogens with complex epidemiological, pathological and control implications. In facts, the health of the hive can be at risk not only for adult honeybee diseases, mainly of viral and fungal origin, but also for also for several brood diseases, mainly of bacterial and parasitic origin. Thus, proper monitoring of hive pests and selection of colonies that are resistant to brood diseases thanks to their high hygienic behavior attitude can be of advantage for the professional beekeeper, because it implies a decreased use of drugs and longer life of the hives. Regarding dairy cows, they can be affected by several pathogens with different impact regarding animal and human health. In facts, milk can be a good source of foodborne pathogens since it carries a variety of microorganisms. Indeed, it is a direct contact with contaminated sources in the milking stall from the environment and infected animals. In particular, the bacterial species Escherichia coli is a widespread pathogen whose different patterns of virulence factors can lead to very severe health implications for the dairy farm. The identification and pathogenic characterization of E. coli strains is highly important for public health since it can reproduce in animals, humans and the environment. The routine detections and differentiations of intestinal and extraintestinal E. coli in cows are usually based on a combination of biochemical tests; serotyping, phenotypic assays based on virulence characteristics and molecular detection methods. The detention of the causative agent is very important to infer the inherent sensitivity of the host animals to specific virulent strains and for the setup of an effective control strategy. In this project, the possibility to optimize the existing methods for a reliable diagnostical evaluation and accurate risk profiling linked to severe pathogens in field conditions, as a measure of the epidemiological exposure and sensitivity of the hosts, has been evaluated. For all the proposed molecular approaches, the comparison with reference methods that are already in use have been performed as a necessary step to guarantee reliable and comparable results. As a first topic, the research activity was focused to the development of a prognostic molecular assay targeting hygienic behavior (HB)-specific biomarkers in honeybee nurses, with the aim to test potential practical application in marker-assisted selective breeding programs. Currently, the beekeepers measure the HB score in their honeybee colonies using methods like the pin-prick test or freeze-killed brood (FKB) assays, during their in-field tests. These methods are inherently imprecise, time consuming and resource intensive for the breeders, thus limiting their suitability for widespread application. The availability of molecular biomarkers for the hygienic phenotype could fasten the recognition of this trait and the breeding process. The present work was characterized by a transversal approach: from in-field phenotypic characterization of HB with the classical methodology, to expression profiling of selected target genes in nurses, with the aim to assess differential expression of such genes between selected honeybee colonies with higher and lower HB, respectively. The expression data were obtained through qPCR analysis and the results highlighted the prominent significance of Act5 and Obp4 among the analyzed candidate markers as a distinguishable tools to infer the hygienic feature of a honeybee colony. This molecular approach has thus great potential for the use in the field as a reliable tool to measure inherent resistance of honeybee colonies to a wide range of brood pathogens. As a second topic, a new qPCR-HRMA-based approach was setup for the monitoring of honey bee nosemosis. This is a gut disease of adult honey bee caused by the microsporidia Nosema apis and N. ceranae. These two species are morphologically similar but differ in epidemiological pattern and virulence. Proper control strategies of the infection by beekeepers rely on correct species differentiation. The discrimination between the two species using the classical methods can be difficult since N. apis and N. ceranae spores are not easily distinguishable under microscopic examination. This may lead to misdiagnosis especially on samples from areas where both microsporidia are present. Correct species identification thus requires molecular analysis. Over the last years, several molecular methods with higher sensitivity and specificity compared to classical microscopy were designed. Nevertheless, a need for simple, rapid and cost-effective molecular protocols to discriminate between N. ceranae and N. apis still remains. High resolution melting analysis (HRMA) coupled to real-time PCR is a widely used technique to target sequence polymorphisms in different species without the need to perform DNA sequencing or to use species-specific probes. This work aimed to design a qualitative and quantitative assay for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of N. ceranae and N. apis infection in exposed honey bees, based on HRMA coupled to real time quantitative PCR (qPCR-HRMA). A fast and cost-effective qPCR-HRMA protocol to detect and differentiate simultaneously and unequivocally N. ceranae and N. apis DNA extracted from honey bees was then realized. The present method is simpler to use than most other DNA-based methods and provides comparable discrimination between the two sibling species, to be also useful as a measure of the exposition and sensitivity of the adult honeybees in defined epidemiological situation. And as a third research activity, the presence and virulence profile of pathogenic E. coli in bulk-tank dairy milking compared to milking machine filters samples was evaluated on a number of samples collected in dairy farms. To achieve this purpose, the classical isolation and identification techniques have been coupled with a molecular diagnostic approach. The results underlined the different detection pattern of pathogenic E. coli in the bulk-tank milk with respect to milking machine filter, with special regard to EIEC strains. The implementation of a combined microbiological and biomolecular approach allowed the selective identification of E. coli from other bacteria on specific media and the profiling of virulence factors, leading to a rapid and sensitive identification of pathogenic strains, as a necessary step for a proper characterization of the host and human exposure, and inherent health risk. In particular, the analysis of milk filters could be a useful tool to assess the presence of a risk of contamination by E. coli pathotypes both at food and environmental level. Overall, the results of the present project could help the characterization of the inherent sensitivity of the hosts to these diseases and, finally, of the inherent risk that the above pathogens may pone to the health of animals and/or humans.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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