In the recent years, agriculture increasingly searched for new techniques that would allow a more efficient use of the agronomic inputs in order to optimize yields while decreasing environmental impact. Precision farming can play a key role to fulfil these requirements. Precision farming uses the newest technologies to monitor within-field and between-field crop variability to support agronomic decisions. Moreover, precision agriculture adopts machines for site-specific distribution of agronomic inputs in order to optimize their efficiency. Among agronomic inputs, fertilizers represent a great cost for farmers and can be a source of environmental pollution if not properly managed. This is particularly true in Lombardy, a region characterized by a high risk of nitrate leaching into the groundwater. In this context, vegetation monitoring to support fertilization is very interesting. Researchers, in particular, have focused on the application of remote sensing with optical sensors, because they are considered the most suitable for in-field applications. Thus, this research project began with a literature survey, whose results are presented in Chapter 1. The literature survey focused on the use of optical sensors for the estimation of crop variables related to maize nitrogen status: applied nitrogen rate, chlorophyll concentration, plant nitrogen concentration, LAI (leaf area index), above ground biomass, nitrogen uptake, grain yield, and optimal nitrogen rate. Maize was chosen as the target crop because it is the main crop cultivated in Lombardy. Ninety-one papers, published between 1992 and 2016, were identified. Relevant information describing the performance of various sensors was extracted from the papers. The performances of estimation were highly variable (R2 = 0.60-0.97). Moreover, each experiment produced specific regression equations for location, year, cultivar and development stage. This empiricism is the stronger limitation to the large-scale application of optical sensors for the estimation of nitrogen demands. The literature survey of Chapter 1 highlighted the successful local use of optical sensors to estimate crop variables related to nitrogen nutrition. However, it showed some limitations, irrespective of the studied crop. Limitations are in fact connected to the platforms on which the sensors are mounted i.e., the low spatial and temporal resolution of the optical information obtained by satellite sensors or the low temporal and spectral resolution of the tractor-mounted sensors. Another limitation of multispectral sensors is their ability to acquire only a small number of broad spectral bands. At the same time, the literature highlighted possible solutions to these issues: the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and the use of hyperspectral imaging sensors. The former could fly over the field at any time of the growing season carrying sensors characterized by very high spatial resolution, while the latter could provide high spectral resolution (hundreds of wavelengths) images, which would allow to investigate the effects of combined stressors. Indeed, nitrogen stress is often combined with water stress in the Italian environment, but their on optical sensor responses were not often studied in the literature. Chapter 2 reports the results of a greenhouse experiment to estimate nitrogen- and water- related variables of a model crop (Spinacia oleracea L.) using multivariate partial least squared regression models (PLS) on hyperspectral data. A completely randomized experimental design was arranged with two water levels x four nitrogen levels in two replicates. The reflectance of the canopy was acquired in 121 wavelengths, between 339 and 1094 nm, using a hyperspectral imaging system. For each pot, the average spectrum and the modified hyperspectrograms (a technique to compress the raw spectra, originally proposed in food science) were calculated and used as predictors of plant water content and plant nitrogen concentration. The best performances in cross-validation were reached in the estimation of the water content, both from the average spectrum and the hyperspectrograms. The hyperspectrograms led to slightly better performance than the average spectra: R2cv (cross validation) = 0.82 and RMSECV (Root Mean Square Error in Cross Validation) = 0.86% FM for the estimation of the water content and R2cv = 0.57 and RMSECV = 0.19% DM for the estimation of the nitrogen concentration. The better performances in the estimation of the water content (compared to nitrogen concentration) can be attributed to a greater influence of