Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Global Proprioceptive Resonance (GPR) by Multifocal Vibrations (MFV) on muscle performance in healthy subjects. The aim was to find out a correlation between the neuromuscular system (electromyographic, electrognatographic activity) and an ergonomic structure that leads to a muscular release. The sample was analyzed at time T0 (before the ergonomic structure) and at time T1 (after the ergonomic structure). Materials and Methods: Thirty volunteers (sixteen males and fourteen females, aged 19-25 years) underwent, in a randomized order, both the electromyography and the electrognathography (EMG - EKG) before (time T0) the multi focal vibration and immediately after it (time T1). The volunteers had some common features: I molar and canine class, facial symmetry, no temporomandibular joint (TMJ) diseases and no systemic diseases. Keope is the ergonomic structure used in this protocol: it gives a psyco-physical release thanks to multifocal vibrations. K6-Myotronics EMG-EKG has used in this study. Results: The results showed a significant improvement in the neuromuscular activity. Muscular activity meanly decreases, while the Freeway Space increases in 53% of cases: this is the evidence of a muscular release after Keope. The effects of MFV on the surface EMG of masseters and anterior temporalis muscles induced statistically significant change in masseters muscles (p<0.05). Conclusions: In this preliminary study it was concluded that the multifocal vibration (MFV) induced changes in neuromuscular system. Further and future studies should focus on evaluating the effects on orthodontic and temporomandibular disease patients, as well as the long term effects.
Obiettivo: Lo scopo di questo studio è stato valutare gli effetti della Risonanza Propriocettiva Globale (GPR) a Vibrazione Multifocale (MFV) sulla performance muscolare in soggetti sani, ed individuare una correlazione tra il sistema neuromuscolare (elettromiografia, elettrognatografia) ed una struttura ergonomica (Keope) che porta ad un rilascio neuromuscolare. Materiali e Metodi: Trenta volontari (sedici maschi e quattrodici femmine, di età compresa quattordici 19-25 anni) sono stati sottoposti, in ordine casuale, sia all’esame elettromiografico che all‘esame elettrognatografico (EMG - ECG) prima della GPR (tempo T0) e subito dopo la GPR (tempo T1) . I volontari hanno evidenziato alcune caratteristiche comuni: I Classe molare e canina, la simmetria del viso, assenza di disfunzioni temporo-mandibolari e di malattie sistematiche. Keope è la struttura ergonomica utilizzata in questo protocollo: produce un beneficio psico-fisico grazie alle vibrazioni multifocali. Sono state utilizzate in questo studio EMG-K6 Myotronics. Risultati: I risultati hanno mostrato un significativo miglioramento dell'attività neuromuscolare. L’attività muscolare diminuisce moderatamente, mentre lo spazio Freeway aumenta nel 53% dei casi: questa è la prova di un rilascio muscolare dopo Keope. Gli effetti di MFV sulla EMG di superficie di masseteri e di muscoli temporali anteriori hanno indotto variazioni statisticamente significative nei muscoli masseteri (p <0,05). Conclusioni: In questo studio preliminare si è concluso che la GPR vibrazione multifocale ha indotto cambiamenti nel sistema neuromuscolare. Ulteriori studi futuri dovrebbero concentrarsi sulla valutazione degli effetti sui pazienti con malocclusioni dentoscheletriche e patologie temporomandibolari, così come gli effetti a lungo termine.
Risonanza Propriocettiva Globale : effetti sul sistema neuromuscolare - Global Proprioceptive Resonance : effects on neuromuscular system / U. Garagiola, P. Cressoni, R. Cornalba, G. Sesso, L. Terzi. ((Intervento presentato al 20. convegno Nazionale Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria tenutosi a Roma nel 2013.
Risonanza Propriocettiva Globale : effetti sul sistema neuromuscolare - Global Proprioceptive Resonance : effects on neuromuscular system
U. Garagiola;
Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Global Proprioceptive Resonance (GPR) by Multifocal Vibrations (MFV) on muscle performance in healthy subjects. The aim was to find out a correlation between the neuromuscular system (electromyographic, electrognatographic activity) and an ergonomic structure that leads to a muscular release. The sample was analyzed at time T0 (before the ergonomic structure) and at time T1 (after the ergonomic structure). Materials and Methods: Thirty volunteers (sixteen males and fourteen females, aged 19-25 years) underwent, in a randomized order, both the electromyography and the electrognathography (EMG - EKG) before (time T0) the multi focal vibration and immediately after it (time T1). The volunteers had some common features: I molar and canine class, facial symmetry, no temporomandibular joint (TMJ) diseases and no systemic diseases. Keope is the ergonomic structure used in this protocol: it gives a psyco-physical release thanks to multifocal vibrations. K6-Myotronics EMG-EKG has used in this study. Results: The results showed a significant improvement in the neuromuscular activity. Muscular activity meanly decreases, while the Freeway Space increases in 53% of cases: this is the evidence of a muscular release after Keope. The effects of MFV on the surface EMG of masseters and anterior temporalis muscles induced statistically significant change in masseters muscles (p<0.05). Conclusions: In this preliminary study it was concluded that the multifocal vibration (MFV) induced changes in neuromuscular system. Further and future studies should focus on evaluating the effects on orthodontic and temporomandibular disease patients, as well as the long term effects.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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