The paper investigates the issue of maternity in the Italian reformist literature of the second half of the 18th century. Through the critics of the cloister and of forced monachizations, the authors considered in this paper highlight the natural and social dimension of female maternal role. However, this does not lead to give women the freedom to dispose of themselves.
Il contributo analizza il tema della maternità nella letteratura politica riformatrice italiana della seconda metà del XVIII secolo. Attraverso la critica del convento e delle vocazioni forzate, gli autori presi in considerazione sottolineano la dimensione naturale e sociale del ruolo riproduttivo femminile. Tuttavia ciò non li conduce a riconoscere alle donne della libertà di disporre di sé.
La maternité expliquée aux religieuses : la construction de la notion de maternité à travers la critique du célibat des religieuses en Italie dans la deuxième moitié du 18ème siècle / A. Doria - In: La maternité à l'épreuve du genre : métamorphoses et permanences de la maternité dans l'aire méditerranéenne / [a cura di] Y. Knibiehler, F. Arena, R. M. Cid Lopez. - Rennes : Presses de l'École des hautes études en santé publique, 2012. - ISBN 978-2-8109-0089-3. - pp. 3-233 (( convegno La meternité à l'épreuve du genre : les métamorphoses et les permanences de la maternité dans l'aire méditerranéenne tenutosi a Aix-en-Provence nel 2011.
La maternité expliquée aux religieuses : la construction de la notion de maternité à travers la critique du célibat des religieuses en Italie dans la deuxième moitié du 18ème siècle
A. DoriaPrimo
The paper investigates the issue of maternity in the Italian reformist literature of the second half of the 18th century. Through the critics of the cloister and of forced monachizations, the authors considered in this paper highlight the natural and social dimension of female maternal role. However, this does not lead to give women the freedom to dispose of themselves.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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