water stress on the geometry of the canopy and on its spectral properties. This result emphasizes that the combined effect of multiple stressors on the structure and the reflectance of the canopy should be further studied. In conclusion, hyperspectral imaging proved to be a very interesting technique as well as hyperspectrograms extraction, opening new opportunities for the in-field applications of this technique. Finally, knowing the great interest of UAV-based remote sensing applications, Chapters 3, 4 and 5 report the results obtained in two case studies in the field. The UAV-based optical monitoring was applied to estimate the in-field variability of maize and winter wheat using two multispectral sensors: a modified commercial camera and a professional one. The experimental maize field (Chapter 3) was monitored during two years (2014-2015) with a commercial digital camera (Canon® Powershot SX260 HS), modified to acquire reflectance in two visible channels (blue and green) and one near-infrared channel. Crop samples were taken at V6 and V9 (sixth and ninth unfolded leaves) phenological stages. These stages are adequate to carry out an N diagnosis of the field, because these are the stages when normally top dressing fertilization is carried out. The plant above ground biomass was determined analytically, while the vegetation indices BNDVI and GNDVI of the entire plots (soil + vegetation) and of the vegetation alone were calculated from the optical images. The very high spatial resolution of the digital camera allowed to estimate also the vegetation fraction cover. The best predictor of the above ground biomass was found to be the estimated vegetation fraction cover: the regression equation built on the two years of experimentation (V9 only) gained R2= 0.87 and rRMSE (relative RMSE, i.e. the RMSE expressed as a percentage of the measured average) of 17%. The low cost digital camera led to very good performances in the estimation of the above ground biomass thanks to its high spatial resolution, which compensated the lack of an adequate spectral resolution, as revealed also by the comparison made with the professional camera (presented in Chapter 4). The experimental wheat field (Chapter 5) was monitored in the year 2016 on three phenological stages (25, 31 and 45 BBCH) to identify the best time to make the UAV survey and to classify the field in homogeneous areas for nitrogen management. The camera used was a MicaSense RedEdge™, which measures reflectance in five channels: blue, green, red, red-edge and near-infrared. Three vegetation indices were calculated from the aerial images (NDVI, GNDVI and NDRE). The NDRE index was found to be the best estimator of grain yield (R2= 0.76 to 0.91) and above ground biomass (R2 from 0.37 to 0.90), in all phenological stages. The most suitable time for crop monitoring was found to be 31 BBCH. At this phenological stage, in fact, the crop monitoring guaranteed a satisfactory estimation of wheat above ground biomass which was also found to be closely related to the grain yield. Moreover, three homogeneous zones have been identified, based on the errors in biomass estimation. Finally, the average above ground biomass and nitrogen uptake were calculated for each homogeneous zone, putting the basis for an accurate prescription map for fertilizer applications. All the experiments carried out during this PhD project confirmed the reliability of optical sensors (multispectral and hyperspectral) to monitor vegetation for fertilization purposes when nitrogen is the main limiting factor. The UAV was found to be a useful and reliable tool for in-field applications. Finally, it was also found that, due to the non-univocal relationships between canopy optical properties and nitrogen-related crop variables, optical monitoring of within-field variability should be conceived as part of an integrated system that combines additional information related to the variability of soil and weather. Only in this way it would be possible to build a decision support system able to take into account agroecosystem complexity in order to provide accurate fertilization rate prescriptions.
Negli ultimi anni, l’attenzione dell’agricoltura è stata rivolta alla ricerca di tecniche di coltivazione che permettessero un utilizzo più efficiente degli input ottimizzando così le rese e diminuendo l’impatto ambientale del sistema produttivo. Grazie alle recenti tecnologie, l’agricoltura di precisione costituisce un’interessante risposta al problema. Essa sfrutta le recenti tecnologie per il monitoraggio della variabilità di campo (e tra campi) perché confluiscano in un sistema integrato di supporto alle decisioni agronomiche inoltre, traduce le informazioni raccolte attraverso macchinari adatti alla distribuzione sito-specifica degli input agronomici. La fertilizzazione, tra gli altri, rappresenta un importante costo di produzione per l’agricoltore e, se mal gestita, costituisce una fonte di inquinamento ambientale, soprattutto in un territorio come la Lombardia, a rischio di lisciviazione dei nitrati in falda. Lo sviluppo delle recenti tecnologie, sia di monitoraggio della vegetazione che di distribuzione degli input, ha aperto la possibilità di studiare la variabilità di campo così da poter essere usata come guida alla distribuzione sito-specifica dei fertilizzanti. Il monitoraggio della vegetazione attraverso sensori ottici tramite telerilevamento, in particolare, ha attratto l’interesse della ricerca perché è il più adatto per le applicazioni in pieno campo. Il progetto di ricerca presentato ha quindi avuto inizio con uno studio approfondito della letteratura, i cui risultati sono stati presentati nel primo capitolo. Lo studio si è concentrato sull’utilizzo di sensori ottici per la stima di variabili colturali legate allo stato di nutrizione azotata del mais (dose di azoto applicata, concentrazione di clorofilla, concentrazione di azoto nelle piante, LAI (leaf area index), biomassa aerea, azoto assorbito, resa, dose ottimale di fertilizzante). La ricerca si è concentrata sulle tecniche di telerilevamento con sensori ottici applicati al mais, principale coltura in Lombardia. Sono stati raccolti 91 articoli pubblicati tra il 1992 e il 2016. I risultati sono stati influenzati dallo stadio di sviluppo della coltura, dal target dello strumento, dalle bande spettrali studiate e dagli indici vegetazionali ricavati. Le stime delle variabili colturali indagate sono molto variabili (R2 = 0.6-0.97) e che ogni esperimento ha prodotto regressioni specifiche per posizione geografica, anno, cultivar, e fase di sviluppo. Questo empirismo rappresenta una limitazione all’utilizzo su vasta di scala di algoritmi generici per la stima degli apporti azotati. In conclusione, lo studio della letteratura ha evidenziato la possibilità di utilizzare con successo sensori ottici per la stima delle variabili colturali legate alla nutrizione azotata pur evidenziando alcuni limiti, generalizzabili perché indipendenti dalla coltura oggetto di studio. Tali limiti possono essere connessi sia alle piattaforme su cui sono montati i sensori, ad esempio: la bassa risoluzione spaziale e temporale delle informazioni ottiche ricavate da satellite e la bassa risoluzione temporale e spettrale dei sensori montati su trattore; sia al sensore in sé. I sensori maggiormente utilizzati sono infatti multispettrali, caratterizzati dalla possibilità di acquisire un numero ristretto di larghe bande spettrali. Contemporaneamente, dallo studio della letteratura sono emerse due recenti tecnologie che potrebbero superare i limiti mostrati dalle piattaforme e dai sensori ottici più comuni: il drone (come nuova piattaforma) e i sensori di imaging iperspettrali. Il primo può potenzialmente sorvolare il campo in qualsiasi momento del ciclo colturale ad altezze di volo e velocità tali da poter montare sensori ad altissima risoluzione spaziale, mentre i secondi forniscono un’informazione spazializzata ad alta risoluzione spettrale (centinaia di lunghezze d’onda) che permette di studiare più a fondo gli effetti di più stress combinati sulle proprietà ottiche della coltura. Questo punto è infatti un fronte di ricerca aperto, dal momento che nei nostri ambienti non è infrequente che lo stress nutrizionale per carenza di azoto si sovrapponga allo stress idrico. Il capitolo 2 presenta quindi un esperimento in serra per stimare gli stati azotato e idrico di una coltura modello (Spinacia oleracea) attraverso modelli di regressione multivariata partial least squared (PLS) su dato iperspettrale, quando i fattori di crescita azoto e acqua sono limitanti (disegno sperimentale a randomizzazione completa: due livelli idrici x quattro livelli azotati x due repliche). La riflettanza della canopy è stata acquisita in 121 lunghezze d'onda, tra 339 e 1094 nm, da un sistema di imaging iperspettrale. Lo spettro medio e l’iperspettrogramma, tecnica sviluppata in ambito delle scienze alimentai, sono stati calcolati per ogni vaso e usati come predittori del contenuto idrico e della concentrazione di azoto. Le performance in cross-validazione sono risultate migliori nella stima del contenuto idrico che della concentrazione di azoto, sia da spettro medio che da iperspettrogramma. L’iperspettrogramma ha portato a performance leggermente migliori: R2cv=0.82 e RMSECV=0.86 % pf per la stima del contenuto idrico e R2cv=0.57 e RMSECV=0.19% ps per la stima della concentrazione di azoto. Le migliori performance nella stima del contenuto idrico sono ascrivibili ad una maggior influenza dello stress idrico sia sulla geometria della canopy che sulla sua risposta spettrale. Questo risultato sottolinea come l'effetto combinato di più fattori di stress sulla struttura e sulla riflettanza della canopy debba essere ancora approfondito. Infine l’imaging iperspettrale si è rivelata una tecnica molto interessante così come l’estrazione degli iperspettrogrammi, aprendo prospettive per l’uso della tecnica in pieno campo. Dando seguito, infine, all’interesse crescente per le tecniche di rilevamento ottico da drone, i Capitoli 3-4-5 contengono due casi studio in cui il monitoraggio da drone, per la stima della variabilità in esperimenti di pieno campo su mais e frumento, è stato applicato con due camere: una fotocamera commerciale modificata ed una ad uso professionale. Il campo sperimentale di mais è stato monitorato in due annate (2014-2015). Il monitoraggio è avvenuto tramite drone con una fotocamera digitale commerciale (Canon® Powershot SX260 HS) modificata per acquisire la riflettanza nel visibile (canali blu e verde) e nel vicino infrarosso. I campionamenti sono avvenuti su mais a stadio fenologico V6 e V9 (due momenti utili per l’applicazione della concimazione di copertura). La biomassa aerea, la concentrazione di azoto e l’azoto asportato sono stati determinati analiticamente, mentre gli indici vegetazionali BNDVI, GNDVI delle parcelle e della sola vegetazione sono stati calcolati dall’immagine aerea. L’alta risoluzione della camera ha permesso di stimare anche la copertura vegetale. Il miglior predittore della biomassa aerea è risultato essere la copertura vegetale stimata da BNDVI: l’equazione di regressione costruita sui due anni di sperimentazione (solo V9) è risultata avere un R2 = 0.87 e rRMSE del 17%. Il sistema di imaging a basso costo ha portato ad ottime prestazioni nella stima della biomassa grazie all’altissima risoluzione spaziale che compensa la mancanza di un’adeguata risoluzione spettrale, limite emerso da un confronto con la camera multispettrale ad uso professionale presentato nel Capitolo 4. Il campo sperimentale di frumento è stato monitorato nell’anno 2016 in tre stadi fenologici 25, 31 e 45 BBCH con l'obiettivo di individuare il momento migliore per fare la ricognizione aerea e di classificare il campo in zone omogenee per la gestione dell'azoto (Capitolo 5). Il monitoraggio è avvenuto tramite fotocamera multispettrale per uso professionale (MicaSense RedEdge™) che acquisisce l’informazione spettrale in cinque canali: blu, verde, rosso, red-edge e vicino infrarosso. Tre indici vegetazionali sono stati calcolati dalle immagini aeree (NDVI, GNDVI e NDRE). L’indice NDRE è risultato essere il miglior indice per la stima sia della resa in granella (R2 da 0.76 a 0.91) che della biomassa aerea (R2 da 0.37 a 0.9) in tutte le fasi fenologiche. Il momento più adatto per il monitoraggio delle colture è risultato essere a 31 BBCH, compromesso tra la miglior stima della resa e le necessità della coltura in termini di nutrizione azotata. Infine, sulla base dell’errore di stima, sono state identificate tre zone omogenee di cui è stata stimata la produzione media di biomassa e il suo assorbimento di azoto, mettendo le basi per la creazione di un’accurata mappa di prescrizione per le applicazioni di fertilizzante. Gli esperimenti condotti, hanno confermato l’applicabilità dei sensori ottici, sia multispettrali che iperspettrali, per il monitoraggio della vegetazione ai fini della concimazione azotata, quando l’azoto è il principale fattore limitante. Il drone si è rivelato uno strumento utile e affidabile per le applicazioni di tali tecniche in pieno campo. È infine emerso che, a causa della mancata univocità della relazione tra le proprietà ottiche della canopy e le variabili colturali inerenti la nutrizione azotata, il monitoraggio ottico della variabilità di campo deve essere visto come parte di un sistema integrato che unisca più informazioni legate alla variabilità del suolo, del meteo ecc. in modo da costruire un sistema di supporto alle decisioni che tenga in considerazione la complessità della coltura, così da dare informazioni accurate riguardo alla sola risposta alla concimazione, purificate da elementi di rumore quali le interazioni con altri stress.
MULTISPECTRAL AND HYPERSPECTRAL SENSINGFOR NITROGEN MANAGEMENT IN AGRICULTURE / M. Corti ; supervisore: L. Bechini ; co-supervisori: P. Marino Gallina, G. Cabassi (CREA FLC Lodi) ; coordinatore: D. Bassi. DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE AGRARIE E AMBIENTALI - PRODUZIONE, TERRITORIO, AGROENERGIA, 2017 Mar 17. 29. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2016. [10.13130/m-corti_phd2017-03-17].
M. Corti
In the recent years, agriculture increasingly searched for new techniques that would allow a more efficient use of the agronomic inputs in order to optimize yields while decreasing environmental impact. Precision farming can play a key role to fulfil these requirements. Precision farming uses the newest technologies to monitor within-field and between-field crop variability to support agronomic decisions. Moreover, precision agriculture adopts machines for site-specific distribution of agronomic inputs in order to optimize their efficiency. Among agronomic inputs, fertilizers represent a great cost for farmers and can be a source of environmental pollution if not properly managed. This is particularly true in Lombardy, a region characterized by a high risk of nitrate leaching into the groundwater. In this context, vegetation monitoring to support fertilization is very interesting. Researchers, in particular, have focused on the application of remote sensing with optical sensors, because they are considered the most suitable for in-field applications. Thus, this research project began with a literature survey, whose results are presented in Chapter 1. The literature survey focused on the use of optical sensors for the estimation of crop variables related to maize nitrogen status: applied nitrogen rate, chlorophyll concentration, plant nitrogen concentration, LAI (leaf area index), above ground biomass, nitrogen uptake, grain yield, and optimal nitrogen rate. Maize was chosen as the target crop because it is the main crop cultivated in Lombardy. Ninety-one papers, published between 1992 and 2016, were identified. Relevant information describing the performance of various sensors was extracted from the papers. The performances of estimation were highly variable (R2 = 0.60-0.97). Moreover, each experiment produced specific regression equations for location, year, cultivar and development stage. This empiricism is the stronger limitation to the large-scale application of optical sensors for the estimation of nitrogen demands. The literature survey of Chapter 1 highlighted the successful local use of optical sensors to estimate crop variables related to nitrogen nutrition. However, it showed some limitations, irrespective of the studied crop. Limitations are in fact connected to the platforms on which the sensors are mounted i.e., the low spatial and temporal resolution of the optical information obtained by satellite sensors or the low temporal and spectral resolution of the tractor-mounted sensors. Another limitation of multispectral sensors is their ability to acquire only a small number of broad spectral bands. At the same time, the literature highlighted possible solutions to these issues: the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and the use of hyperspectral imaging sensors. The former could fly over the field at any time of the growing season carrying sensors characterized by very high spatial resolution, while the latter could provide high spectral resolution (hundreds of wavelengths) images, which would allow to investigate the effects of combined stressors. Indeed, nitrogen stress is often combined with water stress in the Italian environment, but their on optical sensor responses were not often studied in the literature. Chapter 2 reports the results of a greenhouse experiment to estimate nitrogen- and water- related variables of a model crop (Spinacia oleracea L.) using multivariate partial least squared regression models (PLS) on hyperspectral data. A completely randomized experimental design was arranged with two water levels x four nitrogen levels in two replicates. The reflectance of the canopy was acquired in 121 wavelengths, between 339 and 1094 nm, using a hyperspectral imaging system. For each pot, the average spectrum and the modified hyperspectrograms (a technique to compress the raw spectra, originally proposed in food science) were calculated and used as predictors of plant water content and plant nitrogen concentration. The best performances in cross-validation were reached in the estimation of the water content, both from the average spectrum and the hyperspectrograms. The hyperspectrograms led to slightly better performance than the average spectra: R2cv (cross validation) = 0.82 and RMSECV (Root Mean Square Error in Cross Validation) = 0.86% FM for the estimation of the water content and R2cv = 0.57 and RMSECV = 0.19% DM for the estimation of the nitrogen concentration. The better performances in the estimation of the water content (compared to nitrogen concentration) can be attributed to a greater influence of water stress on the geometry of the canopy and on its spectral properties. This result emphasizes that the combined effect of multiple stressors on the structure and the reflectance of the canopy should be further studied. In conclusion, hyperspectral imaging proved to be a very interesting technique as well as hyperspectrograms extraction, opening new opportunities for the in-field applications of this technique. Finally, knowing the great interest of UAV-based remote sensing applications, Chapters 3, 4 and 5 report the results obtained in two case studies in the field. The UAV-based optical monitoring was applied to estimate the in-field variability of maize and winter wheat using two multispectral sensors: a modified commercial camera and a professional one. The experimental maize field (Chapter 3) was monitored during two years (2014-2015) with a commercial digital camera (Canon® Powershot SX260 HS), modified to acquire reflectance in two visible channels (blue and green) and one near-infrared channel. Crop samples were taken at V6 and V9 (sixth and ninth unfolded leaves) phenological stages. These stages are adequate to carry out an N diagnosis of the field, because these are the stages when normally top dressing fertilization is carried out. The plant above ground biomass was determined analytically, while the vegetation indices BNDVI and GNDVI of the entire plots (soil + vegetation) and of the vegetation alone were calculated from the optical images. The very high spatial resolution of the digital camera allowed to estimate also the vegetation fraction cover. The best predictor of the above ground biomass was found to be the estimated vegetation fraction cover: the regression equation built on the two years of experimentation (V9 only) gained R2= 0.87 and rRMSE (relative RMSE, i.e. the RMSE expressed as a percentage of the measured average) of 17%. The low cost digital camera led to very good performances in the estimation of the above ground biomass thanks to its high spatial resolution, which compensated the lack of an adequate spectral resolution, as revealed also by the comparison made with the professional camera (presented in Chapter 4). The experimental wheat field (Chapter 5) was monitored in the year 2016 on three phenological stages (25, 31 and 45 BBCH) to identify the best time to make the UAV survey and to classify the field in homogeneous areas for nitrogen management. The camera used was a MicaSense RedEdge™, which measures reflectance in five channels: blue, green, red, red-edge and near-infrared. Three vegetation indices were calculated from the aerial images (NDVI, GNDVI and NDRE). The NDRE index was found to be the best estimator of grain yield (R2= 0.76 to 0.91) and above ground biomass (R2 from 0.37 to 0.90), in all phenological stages. The most suitable time for crop monitoring was found to be 31 BBCH. At this phenological stage, in fact, the crop monitoring guaranteed a satisfactory estimation of wheat above ground biomass which was also found to be closely related to the grain yield. Moreover, three homogeneous zones have been identified, based on the errors in biomass estimation. Finally, the average above ground biomass and nitrogen uptake were calculated for each homogeneous zone, putting the basis for an accurate prescription map for fertilizer applications. All the experiments carried out during this PhD project confirmed the reliability of optical sensors (multispectral and hyperspectral) to monitor vegetation for fertilization purposes when nitrogen is the main limiting factor. The UAV was found to be a useful and reliable tool for in-field applications. Finally, it was also found that, due to the non-univocal relationships between canopy optical properties and nitrogen-related crop variables, optical monitoring of within-field variability should be conceived as part of an integrated system that combines additional information related to the variability of soil and weather. Only in this way it would be possible to build a decision support system able to take into account agroecosystem complexity in order to provide accurate fertilization rate prescriptions.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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